46 days tertiary care hospital HIV test negative, what probability can this result be ruled out, thank you!

More than 99%.

Rest assured~~~

In fact, the chance of HIV infection is very small. Just be careful to avoid high-risk behavior.

While the city is full of gold armor, it's not full of AIDS. I'm not going to be able to do that. The company's website has been updated with the latest information about the company's website.

The rate of infection in the general population is estimated at a few ten thousandths of a percent.

Window period, one is after 6 weeks, 6 weeks is the current national medical community generally recognized window period, can be more than 99% exclusion. 3 months, is the complete window period, can be 100% exclusion. In fact, the majority of people infected with HIV (more than 90%) can be detected after 1 or 2 weeks. Then the window period for this majority is 1 or 2 weeks.

Window period is a statistic, after 6 weeks, negative, it's fine~~~

For individual cases of infection, the provincial level or the place where the test is approved can "confirm" the infected person. Local healthcare organizations will give a "positive" test, but will not confirm that they are infected. In fact, they are already infected. As in the case of SARS and influenza A, all the localities are "suspected" and finally confirmed as officially infected at the provincial level. The problem of authority. The facilities are basically the same everywhere, and the test results are basically more accurate. The fact is that the actual HIV testing procedure is very standardized, "national standard", all levels and places are operating according to the procedure, we can be understood as "kill a thousand mistakes, not miss one".

For the management of infected people, the local AIDS prevention and control center of the Center for Disease Control, free testing, confidential information. Infected people, the state free drugs, can control the virus. Now basically this has belonged to the 10-30 years or more of chronic diseases, compared to cancer, heart and brain infarction, visceral diseases and so many other serious diseases, secondary much more. As research develops, the outlook will get better and better. Hospitals and other medical facilities test, and if they are positive, they are also referred to the CDC. It's a lot more hassle in one more place, and it involves personal privacy and whatnot. So, testing goes to the CDC.

Don't be afraid of AIDS. It's hard to win the lottery.