What is the phone number of Suzhou Linmai Automation Equipment Technology Co.

Suzhou Lingmai Automation Equipment Technology Co., Ltd. contact information: company phone 0512-36829939, 公司邮箱dujian@leenmax.com, the company has 12 contact information in the love enterprise search ***, including 6 phone numbers.

Company Profile:

Suzhou Lingmai Automation Equipment Technology Co., Ltd. is a limited liability company established in 2014-08-27 in Suzhou, Jiangsu Province, the registered address is located in the Suzhou High-tech Zone, Suzhou High-tech Zone, Yinzhu Road, No. 15, Plant No. 2.

Suzhou Lingmai Automation Equipment Technology Co., Ltd. legal representative Du Jian, registered capital of 10 million (yuan), is currently in business.

Suzhou Lingmai Automation Equipment Technology Co.