Please translate. I want to do don't use design but English is not good, don't google translate. Please standardize it. I'm not sure if I can do that.

In ancient times, our forefathers communicated by words of mouth, which was slow and inexact. Later after that, there appeared beacon for message spreading, which was followed by delivering messages by couriers who travelled a long distance, which was a little faster. Later after that, there appeared beacon for message spreading, which was followed by delivering messages by couriers who travelled a long distance, which was a little faster than the above, while it was a Then sending messages through homing pigeons developed but its use was limited because of there would be something missing in the course of flying. When it came to modern times, telegraphy came into use and greatly improved inter-personal communication, but the telegraphy machine was heavy and the telegraphs were not easy to use. When it came to modern times, telegraphy came into use and greatly improved inter-personal communication, but the telegraphy machine was heavy and not easy to carry. Recent years have seen the emerging of a new kind of portable device called cell phone for people to use to keep in contact with one another.

Once, when it came to judging a cell phone, most people held the idea of the smaller the better.

Once, when it came to judging a cell phone, most people held the idea of the smaller the better. A lot of people born after the 1980s would saw their parents as well as other people of the same age carrying Motorola V998, a smallt ype of flip phone. There was also a type of Panasonic phone with Jay Chow as its image spokesman, which is a petite kind of phone enjoying plenty of popularity for some time. Perhaps there exist some certain elements in the design of a cell phone. There was also a type of Panasonic phone with Jay Chow as its image spokesman, which is a petite kind of phone enjoying plenty of popularity for some time. industry, Today some type is out, while the same design is sure to win back attention of the customers sometime in the future.

At the San Francisco

At the San Francisco Expo on January 1, 2007, a new generation phone of revolutionary features called iPhone with a screen sized 3.5 inch was unveiled. Following the introduction of the iPhone into the market, a new generation phone with revolutionary features called iPhone was unveiled. introduction of the iPhone into the market, touch-screen cell phone began to catch on, but faced by the increasingly growing size of the screen, people

Shortly after the appearance of iPhone, people regarded it a large-screen one because Shortly after the appearance of iPhone, people regarded it a large-screen one because of its 3.5 inch, while at present, even a screen of 5 inch is not large enough to boast of being huge screen. inch is merely a minimum size for cell phone customers, and there are quite a few sizes raning from 4.3 inch, 4.5 inch, 4.7 inch to a large variety of other sizes, and 5 inch has become a must for a fashionable person, while 6-inch screen is an ultimate size for a smart cell phone, which triggered our thinking and Another question: will cell phones really challenge iPads to occupy the market?

A review of the cell phone history revealed that its development experienced variours sizes. First it wasthe mobile telephone once called boss of the boss. First it wasthe mobile telephone once called boss of the boss. Then it came to Motorola 3100, and next came Galaxy SIII. The mobile phone has gone through ups and downs in terms of outer appearance, being small for some time and large for another time, and who can tell what it will be like in the future?
