Middle and old emergency use of drugs, traveling must have those emergency drugs.

Where to play is not too good, but travel safety is particularly important, I hope you must pay attention to safety when playing, happy May Day.

Heat Stroke

First Aid

1, the aura of heat stroke, immediately withdraw from the hot environment. Rest quietly in a cool place and drink salt.

2. Carry the patient to a cool place or an air-conditioned room to lie down and rest, and loosen or take off clothes.

3. Wipe the whole body with a towel soaked with wet water and keep rubbing the limbs and skin.

4, if the cooling treatment can not alleviate the condition, promptly sent to the hospital for treatment.


Don't eat a lot of cold fruits and vegetables. Most of the heatstroke patients have a weak spleen and stomach, eating a lot of cold food and cold food will further damage the spleen and stomach Yang Qi, the heavy will appear diarrhea, abdominal pain and other symptoms.


1, people are very weak after the heatstroke, in the recovery process, the diet should be light, relatively easy to digest. Supplement the necessary water, salt, calories, vitamins, proteins and other necessary nutrients.

2, do not drink a lot of water at once after heat stroke. Drink a small amount of water at a time, not more than 300mls each time.

3. Eat less greasy food in order to adapt to the digestive ability of the stomach and intestines in summer.

2. Abdominal pain

First aid

1, let the patient keep quiet, take the prone position can make the abdominal pain reduce, can be used to appropriate pressure on the abdomen to make the pain relief.

2, make the patient lie flat on the bed, curl up the legs, bend the knees, relax the abdomen, such as abdominal stiffness, pressure pain is obvious, then use the fingers to press the painful parts, and then violently lift the hand.


Abdominal pain of any nature should not be eaten, after the symptoms are relieved, only liquid or semi-liquid food should be eaten, avoid eating spicy food.


1, abdominal pain with fever is often suggestive of infection, should be timely and appropriate amount of antibiotics.

2, severe abdominal pain and the cause of the disease has not yet been identified, the use of painkillers, avoid the use of morphine, quetiapine and other drugs.

3, surgical diseases, avoid using laxatives, stimulate intestinal peristalsis drugs and enemas, so as to avoid aggravation of pain and deterioration of the condition.

4, for chronic intermittent episodes of abdominal pain, can not be taken lightly,

5, can not be relieved, persistent or severe abdominal pain should be hospitalized to find the cause of timely treatment.

3. Headache

First aid

1, let the patient in a clean room bed rest, and keep indoor air circulation, drink plenty of boiled water, into the fluid or semi-fluid food.

2. No matter where the migraine is located, cold or hot water towel can be applied to the forehead to relieve pain.

3, when the headache is hard to bear, use both hands to press the fingers on the left and right sides of the sun, Hegu and other points, usually can reduce the headache.

4, painkillers are usually effective for headaches, but it is important to observe whether taking painkillers will mask the condition, and pay attention to cause allergic rashes.


Avoid eating greasy fried food; can eat light semi-liquid food and hot soup noodles with green onion and ginger, cilantro and minced pork porridge and other foods with dispersing and detoxifying effect. Keep the indoor air fresh, the temperature and humidity is appropriate, to prevent the patient directly blowing the wind.


1, you can drink a cup of hot milk or a small bowl of hot porridge, cover the clothes, lying down to rest.

2, mild headache can take painkillers without rest. If you have a severe headache, you must rest in bed. The environment should be quiet, indoor light should be soft. In addition, we should also pay attention to observe whether the patient's consciousness is awake, there is no face and mouth and eyes tilted and other symptoms.

4. Scalding

First aid

Once scalded, immediately put the burned part in the flowing water to rinse or use a cold towel to apply cold compresses, if the area of scalded is large, the injured person should be immersed in a bathtub full of cold water. Gauze or a bandage can be wrapped loosely around the burn to protect the wound.


Ice packs should not be used to treat burns, as they can damage already broken skin and cause the wound to worsen. Don't break the blisters, as this will leave a scar. Don't put antibiotic ointment or grease on the wound, as these sticky substances can easily get dirty.


Third-degree burns, electrocution burns and chemical burns should be treated at a hospital. In addition, if the patient has a cough, watery eyes or difficulty breathing, professional medical help is needed. If a second-degree burn is larger than the palm of the hand, the patient should also go to the hospital to see a professional treatment can avoid scarring.

5. Sprains

First aid

Within 24 hours of a sprain, try to apply a cold compress with an ice pack every hour for half an hour. Wrap the injured area with an elastic compression bandage and elevate the injured area. 24 hours later, start to change the affected area to a hot compress to promote blood flow to the injured area.


Don't move the injured joint freely, as this can cause ligament tears and make recovery more difficult.


If the affected area still hurts and you have difficulty moving after a few days of self-treatment and rest, you may have a fracture, muscle strain or torn ligament, and need to go to the hospital immediately.

6. Cramps

First aid

1. You can help the patient by massaging or pulling the affected muscle to relieve the pain. Repeat the pulling until the symptoms are relieved.

2, after the cramp is relieved, if there is still pain, you can use a hot water bag or hot towel in the local area, or take a hot bath.

3, lie down to sit, straighten the cramped leg, hold the forefoot with your hand, and rotate the ankle joint of the cramped leg to the outside with severe pain, and the pain will stop immediately.


1, pay attention to diet, keep warm. Eat more meat, eggs, sweets, moderate intake of fat, protein and other substances to increase body heat, can effectively reduce cramps.

2, avoid swimming in hunger, fatigue. In hunger, fatigue, prone to hypoglycemia, and swimming in low blood sugar or fatigue, muscle stimulation of cold water, cramps will occur.

3. If the cramps continue to occur and the cause is unknown, then it is necessary to go to the hospital for examination in order to find out the underlying cause.

7. Bee stings can cause localized pain, redness, swelling and numbness after being stung by a bee, and can be healed after a few hours; a few are accompanied by systemic symptoms of poisoning, and blisters appear on the stinger.

First aid

1, such as bee stings, its venom is acidic, can be coated with 10% ammonia or soapy water; if the wasp stings, its venom is alkaline, can be coated with 5% acetic acid. All can reduce the pain.

2. After being stung by a wasp, its venomous needle will remain in the skin, so you must use a sterilized needle to pick out the broken stinger in the flesh, then pinch the stung part and suck it repeatedly with your mouth to suck out the toxin. If you don't have any medicine around, wash the affected area with soap and water, and then apply some vinegar or lemon.

3, in case of shock, in the process of waiting for the emergency center to come to the rescue or on the way to the hospital, we must pay attention to keep the stung breathing, and artificial respiration, heart massage and other first aid treatment.

8. Pet bites

First aid

After being scratched or bitten by a cat or dog, treat the wound immediately. First, tie a tourniquet above the wound (handkerchiefs, ropes, etc. can be used as a substitute) to prevent or minimize the flow of viruses into the body with the blood.

1, quickly with clean water or soapy water to the wound running water to wash, thoroughly clean the wound. Do not bandage the wound.

2, quickly sent to the hospital for treatment, rabies vaccine and tetanus antitoxin injection within 24 hours.


When you have a wound on your body, do not be intimate with your pet to prevent the pet's saliva from contaminating the wound.


When children are close to pets such as dogs and cats, special attention should be paid to:

1. Do not scare the animal suddenly, the animal's stress reaction will attack.

2, when the dog smells around you, do not panic, stand still.

3. When a dog is chasing you, don't kick it. An effective way is to stand still and pretend to bend down to pick up stones to hit it.

4, petting pets, palm down, slowly approaching it. If your palm is up, your pet will think you are going to hit it.

9. Head injuries

First aid

If you get a bump on the head, use an ice pack on the affected area to reduce the edema. If your head starts to bleed after being smashed, treat it in the same way as a cut, i.e., use a clean towel to stop the bleeding by pressing on the wound, then go to the hospital to have the wound stitched up and check for internal injuries. If the smashed person faints, then you need to call an ambulance to the hospital, not a moment to delay.


Don't let the injured person sleep alone. Within 24 hours of the injury, someone should stay with the victim. If the victim falls asleep, wake him or her up every three hours and ask him or her to answer a few simple questions to make sure that he or she is not in a coma or suffering from an intracranial injury, such as a concussion.


When the injured person has convulsions, dizziness, vomiting, nausea, or is behaving in an unusual manner, he or she needs to be admitted to a hospital immediately.

10. Food poisoning

First aid

1. If the food was eaten one to two hours ago, you can use chopsticks or fingers to stimulate the pharynx to help induce vomiting, so that the poison can be discharged as soon as possible.

2, such as eating poisoned food time has been more than two hours, but the spirit is good, then you can take laxatives to promote the poisoned food as soon as possible out of the body.

3. Drink a lot of water to dilute the concentration of toxins.

4. If food poisoning is caused by eating spoiled fish, shrimp, crab, etc., take 100mls of vinegar, add 200mls of water, dilute it and take it at once.


1, when buying and eating packaged food, pay attention to check the date of food production, shelf life and production units.

2, processing and storage of food should be raw and cooked separately, overnight food must be heated and cooked through before consumption.

3, cooking food and eating before washing hands. Wash your hands again after touching raw fish, meat and poultry.

4. If you have vomiting, diarrhea and other food poisoning symptoms after eating, you should treat yourself immediately.

11. Gas poisoning

First aid

Mild poisoning, the patient feels dizziness, weakness, nausea, vomiting, pale. In severe cases, respiratory distress, convulsions and coma may occur.

The first aid method is to open doors and windows immediately, move the patient to a place with good air circulation, unbutton the patient's clothes to make breathing smooth, and pay attention to keeping warm to prevent pneumonia. Give him hot tea, deep breathing, no relief quickly sent to the hospital.

12. Alcohol poisoning

First aid

For mild poisoning, first of all, we should stop him from continuing to drink; secondly, we can find some pears, water chestnuts, watermelon and other fruits for him to relieve the alcohol; we can also stimulate the throat (e.g., chopsticks, etc.) to induce the vomit reflex, and vomit out the wine and other gastric contents as soon as possible (this is not suitable for the patients who are already asleep), and then we should arrange for him to have a drink. ), then arrange for bed rest, pay attention to warmth, and avoid obstruction of the respiratory tract by vomit; observe the respiratory and pulse conditions, and if there is nothing special, the patient will recover on his own once he wakes up. If the patient after bed rest, there is a rapid pulse, slow breathing, cold, wet skin, irritability phenomenon, should be immediately sent to the hospital for treatment.

Severe acute alcohol poisoning, there will be irritability, lethargy, dehydration, convulsions, shock, weak breathing and other symptoms, should be sent to the hospital as soon as possible.


Coffee and strong tea are not suitable for alcohol detoxification.

13. Fish bone in the throat

First aid

1. Stimulate the back wall of the pharynx with your fingers or chopsticks to induce vomiting, which will help to get rid of the foreign matter in the pharynx.

2. Perform abdominal compression (or chest compression if the patient is pregnant or obese). If the patient is unable to stand, place him/her flat on a firm surface, sit across the patient's legs and perform abdominal compression five times, and then check whether the foreign body is coughed up.

3. If a foreign body is found, use long tweezers or chopsticks to hold the foreign body and gently pull it out.


1, larger or deeper fish splinter, no matter how to do the swallowing action will not reduce the pain. If you can't see the fishbone on both sides of the throat, you should go to the hospital for treatment.

2, when the fishbone stuck in the throat, can not let the patient swallow a large piece of steamed bread, pancakes and other food, although sometimes this method can be removed from the fishbone, but sometimes this inappropriate treatment, not only did not get rid of the fishbone, but also to make it deeper, more difficult to get out of the serious infection and inflammation of the greater trouble.

3. The fishbone can't be removed and you still feel uncomfortable. Go to the hospital and ask the doctor for treatment, which is also the most appropriate way to deal with the fishbone injury.

14. Acute pneumonia

Pneumonia has a high morbidity and mortality rate. It should not be taken lightly.

Pneumonia is characterized by fever, cough, chills, chest pain, sweating or sputum. The onset of the disease is acute or delayed. Precursor to the onset of mild upper respiratory tract infection number, the sudden onset of fever, early temperature between 38 to 39 ℃, can be as high as 40 ℃, mostly flaccid fever or irregular fever.

First aid

1, supplemental vitamins and proteins, frequent drinking water and a small number of times to eat, keep the airway open.

2. Give oxygen in time when oxygen is lacking. The most common use of nasal vestibular catheter continuous oxygen, until the lack of oxygen to improve before stopping.

3, cough with phlegm, do not abuse the cough suppressant, because suppressing the cough is not conducive to the elimination of phlegm.

4. Seriously ill patients, especially those with unstable blood pressure, must be sent to the hospital for treatment.


1, according to the condition, reasonable oxygen therapy. Ensure that the intravenous infusion is smooth, no spillage, if necessary, set the central venous pressure to understand the blood volume.

2. Provide high nutritional diet, encourage drinking more water, and adopt light and easy-to-digest semi-liquid diet for those with critical condition and high fever.

3, pay attention to ensure adequate sleep and appropriate rest, should increase the time of daytime bed rest, adjust the diet to ensure sufficient energy intake.

4, pay attention to a large amount of water, at least two liters per day. If you have a fever, you need to increase the amount on top of that. Keep the temperature and humidity of the room appropriate, fresh air, to avoid physical and chemical stimulation of the respiratory tract.

15. Angina pectoris

First aid

1, stop all activities, calm down, can stand on the ground to rest, do not need to lie down, so as not to increase the amount of blood back to the heart and aggravate the burden on the heart.

2, carry first aid drugs, such as: nitroglycerin tablets, chewed and contained in the tongue, usually about two minutes of pain can be relieved. If the effect is not good, ten minutes later, you can take another tablet under the tongue to increase the amount of medicine. It is not advisable to take more than three nitroglycerin tablets in a row, regardless of whether the angina is relieved or if it recurs.

3. Call for medical help.


Avoid eating foods high in fat and cholesterol, and drink a small amount of beer, wine and low alcohol.


1, eat more fruits, fresh vegetables, reduce stimulating diet. Drink vinegar to soften blood vessels and reduce angina attacks. Coronary heart disease patients with angina, should be appropriate rest, reduce workload, such as myocardial infarction, immediately hospitalized.

2, the first angina pectoris patients, often do not carry emergency drugs, to avoid emotional panic, timely hospital treatment can be.

16. Cerebral hemorrhage Typical symptoms for people with a history of hypertension, due to large fluctuations in temperature or emotional excitement, suddenly slurred speech or even coma.

First aid

1, family members should restrain their feelings, immediately call 120, do not in order to wake up the patient and shouting or violent shaking coma, otherwise it will only make the condition deteriorate rapidly.

2, the patient lying flat on the bed, due to elevated cerebral pressure, such patients are very prone to projectile vomiting, such as timely removal of vomit, may lead to cerebral hemorrhage coma due to vomit blockage of the airway suffocation and death. Therefore, the patient's head must be turned to the side, so that the vomit can flow out of the mouth.

3. An ice bag or cold towel can be placed on the patient's forehead to help stop bleeding and reduce cerebral pressure.

4, smooth and timely transportation to the hospital for medical treatment.

17. Coma

First aid

1, the most common method is to use the thumb to press the inner side of the patient's eye socket, observe the patient's state of consciousness, and at the same time, pay attention to the patient's respiration and heartbeat.

2, make the patient lie flat on a hard board, loosen the collar. Tilt the patient's head back and to the side to keep the patient's airway open and prevent asphyxiation.

3. The patient should be moved immediately to a place with good air circulation.

4, high fever coma patients should be alcohol bath, in the head, aorta disposal of ice packs, ice cap for cooling.


1, once the cardiac arrest or respiratory arrest, immediately on-site artificial respiration.

2, restless comatose patients should be guarded to prevent accidents such as falls and bruises. In winter, we should pay attention to keep warm for the unconscious patients.

3, do not slap, shake the patient's head, do not indiscriminately turn, drag and carry the patient.

4, do not put a high pillow behind the patient's head, so as not to block the entrance to the airway and suffocation.

18. Stroke is mostly induced by emotional fluctuations, worry and irritation, alcohol consumption, mental overstress and other factors. Some typical or atypical signs of stroke may appear before the stroke.

First aid

1, someone suddenly suffered a stroke, the family must not panic, should immediately ask for assistance.

2, before the arrival of the ambulance, if the patient is still conscious, you should immediately stop the activity, in a flat position, the family should pay attention to comfort the patient, to relieve their nervousness.

3, if the patient has lost consciousness, then try to lift the patient to the bed, it is advisable to have two to three people to lift at the same time, to avoid the patient's head to be shaken, let the patient lie down quietly, raise the head of the bed.

4. After the condition is stabilized and the vomiting is reduced, the patient should be sent to the hospital for resuscitation, but special care should be taken on the way to the hospital, and the patient should be carried gently and steadily, and his head should be protected by a person to minimize the vibration.


1, keep the room clean and air circulation, pay attention to warmth; maintain oral hygiene, remove respiratory secretions at any time, encourage the patient to do chest expansion, deep breathing and coughing and other exercises; change the position of the patient at regular intervals, massage the skin pressure; fecal incontinence under the buttocks placed in the absorbent cloth pads, and timely removal of fecal matter, cleaning the local in order to maintain vulva clean and dry, to prevent urinary tract infection.

2. There is a possibility of recurrence after the first stroke, especially in the case of transient ischemic attack; every effort should be made to exclude all risk factors for stroke and to have regular checkups.

19. Choking

First aid

First of all, call an ambulance quickly. While waiting for the ambulance, take the following steps: lean the patient forward and pat the patient's back with the palm of your hand between the shoulders. If that doesn't work, then you need to stand behind the patient, put your fist against the patient's abdominal back, hold that fist with your other hand, push up and down and push out five times to help the patient breathe. Patients can also help themselves by pressing their abdomen against a hard object, such as a kitchen countertop, and then squeezing their abdomen hard enough to pop whatever is stuck in their throat.


Do not give water or other food to a person who is coughing.


Whenever choking occurs, an ambulance should be called quickly to rescue the patient.

20. Cardiac Arrest Cardiac arrest must be rescued in a race against time, do not wait for the ambulance to arrive and then sent to the hospital for treatment. The following first-aid measures should be taken immediately to perform CPR.

First aid

1, percussion pre-cardiac area: one hand to support the patient's neck upward, the other hand to hold the patient's forehead back slightly pushed, so that the lower jaw upward, head tilted back, conducive to ventilation. Use the fleshy part of the bottom of the fist, above the middle part of the sternum, 20-30 centimeters away from the chest wall, suddenly and rapidly pound once. If there is no response, do chest compressions immediately. Let the patient's back cushion a hard board, and do mouth-to-mouth artificial respiration at the same time. Observe the patient's pupils, if the pupils narrow (is the most sensitive, the most meaningful signs of life), face, mouth and lips turn red, indicating that the rescue is effective.

2, acupuncture Renzhong point or the heart of the hand Laogong point, foot heart Yongquan point, play a role in rescue.

3, quickly pull out the pharyngeal vomit, so as not to block the airway or backflow into the lungs, causing asphyxia and aspiration pneumonia.

4, the head of the ice pack to cool down.

5. Rush to the hospital for treatment.