Born, the use of national laws and regulations and public opinion campaigns to make the whole society to pay attention to and deal with the problem of pollution. In 1962, American biologist Rachel Carson published a book called "Silent Spring", which explained the role of the pesticide DDT pollution and destruction of the environment, as a result of the book's warning, the U.S. government began to investigate the issue of highly toxic pesticides, and the establishment of the Environmental Protection Agency in 1970, the states have also passed a ban on the production and use of highly toxic pesticides of the law. As a result of this incident, the book is considered a landmark starting point for environmental ecology in the 20th century. The First United Nations Conference on the Human Environment was held in Stockholm, Sweden, from June 5 to 16, 1972, under the auspices of the United Nations, and the famous Declaration on the Human Environment was put forward, which was the beginning of the environmental protection cause that formally attracted the attention of the governments of all countries in the world. The Chinese government also participated in this conference. The cause of environmental protection in the People's Republic of China *** and the country also began in 1972, Beijing established the Guanting Reservoir Protection Office, Hebei Province set up the Office of Three Waste Disposal *** with the study to deal with the Guanting Reservoir is located in Guanting Reservoir belonging to the Hebei Province of Shacheng pesticide factory pollution Guanting Reservoir problem, leading to the promulgation of Chinese laws officially prohibit the production and use of DDT throughout the country. Established in 1973 The Environmental Protection Office under the State Construction Committee was later changed to the State Environmental Protection Administration, a ministry directly under the State Council. In 2008, after the "two sessions", the SEPA was upgraded to the "Ministry of Environmental Protection". The Ministry of Environmental Protection (MEP) is responsible for the unified supervision and management of environmental protection throughout the country. Environmental protection bureaus (departments) have also been established in each province (city and district). The Environmental Protection Hotline 12369 and the online 12369 Center have been set up to receive reports from the public on environmental pollution incidents. The main duties of the government's environmental protection departments are to implement policies on controlling pollutant emissions formulated by parliaments (people's congresses) at all levels, and to encourage the development of pollutant emission control technologies to control pollution and protect and improve the environment.
I. Soil destruction. According to Reference News, the fertility of arable land is decreasing in 110 countries (****1 billion people). In Africa, Asia and Latin America, soil denudation is severe due to the loss of forest vegetation
The loss of forest vegetation, overexploitation of arable land and overgrazing of pastures. The bare land has become too fragile to withstand long-term denudation by wind and rain. In some places, the annual loss of soil can reach 100 tons per hectare. Excessive use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides, toxic dust fallout associated with air pollution, mud being sprayed everywhere, and hazardous wastes being discarded everywhere are all polluting the land in a generally irreversible way. Soil is the loose surface layer on the land surface that is fertile and capable of growing plants, and is generally about 2 m thick. Soil not only provides mechanical support capacity for plant growth, but also provides fertility elements such as water, fertilizer, air and heat needed for plant growth and development. In recent years, due to the rapid growth of population, rapid industrial development, solid waste is constantly piled and dumped on the soil surface, harmful wastewater is constantly infiltrated into the soil, and harmful gases and drifting dust in the atmosphere are also constantly landed in the soil along with the rainwater, leading to soil pollution. All substances that hinder the normal function of the soil, reduce crop yield and quality, and also indirectly affect human health through food, vegetables, fruits, etc., are called soil pollutants. Second, climate change and energy waste The greenhouse effect is a serious threat to all mankind. According to 2,500 representative experts, sea levels are expected to rise and many densely populated areas (such as Bangladesh, the coastal belt of China and most islands in the Pacific and Indian Oceans) will be under water. Rising temperatures will also have serious impacts on agriculture and ecosystems. Energy consumption is projected to double in Asia and the Pacific and to increase by 50-70 per cent in Latin America between 1990 and 2010. Therefore, the process of transferring energy-saving technologies between Western and developing countries should be strengthened. In particular, we should use economic incentives to enable industrialists to develop process technologies that improve the efficiency of industrial resource utilization. Thirdly, biodiversity is decreasing. As a result of urbanization, agricultural development, deforestation and environmental pollution, natural areas have become smaller and smaller, which has led to the extinction of thousands of species Greenhouse Effect Diagram
. Because the extinction of some species will lead to the disappearance of many molecules that can be used to make new medicines, and will also lead to the disappearance of many genes that can help crops to overcome the harsh climate, and even cause plague. IV. Reduction of forest area. In recent decades, countries in the tropics have also experienced a significant reduction in forest area. Between 1980 and 1990, 150 million hectares of forest disappeared. At the current rate of forest area reduction, after 40 years, some South-East Asian countries will no longer see a single tree. Freshwater resources are threatened. According to experts' estimation, starting from the beginning of the next century, a quarter of the world will suffer from chronic water shortage. Remember, we cannot make water, we can only try to protect it. Sixth, chemical pollution . Millions of compounds from industry are present in the air, soil, water, plants, animals and humans. Even the ice caps, the last large natural ecosystems on earth, are polluted. Organic compounds, heavy metals, and toxic products are concentrated throughout the food chain and ultimately threaten the health of plants and animals, cause cancer, and reduce soil fertility. Chaotic urbanization. By the end of the century, there will be 21 large cities in the world, where living conditions will further deteriorate: crowding, polluted water, poor sanitation, insecurity - the uncontrolled expansion of these large cities is also detrimental to natural areas. Unrestricted urbanization should therefore be seen as a new evil of civilization. VIII. Over-exploitation of the oceans and pollution of coastal zones. As a result of overfishing, the fishery resources of the oceans are diminishing at a frightening rate. As a result, many poor people in the polar ozone hole who depend on seafood proteins for their livelihoods
are threatened with starvation. Concentrations of substances such as heavy metals and organophosphorus compounds found in fish have the potential to cause serious health problems for fish eaters. Coastal areas are under enormous population pressure. Sixty percent of the world's population is crammed into areas less than 100 kilometers from the sea. This overcrowding has thrown these often fragile areas out of balance. IX. Air pollution. The air in most large cities contains many pollutants from heating, transportation and factory production. These pollutants threaten the health of tens of millions of citizens and have resulted in the loss of many lives. The main toxic gases are carbon monoxide, sulphur dioxide, nitrogen dioxide and respirable particles. X. Polar Ozone Hole. Despite the signing of the Montreal Protocol, the ozone hole is formed again every spring over the Earth's two polar regions, with the Arctic losing 20 to 30 percent of its ozone layer and the Antarctic losing more than 51 percent of its ozone layer.
Protection of the natural environment
Preventing the deterioration of the natural environment. This includes: the protection of green mountains, green water, blue sky and sea. Here it involves not to private mining (mining) and indiscriminate logging (trees), not to indiscriminate discharge (sewage) and discharge (dirty gas), not to overgrazing, not to over-exploitation of land, not to over-exploitation of natural resources, not to disrupt the ecological balance of nature, and so on. This level is of a macro nature and relies mainly on governments at all levels to exercise their functions and regulation before it can be resolved.
Protection of the human habitat and living environment
Making it more suitable for human work and labor. This involves all aspects of people's clothing, food, housing, transportation, and play, all in line with scientific, hygienic, healthy and green requirements. This level belongs to the micro, both by the conscious action of the citizens, but also rely on the government's policies and regulations as a guarantee, relying on the community's organization and education to guide the industry, agriculture, soldiers, academics and businessmen from all walks of life to grasp the **** management, in order to solve.
Protection of Earth's living creatures
Preservation of species, conservation of plant vegetation, the return of animals, biodiversity, genetic modification, protection of endangered organisms
Reasonable and prudent use of endangered organisms, special and particular protection of endangered organisms, restoration of extinct species, expansion of habitats, harmonious ****ing of human beings and organisms, and not bullying of other species and so on. The relationship between these three dimensions is: you have me, I have you, each has its own focus but is unified; they are not contradictory, let alone opposing. As citizens, if we protect our living environment, we indirectly or directly protect the natural environment; if we destroy our living environment, we directly or indirectly destroy the natural environment. As a government, we should not only focus on macro-protection, but also start with micro-protection, mobilize the masses and educate them, so as to make environmental protection a conscious action of the citizens. After the United Nations Conference on the Human Environment in 1972, the term "environmental protection" was widely used. For example, the former Soviet Union gradually changed the traditional term "nature conservation" to "environmental protection"; China put forward the policy of "comprehensive utilization" of industrial wastes in 1956, and the "three wastes" policy in the late 1960s. China put forward the policy of "comprehensive utilization" of industrial wastes in 1956 and the concept of "three wastes" treatment and recycling in the late 1960s, and then switched to the more scientific concept of "environmental protection" in the 1970s. According to the provisions of the Law of the People's Republic of China on Environmental Protection, the content of environmental protection includes the protection of the natural environment and the prevention and control of pollution and other public hazards. In other words, we should use the theories and methods of modern environmental science to better utilize the resources and at the same time to y understand and grasp the root causes and hazards of pollution and damage to the environment, to protect the environment in a planned manner, to restore the ecology, to prevent the deterioration of the quality of the environment, to control the environmental pollution, and to promote the coordinated development of human beings and the environment. China attaches importance to environmental protection is still relatively late, and now there is still a gap in the degree of attention at all levels of government, can be called environmental protection government is not common. So it is still too early to talk about environmental protection citizens.
Environmental protection also refers to human beings to consciously protect natural resources and make reasonable use of them, to prevent the natural environment from being polluted and damaged; the environment must be polluted and damaged to do a good job of comprehensive management, in order to create an environment suitable for human life, work. Environmental protection refers to the general term for the various actions taken by human beings to solve the real or potential environmental problems, harmonize the relationship between human beings and the environment, and guarantee the sustainable development of the economy and society. Its methods and means are engineering technology, administrative management, but also legal, economic, publicity and education. (1) prevention and control of environmental pollution caused by production and living activities, including the prevention and control of industrial production emissions of "three wastes" (wastewater, waste gas, waste three wastes
slag), dust, radioactive substances, and the production of noise, vibration, malodor, and electromagnetic microwave radiation, harmful gases generated by transportation activities, liquid, noise, pollutants discharged from marine ship transportation, toxic and harmful chemicals used in industrial and agricultural production and people's life, and pollution caused by smoke, sewage and garbage discharged from urban life; (2) preventing environmental damage caused by construction and development activities, including preventing environmental pollution and damage caused by the construction of large-scale water conservancy projects, railroads, highways, large ports and terminals, airports, and large-scale industrial projects. (2) Preventing environmental damage caused by construction and development activities, including preventing pollution and damage caused by large-scale water conservancy projects, railways, highways and dry lines, large-scale ports and terminals, airports, large-scale industrial projects and other construction projects, and preventing the damage, pollution and impact on the environment caused by the reclamation of agricultural land and the enclosure of lakes and farmland, the development of offshore oilfields, coastal zones and marshes, the development of forests and mineral resources, and the setting up and building of new industrial zones and towns, etc. (c) Protection of the natural environment of special value, including the protection of rare species and their living environment, special historical sites of natural development, geological phenomena, geomorphic landscapes, etc. In addition, urban and rural planning, control of soil erosion and desertification, afforestation, control of population growth and distribution, and rational allocation of productive forces are also part of environmental protection. Environmental protection has become one of the ****same actions and major tasks of governments and people all over the world today. China, for its part, has declared environmental protection to be one of its basic state policies, and has formulated and promulgated a series of laws and regulations on environmental protection to ensure the implementation of this basic state policy.
Main duties
1) Preventing and controlling environmental pollution caused by production and living activities, including preventing and controlling the "three wastes" (wastewater, waste gas and waste residue), dust, radioactive substances, and noise, vibration, odor and electromagnetic microwave radiation emitted by industrial production, harmful gases, waste liquids and noise emitted by marine vessels, and harmful gases, waste liquids and noises emitted by transportation activities. (2) Preventing environmental damage caused by construction and development activities, including preventing environmental pollution and damage caused by the construction of large-scale water conservancy projects, railroads, highway trunk lines, large-scale ports and terminals, airports and large-scale industrial projects. (2) Preventing environmental damage caused by construction and development activities, including preventing pollution and damage caused by the construction of large-scale water conservancy projects, railways, highways, ports, airports and large-scale industrial projects, as well as the damage, pollution and impact on the environment caused by the reclamation of agricultural land and the enclosure of lakes, the development of offshore oilfields, coastal zones and marshes, and the development of forests and mineral resources, and the setting up and building of new industrial zones and new towns. Provide effective protection. In addition, urban and rural planning, control of soil erosion and desertification, afforestation, control of population growth and distribution, and rational allocation of productive forces are also part of environmental protection. Environmental protection has become one of the main tasks of all governments and people in the world. China has declared environmental protection as one of its basic state policies and has formulated and promulgated a series of laws and regulations on environmental protection to ensure the implementation of this basic state policy.
The treatment and protection of the earth
The reason why the environmental protection of the earth puts the treatment in the first place and the protection in the second place is that the land is already polluted, so we want to emphasize the treatment and protection at the same time. The earth has been polluted (land, mountains, shelf) to strengthen the governance, restore the origin
Atmospheric governance and protection
restrictions, reduce emissions, purify the atmosphere, with natural + artificial methods
Water Governance
Social production, life and water are closely related to the water, water hunger, water shortage, water, water, water pollution of the stalking, to do as the "Water" is the key point, "water treatment" is the most important water family emergency focus, therefore, the water treatment field involves a wide range of applications, constituting a huge industrial applications. There is a trend to exceed "natural water". Water treatment methods are: (a) sediment filtration, (b) hard water softening method, (c) activated carbon adsorption method, (d) deionization method, (e) reverse osmosis, reverse osmosis; (f) more than filtration, (g) distillation, (h) ultraviolet light disinfection, (i) biochemical method, and the most innovative (x) forward osmosis, natural purification methods of new human creations. The naturalized "forward osmosis method" reduces secondary and tertiary pollution, consumes energy, and warms up the hopeful future. Promote the negative growth of environmental water costs.
1.air conditioning winter 18 summer 26 degrees national electricity savings of hundreds of millions of degrees The air conditioning temperature in winter is set to 18 degrees or below. If you feel a little cold you can add more clothes, such a simple initiative can save electricity, thereby reducing coal-fired power generation emissions of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases, slowing down the warming of the climate. Set your air conditioner to 26 degrees or above in summer. The air-conditioning load in large cities accounts for about 40%-50% of the maximum power supply load in summer. Raising the temperature of air-conditioners from 22-24 degrees to 26-28 degrees can reduce the power load by 10%-15% and reduce power consumption by more than 400-600 million degrees. People sweat in the summer is good for health, can enhance metabolism, regulate endocrine function and promote autoimmunity. 2. light bulbs into energy-saving lamps to save nearly eighty percent of the home's ordinary light bulbs into energy-saving light bulbs, and to buy after the "National Energy Conservation Product Certification" of the product, you can be printed through the word "section" logo to judge. In the same luminous flux conditions, energy-saving lamps than incandescent lamps can save 80% of the electricity, for the purchase of energy-saving lamps in the cost of (8 ~ 10) months in the electricity bill savings can be recovered. 3., garbage classification does not litter recycling good regeneration in the garbage, about 50% is biological organic matter, about 30% -40% with recycling value. 2000, China produced six recyclable waste volume were: 41.5 to 43 million tons of scrap iron and steel, waste non-ferrous metals 1 to 1.2 million tons, waste rubber 850,000 to 920,000 tons, Waste plastic 2.3 to 2.5 million tons, waste glass 10.4 million tons, waste paper 10 to 15 million tons. At present, China's annual value of unutilized waste reaches 25 billion yuan, and about 3 million tons of scrap iron and 6 million tons of waste paper are not recycled. The recycling rate of waste plastics is less than 3%, and the recycling rate of rubber is 31%. Only thrown away every year more than 6 billion waste dry batteries containing more than 70,000 tons of zinc, 100,000 tons of manganese dioxide. 4. do not use electrical appliances cut off power saving 10% can see Home and office appliances, such as TV, computer, etc., please turn off the power when not in use. In standby mode, the average hourly power consumption of the television 8.07 joules, air conditioning 3.47 joules, 7.69 joules of the monitor, the PC host 35.07 joules, 6.06 joules of the range hood. Turning off the power of this small move can help you save money on electricity, but also to protect the environment. 5, the high energy-consuming enterprises to encourage the installation of energy-saving facilities Over the past decade, due to energy constraints, with the further development of energy conservation. A variety of new, energy-saving advanced furnace is becoming more and more perfect, and the use of new refractory fibers and other high-quality insulation materials make the kiln heat loss decreased significantly. The use of advanced combustion devices to strengthen the combustion, reducing the amount of incomplete combustion, air-fuel ratio also tends to be reasonable. However, the technology of reducing heat loss of exhaust smoke and recovering flue gas waste heat is still not progressing fast. In order to further improve the thermal efficiency of the kiln, to achieve the purpose of energy saving, recovery of flue gas waste heat is also an important energy-saving way. Flue gas waste heat recovery is usually used in two ways: one is to preheat the workpiece; the other is to preheat the air for combustion. Flue gas preheating workpiece needs to occupy a large volume for heat exchange, often subject to the limitations of the operating site (intermittent use of the kiln can not use this method). Preheated air combustion is a better method, generally configured in the heating furnace, but also to strengthen the combustion, accelerate the heating speed of the furnace, improve the thermal performance of the furnace. This not only meets the requirements of the process, and finally can also obtain significant comprehensive energy-saving effect. In addition, the domestic from the fifties in industrial furnaces and kilns on the use of preheating air preheater, the main form of tubular, cylindrical radiation and cast iron block and other forms of heat exchanger, but the exchange efficiency is low. In the eighties, the domestic has developed a jet type, jet radiation type, compound table type heat exchanger, mainly to solve the low temperature waste heat recovery. In 100 degrees below the flue gas waste heat recovery has achieved remarkable results, improve the heat transfer efficiency. But at high temperatures is still due to the heat exchanger material limitations, low service life, maintenance workload or solid cost is expensive and affect the popularization of the use. At the beginning of the 21st century, Gongyi City, Henan Province, China finally developed the Ronghua ceramic heat exchanger. Its production process and kiln production process is basically the same, thermal conductivity and oxidation resistance is the main application of the material performance. It is the principle of the ceramic heat exchanger placed in the flue outlet closer to the higher temperatures, do not need to be mixed with cold air and high temperature protection, when the kiln temperature of 1250-1450 ℃, the flue outlet temperature should be 1000-1300 ℃, ceramic heat exchanger recovery of waste heat up to 450-750 ℃, will be recycled to the hot air into the kiln and the gas to form a mixture of gas for combustion, can save energy! 35% -55%, which directly reduces production costs and increase economic efficiency. Ceramic heat exchanger in the use of metal heat exchanger under the limitations of the development of a good, because it is a better solution to the corrosion resistance, high temperature and other issues, and has become the recovery of high-temperature waste heat recovery of the best heat exchanger. After years of production practice, shows that ceramic heat exchanger effect is very good. Its main advantages are: good thermal conductivity, high-temperature strength, oxidation resistance, good thermal shock resistance. Long life, small maintenance, reliable and stable performance, easy to operate. It is the best device to recover high temperature flue gas waste heat. At present, the ceramic heat exchanger can be used in metallurgy, non-ferrous, refractory, chemical, building materials and other industries, the main thermal kiln, is for the world's energy saving and emission reduction cause has made a great contribution.
Edit the relevant concepts
Environmental costs Environmental costs, also known as environmental degradation costs, refers to the cost of the decline in the quality of the environmental service function due to environmental pollution caused by economic activities. Environmental degradation cost is divided into environmental protection expenditure and environmental degradation cost, environmental protection expenditure refers to the value actually paid for the protection of the environment, and environmental degradation cost refers to the value of the loss of environmental pollution and the value that should be paid for the protection of the environment. The natural environment mainly provides living space and ecological efficacy, and has the characteristics of long-term and multiple use, which is also similar to the characteristics of fixed asset use. In this way, the cost of environmental degradation caused by pollution from economic activities, that is, the cost of environmental degradation, also has the nature of "fixed asset depreciation".
Edit Chemical curing agents for sludge
Solidification of river sludge or municipal sewage sludge in particular With the large number of municipal sewage treatment plants being constructed, the volume of sewage treatment and the production of sludge are both increasing. Sludge contains a large number of microorganisms . Pathogens. Heavy metals and organic pollutants, its water content is generally more than 80%, improper treatment will cause secondary pollution. Currently, sludge disposal methods mainly include agriculture . Incineration and landfill, there is a large amount of sludge without any treatment, randomly discarded. Due to the high water content of sludge, poor soil mechanical properties and high pollutant content, the current treatment methods have environmental pollution. The treatment cost is too high, but also easy to cause landfill engineering geological disasters. Whether sludge can be landfilled depends on the geotechnical mechanical properties of sludge or sludge and other additives to form a mixture of sludge, sludge landfill requirements cross plate shear strength ≥ 25kpa, unconfined compressive strength of ≥ 50kpa. sludge after conventional dewatering, the moisture content of 80% or more, the word plate shear strength <10kpa, can not meet the minimum requirements of landfill. For this reason, it is necessary to improve the mechanical properties of sludge and reduce the water content. The traditional way is to add cement and lime and other curing agents, but also use mineralized waste as an additive mixture, these ways need to add a large amount of material, add the amount of <30%, increasing the amount of waste, if then water, will be transformed into sludge. The use of adding chemicals to solidify sludge, the amount added can be controlled within 10%, the general maintenance time in 1~3 days, can reach the landfill requirements of strength and moisture content. It must be used rationally. Low cost and good effect
In 1979 China passed its first environmental protection law, the Chinese People's **** and State Environmental Protection Law (Trial). Since the reform and opening up, China has gradually formed a legal system for environmental protection. 1973 saw the birth of China's first environmental standard, the Trial Emission Standard for Industrial "Three Wastes". By the end of 1998, China had issued 412 national environmental standards over the years, of which 361 were currently in force, including 10 environmental quality standards, 80 pollutant emission standards, 230 standards for environmental monitoring methods, 29 standards for environmental samples, 12 standards for environmental bases, and 34 standards of the State Environmental Protection Administration (i.e., standards for the environmental protection industry) over the years. Meanwhile, by 1998, China*** had promulgated 6 laws on environmental protection, 9 laws on environment-related resources, 34 administrative laws and regulations on environmental protection, more than 90 departmental regulations on environmental protection, more than 900 local laws and regulations on environmental protection and local government regulations, and 6 military laws and regulations on environmental protection, and had concluded and participated in 37 international conventions on the environment, thus initially forming a legal system on environmental protection with Chinese characteristics. The legal system of environmental protection has initially formed a legal system with Chinese characteristics, and has become an important part of China's socialist legal system. In particular, in order to meet the objective needs of economic development and environmental protection, the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress adopted decisions on amending the Law on Prevention and Control of Air Pollution and the Law on Prevention and Control of Water Pollution in 1995 and 1996, respectively, and in March 1997, the revised Criminal Law of the People's Republic of China added provisions relating to the crime of "destroying the protection of environmental resources". " provisions. The basic principles of China's environmental protection law are: coordinated development of economic construction and environmental protection; prevention as the mainstay, combining prevention and treatment; polluter pays; the government is responsible for the quality of the environment; and it relies on the masses to protect the environment. in October 2002, the Chinese People's Republic of China Environmental Impact Evaluation Law was promulgated, which provides a scientific basis for the decision-making of projects, the selection of project sites, the direction of products, the plan and scale of construction, and the environmental monitoring and management of the projects after their completion. management after the completion of the project.
UNITED NATIONS ENVIRONMENTAL PROGRAM The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) was established in 1973, with its headquarters in Nairobi, Kenya, and is one of only two United Nations agencies in the world with its headquarters in a developing country. Membership in UNEP is open to all United Nations Member States, members of the specialized agencies and members of the International Atomic Energy Agency, and by 2009, more than 100 countries were participating in its activities. In the 21st century, when the international community and governments are increasingly concerned about the state of the global environment and the prospects for sustainable development in the world, UNEP is receiving more and more attention and is playing an irreplaceable and crucial role. All-China Environment Federation The All-China Environment Federation (ACEF) is a non-profit, national social organization approved by the State Council of the People's Republic of China, registered by the Ministry of Civil Affairs, and under the supervision of the State Environmental Protection Administration (SEPA), and is voluntarily formed by people, enterprises, and institutions enthusiastic about the environmental protection cause. The purpose of CEPA is to focus on the implementation of sustainable development strategy, on the realization of national environment and development goals, on the protection of public and social environmental rights and interests, to fully reflect the CEPA's organizational advantages of "Greater China, Greater Environment, Greater Union", to play the role of a bridge and link between the government and society, to promote the development of China's environmental cause, and to promote the environmental rights and interests of all mankind. The organization fully reflects the advantages of the "Greater China, Greater Environment, Greater Union" organization, plays the role of a bridge and link between the government and the society, promotes the development of China's environmental protection industry, and promotes the progress of the environmental protection industry of the whole humanity. China Environmental Protection Industry Association (CEPIA) China Environmental Protection Industry Association (CEPIA) was established in 1993 (formerly known as China Environmental Protection Industry Association (CEPIA), founded in 1984). CEPIA is a social organization voluntarily formed by the scientific research, design, production, distribution and service units engaged in environmental protection industry, as well as the industry experts engaged in environmental protection industry in China, and it is a social organization with the qualification of legal person of association. It is a national, industrial and non-profit social organization with the status of a legal person and has the qualification of an association, which is cross-regional, cross-sectoral and cross-ownership. China Environmental Protection Industry Association (CEPIA)*** has 46 group members (environmental protection industry associations of provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities directly under the central government, and sub-provincial cities), more than 1,100 unit members, and tens of thousands of enterprises connected through provincial and municipal associations. Environmental Protection China Industry Union Environmental Protection China Industry Union (abbreviation: EPCIU): referred to as Environmental Protection China, is an unincorporated, active, academic civil organization dedicated to promoting "prevention and control of environmental pollution, improvement of ecological environment and protection of natural resources". EPCIU is initiated by relevant government departments, industry associations, mainstream media, and leading enterprises***, and has received extensive attention and strong support from all walks of life. Alliance purpose: environmental protection to make the world a better place. Accelerate the development of China's environmental protection industry, to create a mature environmental protection industry chain, integration of government departments, research institutions, environmental protection enterprises, mainstream media and other resources, to promote the environmental protection industry upstream, midstream and downstream enterprises to effectively integrate, optimize the industrial structure and promote economic development.
1, environmental protection, everyone has the responsibility. 2、Protecting the environment is a basic national policy that must be adhered to for a long time. 3, the implementation of science and education and sustainable development strategy. 4, June 5, 1998 World Environment Day theme is: "For life on earth - save our oceans". 5. Protect the blue sky and blue water. 6. Build a beautiful border and take care of our home. 7、Strengthen environmental publicity and education, and improve the environmental awareness of all people. 8、Protecting the environment is the responsibility of every citizen. 9、Environmental protection starts from my side. 10、Protect the environment to benefit the people. 11、Protecting the environment is protecting ourselves. 12、Destroying the environment is destroying the home we live on. 13、Soil can not be regenerated, to prevent soil pollution and sand, reduce soil erosion. 14, the environment and human *** survival, resource development and environmental protection coordination. 15、Protect the water environment and save water resources. 16、Protect the Gobi vegetation, prevent sand and dust pollution, and protect the atmospheric environment. 17、Environmental protection does not distinguish between nationalities, ecology has no national boundaries Do not stand by and watch, please join the ranks of the actors Save a drop of water today, leaving a drop of blood for future generations. Without the health of the earth, there is no human health. Rebuild harmony with nature and make up with the earth. Mixing garbage is garbage, and classifying garbage is a resource. 19. Protect your home with action and water the earth with your blood. Limit consumption to what the ecosphere can bear. Destroying the environment is a scourge for the ages, protecting the environment is a feat for the ages. 21, garbage recycling, protect the earth, hands up, participate in environmental protection. 22, pick back the old tradition of garbage classification, advocate the new fashion of green civilization. 23. If human beings can't survive with other species, they can't survive with this planet. 24, human beings have only one habitat village - the earth. Protecting the environment is the responsibility of every Earth villager. 25. Your planet needs you, unite to fight climate change! (World Environment Day 2009 theme)
3.22 is World Earth Day.