The Meaning of "Only Wonderful and Pretty

1, explanation: describes the description or imitation is very skillful, very realistic. 2, source Song - Yue Ke "Ying Guang Tang post praise": "Yong's method; Yean to Wan; (m) the body of the Fu; craggy to Jian. Horse and cow its wind; God and Zhitong; his Yan I craggy; but exquisite." 3, ... The paper jumps off the page, just like in the present. 唯妙唯俏[wéimiàowéixiào]含义:唯:语助词;妙:手艺巧妙;肖:相似,逼真. Describe the description or imitation is very realistic. sentence: the National Palace of China's collection of jade cabbages, only skillful and playful, is indeed an ancient artifact.