Quantum Truth and Philosophical Inquiry - Quantum Weapons May Rewrite Human History

Contributed by Li Zhanchun, author of "Introduction to the Spirit of Me"

XXVIII Quantum Weapons Could Rewrite Human History ------ from Quantum Truth and Philosophical Exploration by Li Zhanchun

A: PLA Daily/December 2019 Idea Control Toward Application article states: "Remember the scene on the screen where the main character controls an object through his "mind"? Do you remember the scene on the silver screen where the main character controls an object through his "mind"? In fact, scientists have long been such a scene into reality, but confined to the high cost and low performance, the "idea control" is only limited to the laboratory. Recently, China's research team with "brain-machine integration" breakthrough in brain control technology, the key challenges and technical bottlenecks, so that "mind control" to a wide range of applications possible. "Brain-computer integration" is a product of the cross-border integration of brain science and artificial intelligence. That is, the human brain as a component of the computer control system, through the brain-computer interface, the brain's intelligence and artificial intelligence based on computer technology, constituting a combination of the brain's flexibility, intelligence and computer high-speed, large-capacity new system, neither completely rely on the "brain", nor completely rely on the "machine", neither rely on the "brain", nor completely rely on the "machine", so that "brain-machine integration" is possible to move towards widespread application. Nowadays, there are two main technologies: one is "invasive", that is, the brain wave detection electrode implanted in the brain. The brain signals collected in this way are strong and stable, but it will cause trauma to the human body, and very few people choose this method unless special circumstances. The other is "non-invasive", i.e. wearing wearable EEG devices. Compared with the former, this method is not harmful to the human body, but the stability is weak, the speed is slow, and the correct rate is low. In order to obtain stable brain signals, it is usually necessary to connect more signal acquisition devices, which is very inconvenient to wear, so the promotion and application is also greatly limited. China's research team has carried out useful exploration to solve the above problems through "brain-machine integration", which effectively reduces the number of lead devices while improving the accuracy, real-time and precision of signal transmission. "Brain-computer integration" has a very broad application prospect, from daily life to medical care, education, military and game entertainment and other fields, will show its "power". Not long ago, a researcher boldly put forward the idea of "using mind games to delay brain aging, thereby preventing Alzheimer's disease", if it can be realized, "cross-border integration" will be another big step forward. In the future, can only be seen in the movie mecha warriors or will really go to war, or stout "giant", or with the human body of the "Iron Man".

The technical difficulty of realizing "mind control" is that through the brain-computer interface technology to realize the EEG signals "catch" and "turn", and then establish a direct communication and control channel between the human brain and the computer. The technical difficulty is to realize the "catch" and "turn" of brain electrical signals through brain-computer interface technology, and then establish a direct communication and control channel between the human brain and computer, and use the channel to realize the purpose of expressing ideas or manipulating equipment through the brain. Brain-computer interface technology is recognized as the key core technology for new-generation human-computer interaction and human-computer hybrid intelligence, and it is also one of the technologies that the U.S. Department of Commerce restricts for foreign export. This technology is realized in four steps: the first step is brainwave acquisition, the second step is brainwave interpretation, the third step is information coding of the brainwave, and the fourth step is feedback of the information coding results to the external device. In brain wave acquisition, it can be categorized into two types: non-implantable and implantable. The non-implantable type is mainly realized by scalp EEG, while the implantable type is to implant electrodes into the cranium to collect intracranial EEG signals, and the technical difficulty of this step is to develop neural interface components with advanced performance. At present, some U.S. research institutions have developed "neural dust", "neural lace" and other breakthrough interface devices. In recent years, national armies have joined the research on mind control technology. The U.S. military has invested heavily in this area, with a wide range of related research projects and multiple functions.

Three: The U.S. Department of Defense's Advanced Research Projects Agency is pushing forward with a "non-implantable neurological technology" project, with the goal of building a "bridge between man and machine," according to an article in the U.K.'s Daily Mail. ". The project enables military personnel to use brain waves to send and receive information by developing systems that allow them to control equipment such as drones with their minds. According to the project leader, the "non-implantable neurotechnology" program has developed a neural interface system that can quickly read and write information from multiple points in the brain. In addition, the U.S. military is also developing a variety of bionic limbs, such as bionic eyes, bionic legs and so on. These bionic limbs are directly controlled by the human mind, and have special functions, such as bionic eyes with certain night vision, bionic legs can bear heavier loads. In addition, experiments have proved that human memory and computer computing with the same principle, so the computer simulation of the brain with memory, theoretically feasible. According to reports, Swiss scientists are planning to build an "artificial brain", researchers analyze the billions of connections between brain cells, and then enter these connections into the computer. The researchers say that as the speed of computers increases, they will be able to simulate human mental activity, including memory and emotion, on silicon and metal. So it looks like the "artificial brain" could become a reality in the near future.

Point of view: Standing in the quantum field of vision, from the above introduction, the so-called mind control is just a classical computer, sensors, and a series of electronic media media built - by the human brain instructions, more advanced reaction reflexes - chain drive - operation and control. -The main reason for this is the fact that the computer is not a computer that can be used to control the brain, but it can be used to control the brain, and it can be used to control the brain. Below, we look at the source material, which is actually the story.

Story 1: The Soviet Union's research on superpowers began in the 1930s, and the members of the psychic forces are some superpowers who can use their minds to control other people's actions, brains, and even lives and deaths, provided that they know the other person's appearance. However, Stalin, who believed that psychic powers were materialistic, was initially opposed to them. What changed Stalin's attitude was Wulff Massinger, who was known as "the emperor of the Soviet Union's superpower world". Stalin gave him a problem - "Can you go to the State Bank alone and withdraw 100,000 rubles with your supernatural powers?" The next day, Massinger went to the bank. In front of the teller, he took out a note without words and concentrated his consciousness to keep sending thoughts to the teller. The teller accepted the note and withdrew 100,000 rubles and gave it to Massinger. Stalin then believed in the existence of the power of intention.In 1970, a frog's heart was pulsing in a beaker in a psychology research lab in the Soviet Union. A middle-aged woman was "mind-controlling" the heart. The woman's face turned vermilion and her body trembled slightly. 23 minutes later, the frog's heart stopped beating. The frog's heart was supposed to continue beating hours after it was removed from the body. People at the scene let out sighs of relief, and the middle-aged woman also stopped her thoughts. After that, the frog's heart began to beat again and stopped naturally after an hour. The woman's name is Nina Krajina. She discovered that she had psychic abilities when she was 44 years old. She was hospitalized with a neurological disorder, so to pass the time, she blindfolded herself with colored cards, but was able to guess what the nurse was about to announce with a hundred guesses. She also administered the tentacle treatment to a man whose feet were paralyzed and who was unable to walk, and who was subsequently able to walk.In 1967, the Soviet Union used telepathic Yuri Kamensky and Karl Nikolaev in experiments. Kamensky sent messages from Moscow, while Nikolaev received them 800 kilometers away in Leningrad. The two clairvoyants successfully sent and received messages telepathically using Morse code signals. The Soviet Union set up dozens of research institutes in the country in the 1950s and 1970s and discovered many clairvoyants. If superpowers were applied to the military, there could be results beyond imagination. Examples include stealing top secret information and manipulating the will of a particular head of state through mind control. However, the Soviet Union stopped researching psychic powers after 1977.

Story 2: Research on psychic abilities in the US from the 1940s Although controversial in academic circles, in the 1970s the US government began to fund and organize research in this area, purely because of the potential importance that psychic abilities could have. Beginning in 1972, the Stanford University Research Institute conducted a series of experiments on remote viewing and remote sensing with funding from the U.S. government. They designed a set of strict experimental methods, so that supernormal ability to close their eyes into the quiet, with the idea of remote viewing from dozens of kilometers away to any place on the earth at the time the scene, and even draw with writing on paper, and then compared with the actual scene. After hundreds of experiments over a period of l0 years, it was found that about two-thirds of the remote viewing was successful, which was about 100 times higher than the chance of encountering it by chance. Their experiments were then repeated at several universities, including Princeton, and essentially the same success rate was obtained.In July 1977, the staff of the Stanford Research Institute conducted a series of experiments with a submarine off the coast of the Pacific Ocean. During the experiments, a person with remote vision named Inge Swann was pulled a mile offshore by the submarine, sunk to a depth of 500 meters, and then allowed to "see" the shore where the experimenter was located (the experiment did not know where it would be), and talked into a tape recorder to tell the scene he saw. The success rate was still much higher than the chance of stumbling upon it. This experiment suggests that this idiosyncratic signal is also unaffected by deep water, and therefore cannot be some kind of electromagnetic wave.

Story 3: According to the Washington Post, in 1973, the United States Central Intelligence Agency had two people with supernormal capabilities to carry out a "clairvoyance" observation experiment. In the test, two people with supernormal capabilities accurately depicted the situation of the United States military base being secretly built on the remote Indian Ocean island of Galaxie; and then hidden in the Ural Mountains in the Soviet Union missile bases to carry out a "peeping" test. The results showed that the information obtained through this test was more detailed than the photos taken by American spy satellites, and the Chicago Tribune of August 13, 1977, reported that Turner, then the director of the CIA, had revealed that they had hired a psychic since 1975, who, given photos of any place in the world, could use his psychic powers to "see what was going on there. "what was going on there at the time. Although supernormal capabilities are still not understood by many people in the United States, the military and the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) often turn to it. In recent years, they have had several times to ask special ability experts to detect the former Soviet Union weapons secrets, surveillance Noriega and in Iran and other countries to find terrorists and hostage location. 1988 May, then U.S. President Reagan's wife, Nancy, regularly consult an astrologer's views in San Francisco to arrange presidential activities schedule, which came to light, so that she has become the world's laughing stock. However... In hindsight, Nancy wasn't alone; there are plenty of people in Washington who are passionate about the subject. About a quarter of the members of Congress have shown great interest in the phenomenon of supernormal capabilities. Ross, one of the founders of the U.S. Congressional Clearinghouse for the Future, has provided a venue for some of the experts on supernormal capabilities to make their statements at this center. His opponent was the world-famous Viktor Kerchino. Kerchino was a former Soviet chess champion who fled to the West in 1976 with his wife and son still in the Soviet Union. He publicly stated that he wanted to use the tournament, which was widely noticed by the international media, to demand the release of his family from the Soviet Union. One can only imagine how humiliating it would have been if the Russian golden boy, Karpov, had been beaten by a fugitive former Soviet citizen in chess, the Soviet Union's most popular pastime. The KGB organized a team of specialists in the Philippines for the chess tournament, with the main purpose of influencing Kerchino so that he could not win. The KGB found Vladimir Zuka, the famous Soviet master of remote control of the mind. Although Zuka only appeared as a chess watcher, Kerchino said that he used hypnosis to interfere with him.

Kerchino also realized this, and he expressed strong displeasure about it. Karpov was the golden boy of Soviet chess, and the Soviets wanted him to win consecutively. The Soviets themselves talked openly about the fact that in this chess tournament, masters of idiosyncrasy, were being utilized to make sure that Karpov won the game. From the very beginning of the match, Dr. Zuka had an amazing effect on Kerchino. Kerchino, who had always been known for his offensive and flexible style of play, showed hesitation, and his confidence continued to wane as the game progressed. Although Zuka was later moved to the back of the field, Krcino still felt his powerful influence. The match lasted a record-breaking 78 days, totaling **** 32 games. In the end, Kerchino lost. When Kerchino protested to the Soviets, they explained that Zuka was only studying Kerchino, observing his "body language" and then making suggestions to Karpov. But was there more to it than what the TV cameras captured? Did Zuka, the Soviet expert in remote control of the mind, control the trained mind of the brilliant chess grandmaster?

Ignoring, for the moment, the falsehoods and myths of these stories, let's take a look at the following - an anecdote of telepathy similar to mind control.

One of them: I have a personal experience that makes me believe in telepathy, and I don't know if it's appropriate to post it here, but I think it's a good idea to look at it as a story. I'm not sure if it's appropriate to post it here, but I'm sure it's a good idea to read it in the future. One afternoon in the Xidan Book Building to read books, suddenly feel a panic, in a hurry to take the subway back to the Beijing South Railway Station when I went out vaguely heard my mother shouting my name, I was more annoyed, out of the station on the panicked to live in the place to run, look up every day is also cloudy down. Just ran to the downstairs side of the house to see parents dragging suitcases in the walk, saw me when I feel pulling me to the train station. It turned out that my grandmother sudden cardiovascular disease, went to the hospital under the critical, my father looked for scalpers to buy three tickets, thinking I can meet me to take me away, can not meet the account of the neighbors to take care of me for a period of time, but fortunately I caught up. Finally go back to the grandmother rescued back to the current body health .

bis: This thing I experienced myself, is happening in my senior year of high school in 2016. I didn't know my mom had surgery until she did, and I was attending school normally. My mom was hospitalized for a few days, my heart was always inexplicably hurting, I had no energy, and I had no appetite to eat, at first I thought I was sick, so I went to the school infirmary to see a doctor, but the school nurse said I was not sick, and I didn't have a fever or a cold. The school nurse told me to go back and rest, and this state of affairs lasted for three or four days. On that day, my father took advantage of the lunch break to take me out for dinner (I remember eating dumplings). I asked my dad (who had brought my younger brother with him to pick me up) why he wanted to come to the county seat. My dad said that your mom was in the hospital and had an operation, so he took advantage of your meal to pick you up to see your mom. At that time, the meal had not yet come up, my father said that my mother had an operation, I felt very sad, I could not stop the tears flowing down, I felt a kind of sadness in my heart, I didn't even eat the meal, I said to my father, "Let's eat later, I'm going to see what's wrong with my mother now. My dad said, "Don't cry, your mom is fine, after the operation, especially a small operation, don't be sad ah, wait until you finish eating to see your mom. We went to see my mom after dinner, and when we opened the door, we saw my mom sitting in the hospital room, cross-stitching (I covered my face and laughed, I was speechless at that time). I said I was worried sick about you, and here you are cross-stitching! My mom said: I'm fine, it's just a minor surgery. I asked my mom why she had surgery. My mom said there was a small tumor on the top of her chest, so she cut it off and she would be fine. I told my mom that in the past two days at school, my heart has been hurting and I've been feeling dizzy, so I didn't think about my family--was there something wrong? My mom said that we have the same heart, I open a mouth on the chest, you in the school heartache.

Three: I also say a real psychic thing, I personally especially insecure, afraid of the dark. When I was in my first year of high school, I was woken up by my roommate at about 1:00 a.m. because there were two cats outside the dormitory that kept screaming, the kind of heartbreaking screams that sound like a child's hoarse cries, and she couldn't sleep. After she so called, I also can not sleep, afraid of the heart drums, and then sleep a little confused, had a nightmare, I want to wake up in the dream but can not wake up, but very conscious, can clearly hear the cat's cry, but I shouted out loud "Grandma," and woke up. When I went home on the weekend, my grandmother told me that one night when she was sleeping, she suddenly heard me calling her loudly in the middle of the night, and then she woke up and stayed awake until morning. The time matched that night. I think it's amazing, but I don't know how to explain this phenomenon?

Fourth: Last year, about a month before the New Year, I was on a business trip a few hours away from home, and that morning I just washed my face and took the cream out to rub it, and then snapped and broke it, and I didn't think much about it, but I just bought it and broke it, and then, after an hour or so, my mom called me and said that my grandma passed away, so that I would come back. I was confused, (in my business trip before the grandmother had a car accident has not been good health, the family said that may not live to New Year's Eve, it is also expected, but still feel very sudden overwhelmed) asked when the death, she said an hour ago, and then I counted, almost is the time I frost shattered. Then I asked my unit to take a leave of absence and let my friend come to pick me up at home, and when I slept at home at night, I dreamed that someone came in and saw that it was my grandma, who didn't say anything but left after standing for a while. Later, I told my mom that my grandma came to visit me, and my mom said that it was my own dream. The dream was a fake and this is what really happened, only it appeared in my mind in the form of consciousness. Was it telepathy? Or is it just coincidence? (The above story is from China Psychic Net)

To sum up a whole lot - it can be described as a mess, but in fact it's all stale. Nonetheless, it's kind of the smoke and mirrors of our earthly existence. In spite of this - true or false - there is no simplicity behind this heap of phenomena. Chinese folk jumping god, jumping fairy, jumping shaman, etc., behind which may be accompanied by quantum information transmission, that is to say, the jumpers through a series of rap action, so that the soul of me into a silent state of stagnation, as sleepwalking state in general, which is conducive to the concentration of energy or energy, allowing the mind to gallop, and the object of the target person docking, and then grafted through the information source of the pathway, thus facilitating the concentration or energy, and letting the mind run wild, and the target of the service object, and then grafted on the ---. -the pathway to the source of information, thus conducting quantum state information conduction, and sensing with the so-called ghosts and spirits, so as to obtain the desired message. This is explored in the chapter on Shamanism in the Introduction to the Spirit of the Self. Well, without further ado, here's a look at what's on the cutting edge of quantum technology.

(a) Tao Zhou, Guilu Long, Shuangshuang Fu, and Shunlong Luo from Tsinghua University and the Chinese Academy of Sciences wrote an article in Physics on quantum correlation, stating that - as a kind of non-local correlation - quantum entanglement is an important resource that is widely used in quantum information processing. However, recent findings have revealed that non-classical correlations can also exist in differentiable states, and that quantum entanglement is only a part of quantum correlations; non-entangled quantum correlations play an important role in a number of quantum communication and quantum computing tasks.

The introduction points out that - in recent years, quantum information theory and technology have been developed by leaps and bounds. Quantum information processing has a superiority that is difficult to compare with classical information processing, and can accomplish information processing tasks that cannot be realized in classical information, such as quantum key distribution, quantum invisible state transmission, quantum secret **** enjoyment, quantum dense coding, quantum direct secure communication, as well as quantum algorithms for large-number factor decomposition and quantum search algorithms, etc [1]. In this context, the study of correlations in quantum systems has also become increasingly important, because correlations are a fundamental resource in information processing, and the reason why quantum information processing has a superiority that classical information processing does not have is usually due to the existence of transcendental classical correlations between quantum systems. In fact, in the famous EPR article in the early days of quantum mechanics, Einstein et al. noticed the super-strong correlations between quantum systems, but they thought that such super-strong correlations between quantum systems reflected the incompleteness of quantum mechanics from the premise of the fixed-domain positivism. In the same year, Schr?dinger introduced the concept of entanglement in his famous cat state article to refer to the super-strong correlations in the EPR article.

The debate about the completeness of quantum mechanics continued until the 1960s, when Bell proposed some mathematical inequalities, called Bell's inequalities, which provided the first opportunity to experimentally adjudicate between Einstein's fixed-domain positivity and the superconnections of quantum theory. In the 1980s, Aspect et al. performed many fine-grained experiments, and the results were consistent with the predictions of quantum mechanical theory, suggesting that there are indeed correlations between quantum systems that are not classically allowed. In the 1990s, quantum information theory and technology began to develop rapidly, and quantum entanglement was widely explored and applied as a resource. However, in recent years, it has been found that quantum entanglement cannot characterize all quantum correlations in quantum systems, and some non-entangled (divisible) states can also be used in quantum information processing, which has the advantage of surpassing classical information processing. Therefore, based on quantum measurements, it is proposed to categorize the correlations into classical and quantum correlations, and to use quantum correlations as resources for quantum information processing.

(ii), from the University of Science and Technology of China, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Key Laboratory of Quantum Information, Xu Jinshi, Li Chuanfeng, Zhang Yongsheng, Guo Guangcan wrote an article on quantum correlation, the abstract points out - quantum entanglement is an important resource in the process of quantum information processing, and is an important feature of the essence of the difference between quantum mechanics and classical mechanics. It is also an important feature of the essential difference between quantum mechanics and classical mechanics. Recently, with the continuous development of quantum information theory, it has been found that non-classical quantum correlations can also exist in differentiable states, and quantum entanglement is only a part of quantum correlations. Moreover, such non-entangled quantum correlations may play an important role in some quantum information processing.

Introduction - Quantum informatics is a new discipline that applies the basic principles of quantum mechanics to information theory and computer science, and it is currently one of the most active and important topics in international research. Quantum information can realize many information processing tasks that cannot be accomplished in classical fields, such as quantum invisible state transmission, quantum dense coding, absolutely secure quantum key transmission, quantum algorithms capable of cracking the factorization of large numbers of RSA, which is a widely used public key system, and so on. Quantum entanglement is a special kind of correlation between different quantum systems. In 1935, Einstein, Podolsky and Rosen (EPR) published a famous article questioning the completeness of quantum mechanics based on the assumption of local reality, since then, quantum entanglement has been one of the most hotly discussed fundamental problems in quantum mechanics. Quantum entanglement is a kind of non-local correlation, which is an essential feature that distinguishes quantum mechanics from classical mechanics, and can exist between two quantum systems that are very far apart without interaction, such as a pair of atoms, photons, electrons and so on that are very far apart. These special properties of quantum entanglement make it an important resource in quantum communication and quantum computation. Many quantum information schemes that cannot be realized by classical methods can be realized with the help of quantum entanglement.

However, the quantum system we are interested in is generally not a closed system, and it inevitably interacts with its environment, resulting in decoherence. The quantum entanglement system is no exception, the coupling with the environment will destroy the entanglement characteristics, which brings a serious test to the development and application of quantum information technology. Therefore, the study of the dynamics of quantum entanglement in different noise environments will help us to take measures to overcome the difficulties; moreover, the evolution of quantum entanglement in incoherent channels will show a completely different nature from the asymptotic decay of single-particle coherence. Entanglement may disappear completely in a finite evolutionary time, i.e., the phenomenon of sudden death of entanglement, which provides an opportunity for us to understand and utilize entanglement in a deeper way.

Recently, with the development of quantum information theory, a lot of work has pointed out that the correlation between classical and quantum components may be broader and more fundamental than entanglement. Entanglement exists only as a special kind of quantum correlation. To take the simplest example, in a Bell state, both classical and quantum correlations are 1, and in this case entanglement is equal to quantum correlation. Further, it has been discovered that a differentiable state may contain non-classical correlations, which means that a differentiable state with zero entanglement may contain non-zero quantum correlations. Moreover, such non-entangled quantum correlations have already been used theoretically in non-missive quantum computational models to realize some computational schemes for speeding up the solution of the problem, and these schemes have already been realized experimentally. As in the case of entanglement, the correlations in quantum systems decay under the influence of ambient noise. Studying the dynamics of various correlations in different noisy channels will help us further understand and apply them. In addition, compared with the unique nature of the sudden death of entanglement, the study of the unique evolution of other correlations will not only help to distinguish the role of correlations in the superiority of quantum information schemes, but also have important practical significance for their further utilization.

The point of citing the above scientific information is to remind that the conduction path of quantum information is gradually widening from the special quantum correlations in the entangled state to the broad or generalized quantum correlations. -broad or generalized quantum correlations.
In terms of the above ideas and senses, the human brain itself is a quantum processor - it can both transmit and receive feedback quantum information, and compared to ancient times, our environment has been subjected to a lot of disturbances, and our own so-called potential in the body has been degraded. In fact, there is still a lot of such magic in some animals, such as earthquakes or volcanoes and other natural disasters, they will use different behavior to express the omens before the disaster. Today, the use of technology can be used for the benefit of mankind as well as for the benefit of the world. For example, foreign news sources have confirmed that the assassination of an Iranian nuclear scientist was carried out by a satellite-controlled, face-recognizing machine gun from a certain country. Let's imagine, through the identification and positioning of high-altitude satellites, using the principle of quantum entanglement or correlation, through the satellite transit or direct launch - quantum information bombs - change or erase or destroy - the target individual's brain information, brain information, and brain information. -The target individual's brain information, brain thinking, and brain function can be said to be as easy as a slap in the face - and silent and without trace. If this kind of technology is popularized, and can even be made into the size of a remote control, it will trigger - panic and unrest in the whole world. This is definitely not an unfounded fear, but a fact that we are about to face. The most frightening thing is that if this kind of weapon is mastered by intelligent robots, what will we humans do? Because with the aid of quantum computing, intelligent robots may be smarter and more cunning than humans.