Are dental implants good, fillings good, or veneers good?

First of all, fillings are not the same thing as veneers or dental implants.

Second, your situation has nothing to do with fillings. What you need to decide at this point is whether to have a regular fixed denture (removable ones are not recommended) or two fixed dentures using the implant method.

Then, the doctor you consulted had a problem with the statement that dental implants are now a very popular form of veneers and are not as dangerous as he made them out to be, but they need to be operated by an experienced doctor. (After all, dental implants are not planting vegetables)

Retell the difference between ordinary dental implants and dental implants:

Ordinary dental implants, the situation is like this, 1, 2, 3 such 3 teeth, 2 of which were extracted, and then do a 3 hat (that is, 3 porcelain crowns) of the teeth, respectively, in 1 and 3 of the top of the set, so that the 2 will be set up, but the premise of the 1 and 3 of these two teeth should be grinded down to a big layer to accommodate the crowns. The advantage of this method over dental implants is that it is cheaper, but the disadvantage is that it damages the two good teeth, 1 and 3.

The implant, which is 1, 2, 3, extracts 2, then plants a nail into the alveolar bone at the location of 2, and then sets a separate porcelain crown on the head of the nail. The advantage of this approach is that it is independent of the neighboring teeth, but it is more expensive.

Again, in your case. If you extracted the last two below the right side. Then, if you use the ordinary veneers mentioned above, because there is no more support behind the last teeth, the force of these two missing teeth must eat on top of the ones in front of them (i.e., the penultimate teeth), which is less than optimal in terms of comfort and firmness.

The best option is to plant two nails, each with a porcelain crown. (The cost of each nail plus abutment plus crown is basically $10,000 or more in my city, depending on the material of the crown.)

Alternatively, you can also plant the last nail, and then build a bridge, which will save the money of a nail (about 6,000 or 7,000)