Medical emergency knowledge

Medical first aid knowledge

Medical first aid knowledge, nowadays there are a lot of diseases that are not regular, need to learn about medical related knowledge, knowledge is very important, many people are very weak on medical knowledge, the following is to understand the medical first aid knowledge, look at it.

Medical first aid knowledge 1

First, heatstroke

Heatstroke patient performance: general weakness, lack of mental energy, headache and dizziness, thirst, elevated body temperature, flushing, rapid pulse, fainted on the ground. High temperature is the root cause of poisoning.

First aid:

1, quickly move the patient to a cool place or air-conditioned room, lying down to rest.

2, with a wet towel cold compress head, armpits and groin, etc., if possible, with warm water to wipe the whole body, while the skin, muscle massage, accelerate blood circulation, promote heat dissipation.

3, light to encourage patients to drink salt water, patchouli pills, etc..

4, severe heatstroke, after cooling and other treatment, early transportation to the hospital.

Second, burns

1, away from the heat source, remove the clothing covering the wound.

2. Flush the wound with cold, clear water.

3, gently dry the wound, cover it with gauze to protect the wound, do not apply medicine casually, do not pick open blisters.

4, serious burns, quickly call the emergency number and send to the hospital.

Third, drowning

1, first of all, the drowning person should be rescued out of the water as soon as possible.

2, the drowning person flat on the ground, quickly pry open the mouth, clear the oral and nasal cavity of foreign bodies such as silt, weeds, etc., so that its airway is open.

3, the drowning person will be placed on the thigh of the rescuer bent at the knee, head down, press its back to promote the discharge of foreign bodies in the stomach.

4, when the drowning person's breathing stops or is extremely weak, you should immediately implement artificial respiration, chest compressions if necessary, and continue until the arrival of professional rescuers.

Four, electric shock

1, immediately cut off the power supply, with the insulator will be the injured and the wire separated.

2, in the case of determining the casualty is not electrified, immediately rescue.

3. Check for other injuries.

4, cover the injured part with gauze, bandage.

5, no breathing, heartbeat immediately defibrillation, cardiopulmonary resuscitation, call the emergency telephone, quickly sent to the hospital.

(a) How to carry out first aid first aid

The primary task of the scene is to save lives, reduce the pain of the injured, reduce and prevent the aggravation of injuries and the occurrence of complications, and correctly and quickly transfer the injured and sick to the hospital.

1, first aid steps

(1) alarm. Once the casualties, do not panic, immediately call the police on the 120 emergency phone.

(2) Necessary on-site treatment of the sick and injured.

①Rapidly exclude fatal and injury-causing factors. Such as moving away from the heavy objects pressed on the body, evacuate the scene of poisoning, if it is accidental electrocution, the power supply should be cut off immediately; remove the sick and wounded in the mouth and nose of the mud, vomit, blood clots, or other foreign objects, to maintain a clear airway.

② check the life characteristics of the injured. Check the injured patient breathing, heartbeat, pulse. If there is no breathing or cardiac arrest, CPR should be carried out immediately on the spot.

③ Stop bleeding. Trauma bleeding, should be quickly bandaged to stop bleeding. Hemostatic material should be local, available pressure bandage, on the tourniquet or acupressure hemostasis. Then the sick and wounded will be sent to the hospital as soon as possible.

④ If there is abdominal organs out or cranial tissue expansion, can be protected by clean towels, soft fabrics or enamel bowls.

⑤ Temporary immobilization with wooden boards, etc., if there is a fracture.

⑥ unconscious person, before the cause of the disease, pay attention to the heartbeat, respiration, both sides of the pupil size. If there is tongue falling back, the tongue should be pulled out or fixed outside the mouth with a pin piercing to prevent asphyxiation.

(3) rapid and correct transportation of the sick and wounded. According to the different injuries and conditions, according to the condition of the 'priority to choose the appropriate tools for transportation. The transportation should always pay attention to the changes in the condition of the sick and wounded.

2, the injury simple treatment

Bleeding: you can tear the clothes on the body into pieces of cloth, bleeding wounds on the local pressure to stop bleeding.

Fracture: the scene can find a small splint, tree branches and other things, the affected limbs are bandaged fixed.

Head trauma: tilt the injured person's head to one side, do not tilt it, because it will cause vomiting, and it is very easy to cause the injured person to suffocate.

Abdominal trauma: fasten a clean container to the abdominal wall injury to prevent abdominal infection.

Respiratory arrest: timely mouth-to-mouth artificial respiration and simple chest compressions.

(B) cardiopulmonary resuscitation

1, what is cardiopulmonary resuscitation

Resuscitation treatment of respiratory arrest of acute and critical patients is called cardiopulmonary resuscitation. The purpose of CPR is to open the airway and rebuild breathing and circulation. People can only perform CPR on others if they are well informed and trained in CPR.

Cardiopulmonary resuscitation = (clearing the airway) + artificial respiration + chest compressions + subsequent professional medication

2. The target of CPR

Mainly patients who have stopped beating and breathing during an accident, not those with cardiopulmonary failure or terminal illness. In drowning, car accidents, lightning, electrocution, gas, drug poisoning, falls and other events as long as the patient or the injured person stopped breathing, heartbeat, should be the first time to rescue (preferably within 4 minutes to start).

3, the purpose of CPR

is not to the patient's scene first aid awakening for the only success or failure of the goal, the main purpose is to make the patient's brain cells due to a continuous supply of oxygen and not necrosis.

1, commonly used medical knowledge

(1) Normal adult body temperature: 36-37 degrees Celsius.

(2) Normal adult pulse: 60-100 beats per minute.

(3) Normal adult respiratory rate:16-20 breaths per minute.

(4) Normal adult blood pressure: systolic blood pressure (140-90) diastolic blood pressure (90-60)

(5) Normal adult pupils 2-4mm, equal to the size of the circle

(6) Normal human body blood accounted for the total amount of the body's 7-8%

2, commonly used first aid

Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR): CPR is a common first aid technique, applicable in the outdoors, or without medical equipment, and the use of emergency first aid measures

Commonly used in sudden death patients, the performance of the voluntary whistle stopping, unconsciousness, bilateral pupil dilation, carotid pulse disappearance, lip glycosides, pinch the human body does not respond, etc.

Methods: First, the patient lying on the floor. First of all, the patient will lie on the floor, without pillows, if the patient is lying on a soft bed or sofa, should be padded on the back of the board, in the application of (mouth-to-mouth artificial respiration, external cardiac compression)

(1) mouth-to-mouth artificial respiration

clean up the mouth and nose of the foreign body, undo the buttons of the coat, to keep the airway of the whistle, and then with the thumb and forefinger, pinch the patient nostril, pinch the patient, and then use the thumb and forefinger, pinch the patient nostril, pinch the patient nostril. Then use the thumb and forefinger to pinch the patient's nostrils, wrap the mouth completely around the patient's mouth, take a deep breath first, and then blow twice, the force should not be too fierce when blowing, if the patient's chest rises and falls after blowing, it means that the artificial respiration is effective, and if the carotid artery (2-3cm next to the laryngeal node) pulsation disappears, then the cardiac arrest is recognized

(2) external cardiac compression


Pressure site: the middle of the chest, the lower half of the clavicle.

Pressure frequency: 60 to 100 times per minute.

Depth of pressure: 3-5cm.

Pressure technique: one palm is placed on the lower 1/2 of the sternum, the palm of the hand is parallel to the sternum, the other hand is overlapped on the back of the hand, and the two fingers are lifted up crosswise, detached from the chest wall, and the shoulder and arm are simultaneously applied downward, focusing on the center of the upper part of the sternum.

Note: Uninterrupted, vertical force, do not swing from side to side, and do not leave the chest wall when relaxing the palm.

(3) Artificial whistling and external cardiac compression at the same time: first blow two breaths, external cardiac compression 15 times, or blow a breath, compression 5 times, the two rotated until the arrival of professionals.

Tracheal foreign body

Self-boxing punch buckle method: head down, one hand clenched fist, thumb on the upper abdomen (above the umbilicus) the other hand to help, backward and upward force 3-5 times, and then relax, or available table and chair prongs.