1. Disconnect the power: Before checking and repairing the circuit, always disconnect the power to ensure personal safety.
2, check the circuit wiring: check whether the circuit wiring is correct and standardized, whether the components are connected to each other, and whether the connections are loose, detached or damaged.
3. Use a multimeter: Use a multimeter to measure the resistance of each part of the circuit and compare the difference with the normal value to determine if there is a short circuit. If a part of the resistance is extremely low or zero, there may be a short circuit.
4, one by one to check the components: check the circuit components, such as switches, relays, capacitors, inductors, diodes, field effect tubes, etc., to see if there are burned, broken, black and other abnormalities.
5, observe the circuit changes: reconnect the power supply, observe the changes in the circuit, such as whether it will cause tripping, heat, smoke and other abnormal reactions.