Tianjin Yatai Topjian Plastic Machinery & Equipment Co.

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Company Profile:

Tianjin YATTai Topjian Plastic Machinery and Equipment Co. 2012-06-06, the registered capital of 50.00 million yuan, the legal representative is Tang Qing Ying, the company's address is Beichen District, Tianjin Pharmaceutical Medical Device Industrial Park, No. 1, Four Weft Road (Chen Huan Star Valley Incubator), the unified social credit code and tax ID 91120113596139571L, industry is the manufacture of specialized equipment for plastics processing, the registration authority is the Tianjin Beichen District, Market and Quality Supervision Administration of Tianjin Beichen District, the scope of business is injection molding equipment, wire and cable processing equipment, plastic products, mold manufacturing, processing, sales, technology development. (The above business scope involves industry licenses with license, in the effective period of operation, the state has special franchise regulations in accordance with the provisions.) Ltd. is 120113000137399


Foreign investment:


Tang Qing should be, the proportion of capital contribution of 100.00%, the amount of contribution is 50.000000


Tang Qingying serves as an executive director of the company

Tang Qingying serves as a manager of the company

Zhang Dengpan serves as a supervisor of the company
