Maternal and child health education bulletin board content

Regular gynecological examination is conducive to the early detection of diseases and early treatment. There are many gynecological diseases that do not have symptoms in the early stage, regular gynecological examination can be early detection of disease, women and children's health is becoming more and more important. The following is the content of the maternal and child health education bulletin board that I have carefully organized for you, I hope it will help you!

Women's and children's health education bulletin board content 1

First, women's health

1, puberty health

From the onset of menstruation to the period of gradual development of the reproductive organs, also known as the period of puberty; it is the development of the child to the adult transition period. The World Health Organization defines puberty as the period from 10 to 19 years of age.

(1) Physiological characteristics of puberty

1. Physical development

The growth of height and weight is the second peak after the early childhood period, the sudden increase in height is an important symbol of the arrival of puberty. During this period, height increases by about 5 to 7 centimeters per year. Weight is about 5 to 6 kilograms per year.

2. The development of the reproductive system

Manifestation of the external genitalia from childish to adult type, such as the pubic mound bulging, the labia majora and minora thickened and enlarged, the labia minora have pigmentation, the vagina appeared folds, the length and width of the increase. The uterus enlarges, the body of the uterus enlarges especially significantly, and the ratio of the body of the uterus to the cervix of the uterus shifts from 1:2 in early childhood to 2:1 in adulthood. the fallopian tubes are thickened, and follicles of varying degrees of development appear in the ovaries.

3. First Menstruation

The first menstrual period is called menarche. The first menstruation is one of the most important indicators of the onset of puberty. The age of menarche is mostly between 13 and 15, with individual differences depending on factors such as environment and health status. If menarche occurs before the age of 9, it is important to consider whether it is ? Precocious puberty? If menarche occurs before the age of 9, it should be considered as precocious puberty, and if menarche does not occur after the age of 18, it may be primary amenorrhea, and should be checked by a doctor as soon as possible. Since the ovaries are not yet functioning properly, the menstrual cycle is not regular after menarche and has to be adjusted gradually to be close to normal. The first day of bleeding is the beginning of the menstrual cycle, and the interval between the first day of two menstrual periods is one menstrual cycle, usually 28-30 days. The duration of menstruation is 2-7 days, mostly 3-5 days. The amount of blood that flows with each menstrual period is the menstrual flow, which is about 50 milliliters. Menstrual blood is usually dark red in color and is mainly characterized by non-coagulation, occasionally there may be small clots, which is normal.

There are usually no special symptoms during menstruation. Some women may experience symptoms such as lower abdominal and lumbosacral drop sensation, mild headache, insomnia, diarrhea or constipation, which generally do not affect daily life and work.

4. Appearance of secondary sexual characteristics

Secondary sexual characteristics refer to the signs unique to men and women other than the genitals. In women, the first signs are breast development, followed by the appearance of pubic hair and armpit hair, widening of the pelvis, increased subcutaneous fat on the chest, shoulders and buttocks, and the appearance of a unique female physique.

5. Systemic development

(1) Circulatory system: the heart is enlarged and the heart muscle is thickened. Blood pressure and cardiac output increase, and the pulse gradually slows down and approaches the adult standard.

(2) Respiratory system: the development of both lungs reaches the peak period, the respiratory function increases, and the lung capacity increases.

(3) Nervous system: Brain development in weight and volume changes little, but the brain neural structure gradually developed to close to the adult. It is manifested in active thinking, improved ability to respond to things, more accurate and coordinated fine movements, and strengthened analytical reasoning ability and memory.

(B) the psychological and behavioral characteristics of adolescence

1. The emergence of sexual awareness

Adolescence in the physiological maturity of the psychological play a special impact and role is the emergence of sexual awareness, the beginning of awareness of their own gender, awareness of the relationship between the sexes, as well as attitudes towards the two sexes and behavioral norms.

2. Self-consciousness increases

After entering puberty, self-consciousness develops rapidly, prominently manifested in strong self-esteem, ? The sense of adulthood is also a key factor in the development of a new generation of children. and the need to seek out the best in the world. The first is the fact that the first is a new one. The sense of independence is strong. At this stage, adolescents are often characterized by the contradiction between ideal and reality, independence and dependence.

3. Curiosity wins strong imitation

This kind of mentality is easy to be influenced by others, to the complexity of the social temptations in the identification and judgment ability is not yet mature, easy to dip into bad habits, go astray.

4. The emergence of a closed mentality

Teenagers have a sense of adulthood at the same time, began to appear in adolescence unique closed mentality, that is, the beginning of the formation of a sense of secrecy. It is manifested in the awareness of the problem, the outside world, parents, teachers, tightly closed. The psychological characteristics of adolescence have both the side of closed-mindedness and the side of longing to be understood. Teachers, parents should fully understand and master this psychological characteristics, pay attention to the way, grasp the period, timely help and guidance.

(C) adolescent health guidance

1. Nutritional guidance

(1) Adolescence is a period of rapid development, nutritional needs greatly increased. First of all, the need for calories is more than adults, the source of calories is mainly sugar in the staple food, so the amount of meals needs to increase, hormones, antibodies, enzymes and other rapid increase in aggregation, which mainly rely on protein, so should be more dairy, beans, fish and grains and cereals in this period.

(2) Vitamin A, vitamin B, vitamin D are essential for growth and development, calcium and phosphorus are the main raw materials for bone and teeth, iron is an important ingredient in the composition of the blood red blood cells, should pay attention to supplementation during puberty. Excessive dieting or weight loss will affect the endocrine system and the development of the body.

2. Psychological guidance

Before and after puberty, with the sexual maturity, psychological changes are great, especially the awakening of sexual awareness. During this period, girls show shyness, anxiety, personality changes, and love for the opposite sex. During this period, the formation of self-consciousness, intention of independence and sense of adulthood is often a contradiction between independence and dependence. Therefore, the education of sexual knowledge and moral concepts should be strengthened, according to the psychological characteristics of adolescents, parents, teachers and their adults should be concerned about their dating situation, correct guidance.

3. Guidance on menstrual hygiene

(1) Choose soft, absorbent hygiene products, keep the vulva clean, and don't take a bath.

(2) Avoid cold stimulation and heavy physical labor.

(3) Eat less spicy food, do not smoke and drink alcohol.

(4) Discover the abnormal phenomenon of menstruation, or the appearance of premenstrual acne, do not squeeze or abuse of drugs, should be timely medical care.

Second, pre-marital health care

is to be married to men and women for health care counseling and health checks, necessary knowledge of marriage and childbearing publicity, for the husband and wife to live in harmony, happiness and pregnancy and health

a good foundation.

(A) pre-marital health guidance

1. Sexual health guidance

Including basic knowledge of sexual physiology, sexual psychology and sexual health.

2. Reproductive health guidance

(1) Preparation for planned pregnancy: including the selection of the time of conception, preparation of health conditions, and avoidance of interference with unfavorable factors.

(2) Can be based on the calendar projection method, basal body temperature measurement method, cervical mucus observation method to help determine the ? The stage of pregnancy can be easily determined by the method of schedule projection, basal body temperature measurement and cervical mucus observation. and? The first is to make sure that you have the right amount of money to pay for it. The first step is to arrange for conception during the fertile period.

3. Newlywed birth control guidance

Newlywed couples should consider the physiological characteristics of the newlywed stage in choosing contraceptive methods, the method should be simple, and after stopping the use of not to affect the reproductive function and the health of the offspring.

(1) short-term contraception after marriage: generally appropriate for external contraceptives, such as male condom method is simple, easy to grasp, coated with some contraceptive cream, can increase lubrication, reduce the sense of foreign body, improve the effect of contraception. Natural contraceptive method has simple, economic, safe, harmless advantages, but because of the new marriage period of mental excitement, physical exertion, etc. will affect the ovulation law, so when the use of special caution, in case of failure.

(2) after marriage requires a longer-term (more than 1 year) contraception in addition to the choice of external contraceptives, such as no contraindications to steroidal hormone drugs, oral contraceptives can be used to short-acting appropriate. Stop using it six months before the planned pregnancy.

(3) after marriage requires long-term contraception or remarriage is not prepared to give birth to: should be the first to use a long-acting, safe, simple, economic stability of contraceptive methods, such as intrauterine device, long-acting contraceptive injection, subcutaneous implantation and other methods.

(4) For those who are not suitable for childbearing: in principle, the sick party should take sterilization or long-acting contraceptive measures.

(2) Marriage and parenthood medical opinion

1. Deferred marriage

(1) related to mental illness in the onset of the disease: such patients in the onset of the period of the loss of self-control; after the marriage of a variety of factors affecting the patient's recovery; if the female patient pregnant after marriage, a large number of antipsychotic drugs on the fetus have teratogenic, developmental delay, fetal death in the uterus and other impacts.

(2) designated infectious diseases in the infectious period: the health hazards of marriage at this time: ① infected spouse; ② affect the recovery of the disease; ③ if the pregnancy can be infected to the fetus, resulting in a bad outcome.

(3) Disease of vital organs with insufficiency.

(4) Developmental disorders of reproductive organs: may affect the sexual life after marriage, should be corrected before marriage.

Maternal and child health education bulletin board content article 2

1, so that children are healthier and happier growth

International Children's Day (also known as Children's Day, International Children's Day), which is to guarantee the right to survival, health care and education of children in all countries of the world, in order to improve the lives of children, in order to oppose the abuse of children and the poisoning of children's holiday. It is a holiday that guarantees children's rights to survival, health care and education in all countries of the world, to improve their lives, and to oppose child abuse and poisoning. In most countries, it is usually celebrated on June 1 every year, and in November 1949, the Women's International Democratic Federation formally decided that June 1 every year would be a holiday for children and teenagers all over the world, i.e., International Children's Day. After the founding of the new China in 1949, the People's Republic of China formally decided that June 1 every year would be International Children's Day.

Childhood is the most critical time of life in the growth and development, to complete the basic children's health care, is to ensure that children's growth and development of the most basic needs of the community, the family, health care professionals, have the responsibility and obligation to do a good job on a regular basis to children's physical examination, disease screening, and other health care work.

Children are the future of the country, the hope of the nation, our society should create a good family, social and learning environment for children, so that they are healthier, happier and more happy to grow.

2, 0 ~ 36 months of children's health care have check content?

(1) the country's free basic public **** health services

Children in the birthing hospital to establish the "Child Health Handbook", free of charge in the jurisdiction (or other health care units) for regular systematic child health checkups, counseling, ① newborn visit: 2 visits within 28 days after the discharge of newborns. ② 4.2.1 Physical Examination: 4 checkups for children under 1 year of age (3, 6, 9 and 12 months), 1-3 years old every 6 months, and 3-7 years old once a year.

(2) other children's health checkups:

① newborn congenital disease screening Currently the province to carry out hypothyroidism, phenylketonuria, two inborn metabolic disease screening; ② newborn hearing screening; ③ regular physical examination health care institutions, child health care practitioners, according to the child's age, the children agreed to the time of the regular examination. The examination includes height, weight, hematocrit, mouth, eyes, hearing, intelligence and blood tests. Parents should take their children to the district or other health care units for child health checkups according to the time agreed by the doctor;④ Prevention and treatment of common and frequent diseases Early screening, timely treatment and correction of nutritional diseases, infectious diseases, developmental diseases, as well as amblyopia, strabismus, dental caries, weak hearing, and other common and frequent diseases of children.

3. What are the benefits of regular medical checkups for children?

According to the children's physical examination to understand the growth and development data, accurate evaluation of each child's current physical health, early detection of certain hidden diseases, such as malnutrition, anemia, myopia, dental caries, congenital heart disease; early detection of certain pediatric infectious diseases, such as hepatitis. Early health intervention or disease correction for children is conducive to ensuring the healthy growth of children.

4, why newborn screening?

At present, the newborn disease screening in our province is the screening of congenital hypothyroidism and phenylketonuria, two inborn metabolic diseases. Through screening we can detect congenital hypothyroidism (referred to as CH) and phenylketonuria (referred to as PKU) disease as early as possible.

Congenital hypothyroidism is a disease that causes growth retardation and intellectual backwardness due to congenital abnormalities in the development of the thyroid gland, resulting in insufficient synthesis of thyroid hormones. Also known as? cretinism? The incidence of the disease in China is about 1:3000~4000.

Phenylketonuria will lead to low intelligence and brain damage in children. Affected children are mostly born without any abnormalities, with growth and development (3 to 6 months) only began to show symptoms, the most obvious at the age of 1 year. If the disease is detected in the neonatal period and treatment is initiated within 3 months of birth, the child's intelligence level can reach that of a normal person. If treatment is delayed, the damage to intelligence will be irreversible.

Therefore, the key to the two inborn metabolic diseases, congenital hypothyroidism and phenylketonuria, lies in early detection, diagnosis, and treatment during the neonatal period, so as to avoid irreversible neonatal birth defects.

5, parents should also give the child what health checks?

Vision care: Regular vision checkups for children can help detect vision abnormalities in time and find out the causes of vision abnormalities for timely correction and treatment. The main causes of vision abnormalities are: abnormal refraction (including myopia, pathologic hyperopia, astigmatism and refractive error), amblyopia, ocular trauma and other eye diseases.

Hearing health care: pay attention to children's hearing, can be checked once a year, timely detection of hearing damage, to avoid a variety of factors caused by children's hearing impairment.

Oral health care: annual checkup for oral diseases, timely detection and prevention. Oral health should include clean teeth, no cavities, no pain, normal gum color, no bleeding. It is recommended that children brush their teeth in the morning and evening, rinse their mouths frequently, and use fluoride toothpaste in moderation.

6. Why should newborns be screened for hearing?

Hearing impairment is one of the common birth defects. Domestic and international research data show that the incidence of bilateral hearing impairment in newborns is 1?~4?, of which the incidence of severe and very severe hearing impairment is about 1? Early detection of hearing impairment in children plays a very important role in the prevention of deafness and speech development disorders.

Normal hearing is a prerequisite for language learning. Infants with normal hearing can usually learn to speak at 4 to 9 months, which is an important milestone in language development. And children with severe hearing loss due to lack of language stimulation and environmental influences, can not enter the 11 months before? Babble? articulation period, cannot establish normal language learning at the age of 2 to 3 years which is the most important and critical stage of language development, and are examined to have congenital hearing impairment, however, it is too late to start language rehabilitation treatment at this time. In mild cases, it leads to psychological and behavioral problems such as language and speech disorders, low social adaptability, attention deficit and learning difficulties, and in severe cases, it leads to deafness, which will seriously affect the child's intellectual development and create physical, psychological and economic problems for the child's future life.

In general, parents can hardly find children's hearing impairment in the first year, so that many children with hearing impairment lose the best time for timely rehabilitation in the first time; early newborn hearing screening can find hearing impairment as early as possible, so that the use of hearing aids and other artificial means to help establish a language stimulation environment before the critical age of language development, then the language development is not impaired or less impaired. The hearing screen can detect hearing impairment as early as possible, so that they can use hearing aids and other artificial means to help establish a language stimulation environment before the critical age of language development.

7. What are the other health checks for children aged 3 to 7?

In addition to the routine physical examination, children aged 3 to 7 years old can also undergo special examinations according to their individual conditions: trace elements, bone alkaline phosphatase, Denver IQ test, picture vocabulary test, temperament measurement, children's Raven's Reasoning Test and so on, and if they are found to have behavioral anomalies, they can be sent to the pediatric outpatient clinic for consultation.

Maternal and child health education bulletin board content 3

First, the vitamin folic acid introduction

Folic acid is a water-soluble vitamin, the appearance of egg-yellow crystalline powder, slightly soluble in water on the heat and light is not stable, easy to oxidize and inactivation. Initially, this vitamin was isolated from spinach leaves, so it was named ? Folic acid?

Second, what is a neural tube defect?

The malformation that occurs when the neural tube is not well developed is called neural tube malformation, which is categorized as anencephaly and spina bifida. Anencephaly and spina bifida are both malformations that occur early in fetal life, and the head and spine develop first from a portion of the cells during early embryonic development? neural tube? The front end of the neural tube develops into the head, and its back end develops into the spine. If the anterior end of the neural tube is not well developed and closed during development, anencephaly develops; if the posterior end of the neural tube is not well closed, spina bifida develops.

Third, the city's folic acid to receive, follow-up procedures

1, to receive the crowd: ready to get pregnant before 3 months to 3 months of early pregnancy women;

2, to receive the location: ① city marriage registration and prenuptial health care centers (health building, eighth floor); ② the city's 13 townships health centers, six street offices of the Community Health Service Center Obstetrics and Gynecology or health care; ③ health care unit pregnancy health clinic; ③ the health care unit pregnancy health clinic;

3, the drugs received: folic acid tablets (0.4 mg? 31 tablets / bottle); 4, the frequency of receipt: each time to receive a 2-month amount, that is, 2 bottles, *** to receive 3 times;

5, the follow-up procedures: township health centers, community health centers and other personnel, through the telephone, household, pick up the medicine when the way the follow up, to understand the situation of the medication;

6, special circumstances: the person taking medication in the medication after the emergence of abnormalities, please promptly contact with the issuance of medication township health centers, community health service center medical staff.

7, if a woman taking folic acid for 6 months without pregnancy, should continue to supplement folic acid under the guidance of a doctor.

Fourth, why do women of childbearing age take folic acid tablets before pregnancy and early pregnancy?

Pre-conception should be ingested before the full amount of folic acid, the existing medical has been proved to lead to neural tube malformations, the main reason is the lack of folic acid in the body. But now the question is: ? It may be too late to start supplementing with folic acid after pregnancy!? Dr. Green, a doctor of applied nutrition at the University of Guilford in Canada, says, "Because neural tube closure occurs early in pregnancy, at three to four weeks of embryonic development, it is common for a woman to be more than four weeks pregnant by the time she learns she is pregnant. Therefore, we recommend that women begin consuming adequate amounts of folic acid to minimize or avoid neural tube defects 3 months before they plan to become pregnant.

Currently, experts recommend that women of childbearing age consume 0.4 milligrams of folic acid per day before and during early pregnancy. In food, cereals such as bread, pasta, white rice and flour, as well as beef liver and orange juice are natural folic acid big. But experts said it is not easy to get enough folic acid from food, in addition to subtracting 50 to 90 percent of cooking losses. The results of a survey of 73 Chinese women of childbearing age announced at the symposium showed that daily consumption of folic acid-fortified milk powder intake of 375 micrograms of folic acid can increase the concentration of folic acid in the blood to the highest level of folic acid prevention, effective prevention of neural tube defects. Therefore, experts recommend that women should take folic acid tablets before pregnancy and early pregnancy to maintain the daily requirement.

Professor Li Zhu, director of the Institute of Reproductive Health at Peking University and director of the Key Laboratory of Reproductive Health at the Ministry of Health, pointed out: ? It is best to start taking folic acid in the first trimester of pregnancy because it takes a while for folic acid levels in the body to improve; and supplementing folic acid throughout the pregnancy can solve the problems of perinatal fetal deaths, low-birth-weight births, and hemolysis in newborns.?

V. Folic acid health care knowledge quiz?

Pregnant women: what exactly is the role of folic acid? Why should the mother-to-be supplement folic acid?

Doctor: In the first month of pregnancy, pregnant women in the body of the embryonic cell division at an alarming rate, folic acid has to help cell division and growth and the formation of the role of DNA, can effectively prevent fetal neural tube development abnormalities, while preventing megaloblastic anemia, but also to prevent preterm delivery. If a pregnant woman is deficient in folic acid, it can cause an obstacle to embryonic cell division, leading to abnormal cell division and malformed embryonic cell development, especially due to malformed neural tube development, resulting in a fetus with ? anencephaly? or? spina bifida?

Pregnant women: folic acid is so important that it should be supplemented as soon as you get pregnant, right?

Doctor: Wrong, folic acid supplementation is best started before pregnancy. The best time for folic acid supplementation should be from three months before pregnancy to three months after pregnancy, and it is best to continue to the end of pregnancy. In the middle and late pregnancy, the synthesis of the baby's DNA, the placenta, maternal tissues and red blood cells increase, all so that the mother-to-be on the need for folic acid greatly increased, so even if the baby's nervous system in the early stages of pregnancy has been developed, but the lack of folic acid in the middle and late pregnancy will still cause megaloblastic anemia, pre-eclampsia, placental abruption occurs.

Pregnant women: what foods are rich in folic acid?

Doctor: folic acid belongs to a kind of vitamin, is an important component of the diet, it is found in liver, bamboo shoots, fruits, wheat and green vegetables. In order to the baby's health, the mother-to-be must correct the bad habits of partiality, so that the table more folic acid-rich foods, such as spinach, milk, animal liver, potatoes, fruits, tomatoes and so on, in order to eliminate the possibility of reducing folic acid deficiency.

Pregnant women: what are other safe ways to supplement folic acid besides food?

Doctors: mothers-to-be, in supplemental folic acid, need to pay attention to the following points:

1, in the normal diet, take 0.4 mg of folic acid per day is a safe dose, face most pharmacies selling folic acid supplements are mostly therapeutic use of medicines, each tablet contains 5 mg of folic acid, is not suitable for mothers-to-be to take;

2, take folic acid supplements for pregnant women during the period of time, while

3, such as taking folic acid after three months did not conceive as scheduled, you can continue to supplement folic acid until pregnancy.

Pregnant women: since the fetus needs, then supplement folic acid is not the more the better?

Doctor: a normal amount of folic acid supplementation is necessary for the mother-to-be, but a large dose of folic acid instead of producing toxic side effects, such as affecting the absorption of zinc and lead to zinc deficiency, delayed development of the baby in the womb, the birth of a low birth weight and so on; in addition, a large dose of folic acid intake, but also mask the symptoms of vitamin B12 deficiency, which can lead to serious irreversible neurological damage.