Ok lenses are a kind of popular glasses in recent years, it is more convenient to use, to a certain extent, can slow down myopia deepening, well liked by the people. ok lenses use also has certain precautions, especially the age, generally after 18 years old can also wear ok lenses, there will be a certain effect.
Can ok lenses be used after 18 years old
They can be used after 18 years old.
Strictly speaking, there is a lower limit but not an upper limit to the age requirement for wearing orthokeratology lenses. Therefore, people over the age of 18 can also wear keratoconus lenses. After the age of 18, the eyes are fully developed and the refractive error tends to be stabilized, then myopia can be corrected by myopia surgery and the lens can be removed in the real sense. Therefore, many people will choose to have their myopia corrected by means of myopia surgery after reaching the age of 18, instead of choosing to continue to wear corneal reshaping lenses. The State Drug Administration also specifically proposed that keratoplasty lenses belong to the class of medical devices, only qualified ophthalmic institutions are qualified to carry out testing and dispensing.
Therefore, when parents are fitting their children with keratoplasty lenses, they must choose a regular ophthalmology organization to do the fitting and use them under the guidance of an ophthalmologist, and go to the hospital on a regular basis to receive a review and maintenance by an optometrist, which is safer for nearsighted children and adolescents.
Generally speaking, the regular eye institutions have a scientific fitting, use of the program, check the equipment is more complete, and there are specialized optometrists regularly for children with glasses to carry out ophthalmological examinations, lens care, vision testing and other tasks.
What kind of people are suitable for wearing OK lensesTheoretically, people who are 8-40 years old, with 50-600 degrees of true myopia, normal corneal curvature, normal intraocular pressure, no ocular diseases, no ocular inflammation, and no incomplete eyelid closure are suitable for wearing OK lenses. Therefore, it is necessary to go to the regular eye hospital after a complete medical optometry examination to finally decide whether it is suitable for wearing.
Because teenagers' eyes are not yet fully developed, they are not suitable for myopia correction surgery, so the current wearers of OK lenses are mainly teenagers.
Methods of wearing OK lenses
Method 1:
Place the inner surface of the lens upward on the tip of the right index finger, put a drop of lubricant into the concave surface of the lens, the wearer's both eyes are fixed in front of the eyes, use the left index finger to pull open the upper eyelid and fix it in the arch of the eyebrow, and use the middle finger of the right hand to pull open the lower eyelid to put the lens gently in the center of the cornea, release the lower eyelid first, and then release the upper eyelid, blinking gently, and then look into the mirror to make sure the lens is worn in the center of the cornea. blink gently and look into the mirror to make sure the lens is on the cornea.
Method 2:
Open both lids with the index finger and thumb of the hand on which you are wearing the lens, position the fingers as close to the lid margin as possible, place the lens on the tip of the index finger of the other hand, gently place the lens in the center of the cornea, loosen the lower eyelid and then the upper eyelid, blink gently, and make sure that the lens is in the cornea in front of the mirror.
Note: A mirror can be placed in front of the eyes, when wearing a mirror, you should open both eyes at the same time, so that the eyes are fixed in the mirror in a place, when wearing a mirror to control the rotation of the eyeballs, and in addition to ensure that the lens is placed in the cornea after the stability of the fingers can be slowly released to pull the eyelid, too early to release the possibility of making the lens shifted or dislodged. In addition, the soaking time of the lens must be more than 4 hours before wearing.