Shoes: professional hiking shoes or liberation shoes, it is strictly prohibited to wear leather shoes and high state military leather shoes, shoes to wear loose, comfortable appropriate, because this is a long-distance trekking.
Walking Stick: Specialized hiking stick or on the spot, each person must have one or two walking sticks.
Mountain socks: that is, the local people to prevent snakes and locusts, it is made of thick cotton like socks, knee deep.
Tent: double camping tents are easy.
Sleeping bag: adjusted according to the different seasons, summer with the need to bring a temperature scale 0 degrees or below the sleeping bag.
Backpack: need special mountaineering bag.
Rope: 30 meters / root, dangerous areas in an emergency.
Medicines: In addition to the usual outdoor medicines, snake venom serum is a must, because walking in different areas, you need to bring some andrographis or quicklime, used to prevent snakes.
To understand the local customs and habits, do not unintentionally cause unnecessary trouble. The following points are also of particular concern to all donkeys when traveling through the area.
1, in the village farmers walking, don't provoke the farmers' watchdog, be careful it hurt you, not to beat the dog, the local concept of "beat the dog bully master", don't ask for trouble.
2. Please bring your garbage back to the base camp for centralized disposal.
3. Don't camp near rivers and mudslides, especially during the rainy season.
4, camping concentration, to prevent the collection of water, dig a good drainage ditch.
5, before going to bed at night, be sure to do a careful cleaning and inspection in the tent to prevent locusts and insects from entering.
6, close the tent door.