What are the common problems in the bidding process challenge

Common "challenge" questions include the following: 1, who can make a challenge; 2, the supplier in what circumstances can be challenged; 3, what should be included in the letter of challenge; 4, the supplier should be challenged when; 5, the procurement documents should be marked with what to accept the challenge of the information; 6, by the agent to make the challenge What materials need to be submitted; 7. Who handles the supplier's challenge response; 8. How long the challenge response period is; 9. Who participates in the challenge response; 10. What should be included in the challenge response. The bidding process should face up to these challenges, timely resolution does not leave questions, reduce the risk of bidding.

Answer to the "challenge" questions:

1, the challenge should be to participate in the procurement activities of the challenged project suppliers.

2. Suppliers who believe that their rights and interests have been jeopardized by the procurement documents, the procurement process, the winning bid or the result of the transaction can challenge the purchaser or the procurement agency.

3, the challenge letter should include: the supplier's name or name, address, zip code, contact person and contact phone number; challenge the name of the project, the number; specific, clear challenges and requests related to the challenge; factual basis; the necessary legal basis; the date of the challenge.

4, the supplier may, within seven working days from the date of knowing or should know that its rights and interests are jeopardized, in writing to the purchaser, the procurement agency to challenge.

5, the purchaser, the procurement agency shall set out in the procurement documents to receive the letter of challenge, the way to contact the department, contact telephone number and mailing address and other information.

6, the agent to challenge and complaints, should be submitted to the supplier signed a power of attorney. Its power of attorney shall contain the name or name of the agent, agent matters, specific authority, period and related matters.

7, the purchaser is responsible for the supplier's response to the challenge.

8, shall respond within seven working days after receipt of the challenge letter, and notify the supplier of the challenge in writing and other relevant suppliers.

9, the supplier of the evaluation process, winning or successful results of the challenge, the purchaser, the procurement agency may organize the original bid evaluation committee, competitive negotiation team, inquiry team or competitive consultation team to assist in responding to the challenge.

10, the response to the challenge shall include: the name of the supplier's name or name of the challenge; the date of receipt of the challenge letter, the name and number of the challenge project; for the matter of the challenge, the specific content of the challenge response, the factual basis and legal basis; inform the challenge of the supplier's right to file a complaint in accordance with the law; the name of the response to the challenge; the date of the response to the challenge.

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