How to carry out non-standard design series

Simply put, non-standard design is in order to meet a particular production needs of the enterprise, the idea of solving the needs of the brain physicalization of the development of data, information work. Then we can understand the definition of the nature of the two points: 1. to meet the production needs 2. manufacturing production equipment (that is, the idea of physical).

1.2 Non-standard design considerations

In order to manufacture production equipment, it is necessary to clarify the following:

What to consider, how to consider, and what equipment you want to manufacture.

If you want to manufacture the equipment, how does it function? What are the mechanism, material, size, and processing method to realize the function? Can it actually be assembled? How to carry, whether disassembled? Additional processing, maintenance and repair is convenient? How about the cost of manufacturing equipment? These are all non-standard design needs to be considered. On how to consider, in future articles will explain in detail. Would like to say that the object of non-standard design considerations: can be broadly divided into mechanical, electrical and control, mechanical is the body of the entire device, electrical is the heart of the entire device, control is the brain of the entire device. Detailed can be divided into the following parts

1. support the structure of the overall structure of the structure body

2. generate the power source of the force

3. transfer the force of the transmission mechanism

4. generate the operation of the end of the action

5. receive information and data detection

6. the center of the processing of information

1.3 Non-standard Design The basic process

For non-standard design, trying to physicalize the needs of the enterprise is not a simple task. Prior to this, we first need to overall planning, production design itself how to carry out the design plan, to meet the needs of those who demand the idea of the mind expressed in the draft map stage on the surface of the mountain, to carry out a variety of seminars as well as to determine the equipment information and data of the plan stage, design to meet the needs of the manufacturing of parts drawings, assembly drawings, and finally, the production of the physical object.

All the information data of the manufacturing product is decided by the designer, so the designer is required to have a significant responsibility, that is, the designer is responsible for making their own information data about the product, then it is required that the designer must be required to have the attitude of doing things accordingly.

1. There are a lot of important things that need to be considered in advance, so don't leave any of them unanswered. (e.g., corners, fits, welds, etc.

2. "It's fine, it'll work out" ends up as, "I didn't even think about it beforehand," or, "In that case, it would have been better if I had thought about it carefully beforehand. It's a good idea."

3. "I'm sure this will go well" is not a good way to trivialize a problem.

4. On the other hand, one might think, "This might not work," when in fact it might work.

5. Don't talk about it, but do it. It's better to talk about it than to do it.

6. All the dimensions (and not only the dimensions) are determined by the designer, who in addition gives the necessary guidance.

7. Do not leave the maker in doubt

8. Parts that do not have dimensional tolerances cannot be manufactured.

9. Put yourself in the maker's shoes and draw the pattern, which requires familiarity with the machining process of the part.

10. No matter how careful you are, you can make mistakes. So always check and proofread and take responsibility for your design.

11. Don't be afraid of trouble. The actual manufacture is 10 times more laborious than the drawing, so you should correct your mistakes as soon as you find them.

12. Available purchased parts must be used purchased parts, without regard to the cost of the premise