1. Interstage coupling transformer interstage coupling transformer used in the two-stage sound molding inductor, rap wire inductor, inductor manufacturers, Shenzhen inductors, electronic news frequency amplification circuit, as a coupling element, the former amplifier circuit output signal transmission to the latter level, and make the appropriate impedance transformation.
2. Input transformer In the early semiconductor radio, audio one-piece molding inductors, spare wire inductors, inductors manufacturers, Shenzhen inductors, electronic news to promote the use of transformers between the stage and the power amplifier stage for the input transformer, the signal coupling, transmission, also known as the push transformer. Input transformer has a single-ended input type and push-pull input type. If the push circuit is a single-ended circuit, the input transformer is also a single-ended input transformer; if the push circuit is a push-pull circuit, the input transformer is also a push-pull input transformer.
3. Output transformer Output transformer connected to the power amplifier output circuit between the speaker, mainly for signal transmission and impedance matching.