What is the position of automatic control in automobile production

Handling robot PLC control system design AbstractWith the popularization and development of industrial automation, the demand for controllers increases year by year, the application of handling robot is also gradually popularized, mainly in the automotive, electronics, machining, food, medicine and other areas of the production line or goods loading and unloading of the transfer, you can better conserve energy and improve the efficiency of the transport equipment or products to reduce the limitations and shortcomings of other handling methods. It can better save energy and improve the efficiency of transportation equipment or products to reduce the limitations and deficiencies of other handling methods and meet the requirements of modern economic development. The mechanical structure of this manipulator mainly includes hydraulic steel controlled by two solenoid valves to realize the rising and falling movement of the manipulator and the action of clamping the workpiece, and two motors with different speeds to control the forward and reverse rotation of the motor through two coils, so as to realize the movement movement of the trolley's fast-forward, slow-forward, fast-return and slow-return; the action conversion relies on the travel switches (SQ1---SQ9) set in different parts to generate on/off signals and transmit them to the PICC. Its action conversion relies on the on-off signals generated by the travel switches (SQ1---SQ9) set in different parts of the machine to be transmitted to the PLC controller, and different signals are output through the internal program of the PLC to drive the external coils to control the motors or solenoid valves to generate different actions, so as to realize the precise positioning of the manipulator; its action process includes: descending, clamping, ascending, slow advance, fast advance, slow advance, delayed, descending, relaxing, ascending, slow retreat, fast retreat, slow retreat; and its operation modes include: return to home position Its operation modes include: return to home position, manual, single-step, single-cycle, continuous; to meet various operation requirements in production. Keywords: handling robot, programmable controller (PLC), hydraulic, solenoid valve ABSTRACTWiththepopularityofindustrialautomationanddevelopment,thedemandforyear-on-yearincreaseofcontroller,yearincreaseofcontroller,thedemandof yearincreaseofcontroller,handlingtheapplicationofrobotgraduallypopularity,mainlyintheautomotive,electronic,mechanicalprocessing,food,medicineandotherareasofthe food,medicineandotherareasoftheproductionlineorcargotransport, wecanbemoregoodtotransport. wecanbemoregoodtosaveenergyandimprovethetransportefficiencyofequipmentorproducts,toreducerestrictionson toreducerestrictionsonothermodesoftransportationandinadequatetomeettherequirementsofmoderneconomicdevelopment. Themanipulatormechanicalstructureincludestwosolenoidvalvescontrolledbyhydraulicmanipulatorsteeltoachievetheincreaseddeclineinsportsandworkpiececlampingaction ,thetwodifferentmotorspeedthroughthetwomotorcoilspositivecontrolinordertoachievecarofthefast-forward,slowforward,fastrewind, slowmovementbackmovement;conversionbysettingitsactioninvariousdifferentpartsofthetripswitch(SQ1---SQ9)generatedon offsignaltransmissiontothePLCcontroller,throughthePLCinternaldifferentoutputsignal, whichdrivestheexternalcooperator. whichdrivestheexternalcoiltocontrolthemotororsolenoidvalveshaveadifferentaction,therobotcanachieveprecisepositioning. theircourseofactioninclude:declineinclampingincreased,slowforward,fastforward,slowprogress,theextensionof,thedropin, relax,rise, slowback,rewind,slowback slowback,rewind,slowback;itsoperation,including:backinsitu,manual,single-step,singlecycle,continuous. tomeettheproductionrequirementsofthevariousoperationsandmaintenance.Keywords:handlingmechanicalhands,ProgrammableLogicController( PLC),hydraulic,solenoidvalve Catalog Preface ..................... .............................. .............................. .............1 CHAPTER 1 OVERVIEW OF MECHANICAL HANDLING 1.1 A Brief Overview of Handling Mechanical Handling Applications ............ .............................. ...............21.2 Significance of the application of manipulators ............ .............................. .....................31.3 Overview of the development of manipulators ...... .............................. ...........................3 Chapter 3 Handling manipulator PLC Control system design 3.1 Structure of handling robot and its action ........................ .............................. 3.2 Hardware design of handling robot system ........................ .............................. 3.3 Handling robot control program design ........................ .............................. 1 Operation panel and action description ........................... .............................. ...2 I/O Assignment ........................ .............................. .....................3 Ladder diagram design ...... .............................. .............................. ...1) General design of ladder diagram ........................ .............................. ......2) Design of ladder diagrams for each part ..................... .............................. ......3) Drawing the ladder diagram for PLC control of handling robot .................. ........................ Conclusion... .............................. .............................. ........................... Acknowledgments .............................. .............................. .............................. References ........................... .............................. .............................. ....... Attachment: Statement Table Ladder Diagram I/O Wiring Diagram Preface Mechanical hand: mechanicalhand, also known as automated hand, autohand can imitate the human hand and arm of certain action functions, used in accordance with a fixed procedure to grasp, carry objects or operate the automatic operation of the tool device. It can replace the heavy labor of people to realize the mechanization and automation of production, can operate in a harmful environment to protect personal safety, and thus widely used in machinery manufacturing, metallurgy, electronics, light industry and atomic energy and other sectors. Manipulator mainly consists of three main parts: hand, motion mechanism and control system. The hand is used to grasp the workpiece (or tool) parts, according to the shape of the object to be grasped, size, weight, material and operational requirements and a variety of structural forms, such as clamping, holding type and adsorption type. Motion mechanism, so that the hand to complete a variety of rotation (swing), mobile or compound movement to achieve the required action, change the position and posture of the object being grasped. The independent movements of the motion mechanism, such as lifting, telescoping, rotating, etc., are called the degrees of freedom of the manipulator. In order to grasp objects in any position and orientation in space, six degrees of freedom are required. Degrees of freedom are a key parameter in the design of a manipulator. The more degrees of freedom, the greater the flexibility of the manipulator, the wider the generality, the more complex its structure. General specialized manipulator has 2 to 3 degrees of freedom. Types of manipulators, according to the drive can be divided into hydraulic, pneumatic, electric, mechanical manipulator; according to the scope of application can be divided into two types of specialized manipulators and general-purpose manipulators; according to the control of the trajectory can be divided into point control and continuous trajectory control manipulator and so on. Manipulator is usually used as a machine tool or other machine add-ons, such as loading and unloading and transferring workpieces on automatic machine tools or automatic production lines, changing tools in machining centers, etc., generally without independent control devices. Some operating devices need to be directly manipulated by a person, such as the atomic energy sector to manipulate hazardous materials master-slave operator is also often referred to as a manipulator. Manipulator in the forging industry in the application of forging equipment can further develop the production capacity, improve the heat, tired and other labor conditions. Manipulator first from the United States began to develop. 1958 United States United Controls developed the first manipulator. The first chapter of the robot overview 1.1 handling robot application briefly in modern industry, the mechanization of the production process, automation has become a prominent theme. In the machinery industry, processing, assembly and other production is discontinuous. Specialized machine tools is an effective method of mass production automation, program-controlled machine tools, CNC machine tools, machining centers and other automated machinery is an effective solution to the automation of multi-species small batch production is an important method. But in addition to cutting itself, there are a large number of loading and unloading, handling, assembly and other operations, to be further mechanized. According to information, the United States production of all industrial parts, 75% of small-lot production; metal processing production batch of three-quarters of the following 50 pieces, the parts are really processed on the machine tool time is only 5% of the production time of the parts. From here can be seen, loading and unloading, handling and other processes of mechanization of the urgency of the industrial robot is to achieve the automation of these processes and produced. Manipulator can be in the space to grasp the object, flexible and diverse actions, applicable to change the production varieties of medium and small batch automated production, widely used in flexible automatic line. Domestic and foreign machinery industry, the railroad sector in the machine handling mechanical hand is mainly used in the following aspects: 1. Thermal processing applications thermal processing is a high-temperature, hazardous and heavy manual labor, since a long time on the request to achieve automation. In order to improve efficiency, and to ensure the personal safety of workers, especially for large pieces, a small amount, low speed and manpower can not handle the operation is more need to use robotic operation. 2. cold processing applications cold processing robot is mainly used for diesel engine parts and shafts, discs and boxes and other parts of the single machine machining of loading and unloading and tooling installation, etc.. Further in the program control, digital control and other machine tool applications, become an integral part of the equipment. Recently, more in the processing production line, automatic line on the application of machine tools, equipment, up and down the process of connecting the important in the section. 3. dismantling and repairing is one of the railroad industrial system of heavy manual labor more departments, promoting the development of robotic hand. At present, the domestic railroad factories, machine sections and other departments, has used robots to dismantle the three-way valve, hook tongue, decomposition of brake cylinders, loading and unloading of the axle box, assembly of wheel pairs, removal of asbestos, etc., to reduce labor intensity and improve the efficiency of dismantling and repairing and installing. In recent years, also developed a bus painting general-purpose robotic hand, can be used to the interior of the bus for continuous painting to improve labor conditions, improve the quality and efficiency of spray paint. In recent years, with the increasing application of computer technology, electronic technology and sensing technology in the robot, industrial robot has become an important factor in industrial production to improve labor productivity.1.2 The significance of the application of the robot in the machinery industry, the significance of the application of the robot can be summarized as follows:1. It can improve the degree of automation of the production process application of the robot is conducive to the improvement of the material transfer, Workpiece loading and unloading, tool replacement and machine assembly, etc. degree of automation, which can improve labor productivity, reduce production costs, and accelerate the pace of mechanization and automation of industrial production. 2. can improve labor conditions, to avoid personal accidents in the high temperature, high pressure, low temperature, low pressure, dust, noise, odor, radioactive or other toxic contamination, and narrow workspace and other occasions. Direct operation with human hands is dangerous or impossible. The application of robots can be partially or completely instead of people to safely complete the operation, greatly improving the labor conditions of workers. In some simple but repetitive operations, the robot instead of manpower to work, you can avoid personal accidents caused by operating fatigue or negligence. 3. can reduce manpower to facilitate the rhythmic production of the application of the robot instead of manpower to work, which is a direct reduction of manpower on one side, and at the same time due to the application of the robot can be continuous work, which is to reduce the manpower on the other side. Therefore, in automated machine tools and integrated processing automated production lines, almost all of them are now equipped with manipulators to reduce manpower and more accurately control the beat of production to facilitate rhythmic production. To sum up, the effective application of manipulators is an inevitable trend in the development of the machinery industry.1.3.3 Overview of the development of manipulators and development trend1.3 Overview of the development of manipulatorsSpecial-purpose manipulators, after decades of development, have now entered the era marked by general-purpose manipulators. Due to the application and development of general-purpose manipulators, which in turn promotes the development of intelligent robots. Intelligent robots involve knowledge content, not only including general mechanical, hydraulic, pneumatic and other basic knowledge, but also the application of some electronic technology, television technology, communication technology, computing technology, radio control, bionics and prosthetic technology, etc., so it is a comprehensive and strong new technology. At present, both domestic and foreign countries attach great importance to the development of this new technology. Over the past decades, the research and development of this technology has been relatively active, with the design being constantly modified, the varieties being constantly increased, and the fields of application being constantly expanded. As early as in the 1940s, with the development of the atomic energy industry, there has been a simulation of the first generation of articulated manipulator. 50 ~ 60 years that made the transfer and loading and unloading of parts of the general-purpose manipulator and numerical control teaching reproducible manipulator. This robot is also known as the second generation of robots. Such as Unimanent (Unimate) robot belongs to this type. 60 ~ 70 years, and successively to the general-purpose robot for automobile body spot welding and stamping production line, that is, the second generation of this new technology into the application of the robot. 80-90 years, assembly robot in its heyday, especially in Japan. 90 years of the robot in the special purpose of the development of a greater, in addition to the wide range of applications in industry, the robot is also used for the production of the automotive industry. In addition to the wide range of applications in industry, agriculture, forestry, mining, aerospace, marine, recreation, sports, medical care, services, military fields have greater applications. 90's, with the rapid development of computer technology, microelectronics technology, network technology, and so on, robotic technology has also been rapid and diversified development. In short, the main experience of the current manipulator is divided into three generations: the first generation of manipulators mainly rely on manual control, the control mode for the open-loop type, there is no recognition ability; the direction of improvement is mainly will be low-cost and improve the accuracy; the second generation of manipulators are equipped with electronic computer control system, with vision, tactile ability, and even the ability to listen to, and think. Research to install a variety of sensors, the received information feedback, so that the robot has a feeling function; the third generation of robots can independently complete the task in the work process. It maintains contact with electronic computers and television equipment, and gradually developed into a flexible system FMS (FlexibleManufacturingSystem) and flexible manufacturing unit FMC (FlexibleManufacturingCell) in an important part of the 1.4 The development trend of the manipulator at present, the domestic industrial machinery is mainly used in machine tools, processing, casting and forging, heat treatment and so on. Processing, casting and forging, heat treatment, etc., the number, variety, performance can not meet the needs of industrial production development. Therefore, the country is mainly to gradually expand the scope of application of robots, focusing on the development of casting and forging, heat treatment of robots, in order to reduce labor intensity, improve working conditions. In the application of specialized manipulator at the same time, the corresponding development of general-purpose manipulator, and conditions also need to develop demonstration-type manipulator, computer-controlled manipulator and combined manipulator. Manipulator movement components, such as telescoping, swinging, lifting, traverse, tilting and other institutions, as well as for different types of clamping institutions, designed as a typical general-purpose institutions, so that according to different operational requirements, the selection of the typical components that do not need to be composed of a variety of different uses of the manipulator. Both to facilitate the design and manufacture, but also easy to change the work, expanding the scope of application. At the same time to improve accuracy, reduce impact, positioning accuracy, in order to better play the role of manipulator. In addition, it should also vigorously study the servo type, memory reproduction type, as well as tactile, visual and other properties of the manipulator, and consider the computer linkage, and gradually become a basic unit of the entire machinery manufacturing system. In foreign machinery manufacturing industry, industrial manipulator application more, faster development. At present, it is mainly used for machine tools, die forging press loading and unloading, as well as spot welding, painting and other operations, it can be completed in accordance with the pre-established procedures for the operation of the provisions of the operation, but does not have any sensing feedback capabilities, can not cope with changes in the outside world. If some deviation occurs, it will cause damage to the parts and even the manipulator itself. For this reason, the development trend of foreign manipulators is to vigorously develop some intelligent manipulators, so that they have a certain degree of sensing ability to feedback changes in external conditions and make corresponding changes. Such as the position of the occurrence of a slight deviation, that can be corrected, and self-testing, focusing on the study of the visual function and tactile function. Visual function that is installed in the robot with a TV camera and optical rangefinder (i.e. distance sensor) and satellite computers. When working, the TV camera will object image into a video signal, and then transmitted to the computer, in order to analyze the type, size, color and orientation of the object, and send instructions to control the robot to work. Haptic function that is installed in the robot with tactile feedback control device. When the robot first stretches out the fingers to find the workpiece, through the pressure-sensitive components installed in the fingers to produce tactile effect, and then reach forward to grab the workpiece. The size of the hand's grip can be controlled by the pressure-sensitive components mounted on the inside of the fingers to automatically adjust the size of the grip. In short, with the development of sensing technology, the ability of the robot's assembly operations will be further improved. By 1995, about 50% of the world's automobile assembly by robot. The development of today's manipulator is more mainly the combination of manipulator and flexible manufacturing system and flexible manufacturing unit, so as to fundamentally change the current state of manual operation of the machinery manufacturing system.1.5 PLC overview and application in the manipulator 1.Application and development of programmable controllers overview of programmable controllers (programmablecontroller), is now generally referred to as PLC (programmablecontroller). Programmable controller (programmablecontroller), now generally referred to as PLC (programmablelogiccontroller), which is based on microprocessors, a combination of computer technology, semiconductor integration technology, automatic control technology, digital technology, communication network technology developed a general industrial automatic control device. With its significant advantages in metallurgy, chemical industry, transportation, electric power and other fields have been widely used, and has become one of the three pillars of modern industrial control. Before the introduction of programmable controllers, the industrial control field is dominated by relay control. The traditional relay control has a simple structure, easy to grasp, inexpensive and other advantages, widely used in industrial production. But the control device is large, slow action, more power consumption, less functional, especially because it relies on hardware wiring system, wiring complicated, when the production process or control object change, the original wiring carved control panel (cabinet) must be changed or replaced, versatility and flexibility is poor 2.PLC application overview PLC applications are very wide and rapidly expanding, for today's PLC Almost anywhere you need a control system where there is a need for PLC, especially in recent years, PLC has been widely used in metallurgy, machinery, petroleum, chemical, light, electric power and other industries to improve the cost-effectiveness. According to the type of PLC control, its application can be broadly divided into the following aspects. 1). For logic control This is the most basic and the most widely used aspect of PLC. PLC is used to replace relay control and sequence controller control. Examples include electrical control of machine tools, control of packaging machinery, automatic elevator control, etc. 2). Used for analog control PLC through analog I/O modules, can be converted between analog and digital, and analog control.3). Used for digital control in machining Modern PLC has strong data processing capabilities, it can be closely integrated with the digital control (NC) and computer control (CNC) in machining to realize digital control.4). For industrial robot control 5). Used for multi-layer distributed control system High-function PLC has a strong communication linkage capability, which can realize the communication between PLC and PLC, between PLC and remote I/O, and between PLC and the host computer. Thus forming a multi-layer distributed control system or factory automation network.3. Features of PLC 1). High reliability, strong anti-interference ability PLC can work reliably in harsh environments such as electromagnetic interference, power supply voltage fluctuations, mechanical vibration, temperature changes, etc., PLC's average failure-free interval is high, Japan's Mitsubishi Corporation's F1 series of PLC average failure-free interval of up to 300,000h, which is not comparable to general microcomputer. 2). Control system composition is simple, versatile due to the PLC is the use of software programming to achieve the control function, the same control object, when the control requirements change the function of the control system needs to be changed, do not have to change the PLC hardware equipment, only need to change the software program accordingly.3 since the sixties of the last century, the manipulator has been realized as a product, the development and application of it is also in the continuous development of the use of the manipulator to carry objects, assembly, cutting, dyeing and so on. The use of manipulators for handling objects, assembling, cutting, spraying and dyeing, etc., has been very widely used. Now it has been applied in various industries such as machinery manufacturing, metallurgy, chemical industry, electric power, mining, building materials, light industry, food, environmental protection and so on. For example: the most typical development is that producers will be a large number of applications of this product in the health industry (automatic biochemical analyzers), so as to achieve the urgent need for a short period of time, a large number of samples in the health inspection data requirements, but in the field of health manipulator due to the use of samples plus a single enzyme reagent chromogenic method, and the use of filter structure design, resulting in the price of reagents is expensive, which restricts the development of the market for the product. With the advancement of technology, the design of manipulator has broken the single reagent, heating and filter constraints. With the rapid development of society, the requirements of industrial site manipulator will be more and more high, and its technology is more and more mature. Manipulator is a kind of control object often encountered in the field of industrial automatic control. Manipulator can complete many jobs, such as moving objects, assembly, cutting, spray dyeing, etc., the application is very wide. Application of PLC control robot to achieve a variety of prescribed process actions, can simplify the control line, cost savings, improve labor productivity. Figure 1 is a schematic diagram of the manipulator moving objects. Fig. 1 Schematic diagram of the manipulator moving items The task of the manipulator in the diagram is to carry the items on conveyor belt A to conveyor belt B. In order to make the manipulator move accurately, limit switches SQ1, SQ2, SQ3, SQ4, SQ5 are installed at the limit position of the manipulator to limit the manipulator's grasping, left-turning, right-turning, ascending, and descending motions, respectively, and to send out an input signal for the motion in place. The conveyor belt A is equipped with a photoelectric switch SP, which is used to detect whether the items on the conveyor belt A are in place or not. The start and stop of the robot is controlled by the start button SB1 and stop button SB2 in the figure. Conveyor belts A and B are dragged by an electric motor. The up, down, left, right, gripping, relaxing and other actions of the manipulator are driven by hydraulic pressure and controlled by six solenoid valves respectively.2 Motion Flow of the ManipulatorConveyor belt B is in continuous operation, so it does not need to be controlled by PLC. Manipulator and conveyor belt C sequential action requirements are: 1) press the start button SB1, the manipulator system works. Firstly, the rising solenoid valve is energized, and the arm rises to the rising limit switch action; 2) the left turn solenoid valve is energized, and the arm turns left to the left turn limit switch action; 3) the descending solenoid valve is energized, and the arm descends to the descending limit switch action; 4) the start of conveyor belt A operation, by the photoelectric switch SP detects the conveyor belt A is sent with or without the goods, if the goods are detected, then the grasping solenoid valve is energized, and the robotic manipulator grasps it, to the Grip limit switch action; 5) the arm rises again, to the rise limit switch action again; 6) right turn solenoid valve is energized, the arm right turn, to the right turn limit switch action; 7) the arm falls again, to the fall limit switch action again; 8) relax solenoid valve is energized, the manipulator loosens the hand claw, after the delay time of 2 seconds, to complete the handling task once, and then repeat the cycle of the above process. 9) press the stop button SB2 or power failure, the robot stops on the current work step, restart, the robot continues to work according to the action before stopping. According to the sequential action requirements of the robot, you can draw a timing diagram as shown in Figure 2. From the timing diagram can be made Figure 3 shows the flow chart of the robot action. Figure 2 robotic Fo Na so as to make a sequence diagram Figure 3 robotic action flow chart 3 PLC selection and its I / O point number allocation 3.1 PLC selection due to the robotic system of input / output points less, the requirements of the electrical control part of the small size, low cost, and can be used to monitor the PLC with a computer and management, it is the selection of Japan's OMRON (Rishi) company produces a multifunctional small C20P mainframe. The machine's input points for 12, output points for 8. Internal main: 136 auxiliary relays, 16 special function relays, 160 hold relays, 8 temporary storage relays, 48 timer / counter, 64 16-bit data storage. 3.2 I / O point numbering allocation according to the robot shown in Figure 3 flowchart, it can be determined that the electrical control system of the distribution of the I / O points, as shown in Table 1. shown. Table 1 Robot control I/O allocation table According to the flow chart of Fig. 3 and the I/O allocation table of Table 1, a state transfer diagram can be prepared as shown in Fig. 4. Fig. 4 Robot state transfer diagram 4 Programming and program operation 4.1 Programming with stepping instructions According to the state transfer diagram in Fig. 4, a stepping ladder program is compiled as shown in Fig. 5. Figure 5, "all outputs prohibit" part of the function is to prohibit all outputs in the stop, so that the robot stops in the current step; restart can be restarted from the pre-stop step to continue the action. In the condition that the state is transferred from HR010 to HR000, the normally closed contact of the holding relay is added, whose function is: when the robot works in an intermediate step, if the PLC loses power or stops running, the robot stops in the intermediate step; after the PLC is restored to power or put into operation again, because the holding relay HR has the function of state power failure protection, therefore, when restarting, there is one of them is disconnected, making HR000 continue to act from the work step before it stops. After the PLC is restored to power or put back into operation, because the holding relay HR has the function of state disconnection protection, when restarting, one of the holding relays is disconnected, so that HR000 can not be set, and the manipulator can only continue to move from the subsequent step of the holding relay that has been set before stopping. 4.2 Program operation Press the start button SB1, the input 0000 is ON, then the auxiliary relay 1000, which is used as the condition for interlocking, is ON, the interlocking instruction IL is turned on, and the coils between IL and ILC are working normally, and "all outputs are prohibited" is not possible. The "all outputs prohibited" is released. If the normally closed contacts (Figure 1) are all ON, the holding relay HR000 turns ON, and output point 0503 energizes the ascending solenoid valve, and the arm rises. When the arm rises in place, the rising limit switch closes input point 0005, keeps relay HR001 on, HR000 reset, output point 0501 energizes the left turn solenoid valve, and the arm turns left. In the future, whenever a step is in place and the limit conditions are met, the state is transferred to the next step. When the state is transferred to HR008 is ON, output point 0506 makes the relaxation solenoid valve be energized, the manipulator relaxes, and at the same time, timer TIM00 is timed. When 2 seconds have elapsed, the status is transferred to HR000 and the program starts the cycle from the first working step again. When stopping, press the stop button SB2, 0001 is disconnected, the auxiliary relay 1000 is OFF, the interlock command is disconnected, all outputs are prohibited, but the state of each holding relay is protected by power failure, and the manipulator stops at the current work step. When the start button is pressed again, the interlock instruction is turned on, the output before stopping is restored, and the manipulator continues to move in the work step where a certain holding relay is ON before stopping.5 Conclusion This paper describes the design and application of the C series P-type small multifunctional PLC produced by Japan's OMRON company in the stepping control of the manipulator. It describes the principle of action of the manipulator, design requirements, program design method. The program introduced in this paper has been successfully applied in actual production.