AIoT is what?AIIoT?Seek to understand_aiot in the end what does it mean

AloT's full English name is "Artificial&InternetofThings", broadly speaking, refers to the integration of artificial intelligence technology and the Internet of Things in the practical application of the landing, but along with the arrival of 5G wave, "AloT" connotation is also more and more rich. "The connotation of AIoT is also increasingly rich. AIoT is not simply AIIoT, but the application of artificial intelligence, IoT and other technologies, with big data, cloud computing as the basic support, semiconductors as the algorithmic carrier, cybersecurity technology as the implementation of the security, and 5G as a catalyst for the integration of data, knowledge and intelligence.

5G, AI and other emerging technologies will explode in 2019, allowing more and more application scenarios, such as autonomous driving, city brain, AI pension, medical imaging, etc., to enter our lives. 5G, with its high speed, high capacity and low latency, will bring more efficient information transmission channels to the Internet of Things (IoT), which is interconnected with everything. With its high-speed, high-capacity and low-latency characteristics, 5G brings a more efficient information transmission channel to the Internet of Things (IoT), which has a broad prospect in the fields of smart home, Telematics, unmanned vehicles, smart cities, smart medical care, and smart rural areas. The addition of AI technology, on the other hand, provides IoT with a smarter information collection portal and richer application scenarios. Through AI can pull a more isolated device into the scenario, can greatly enhance the response space of IoT.