Dale, Dale, England, lives in a valley between mountains.
Dana, Dana, a Hebrew from Denmark; Mother of God; Smart and pure.
Daphne, Daphne in Greek mythology, laurel; Laurel.
Dalida Lin England, gentle and lovely; Love gently.
Dawn, dawn, England, dawn, wake up and cheer up.
Debby, Debbie, Hebrew bees; Queen bee.
Deborah Deborah Hebrew bee; Queen bee.
Deirdre Dietrich Gail is sad.
Delia, Delia Greece, shepherdess
Dennis, Dennis Greece, stands for flowers.
Diana, Diana Latin, as bright as a white painting; moon
Dinah, Dinah, Hebrew judge, daughter of Jacob.
Dolores dolores, Latin, sadness, pain or regret.
Dominic Dominica, Latin, belongs to God.
Donna, Donna, Latin, lady, lady, madam.
Dora, Dora, Greece, a gift from God.
Doreen, Doreen, Greece, a gift from God.
Doris, Doris Greece, from the sea; Goddess of the sea.
Dorothy Dorothy Greece, a gift from God.