What type of rehabilitation program for autistic children does it belong to?

The rehabilitation project for autistic children is a type of rehabilitation treatment.

Autism, also called autism spectrum disorder, is a neurodevelopmental disorder in children with obvious defects in social interaction and communication, manifested by symptoms such as emotional silence, abnormal verbal communication, repetitive behaviors, and communication difficulties. . The rehabilitation project for autistic children aims to help children improve their social and communication skills, improve their physical and mental health, and promote their all-round development through systematic rehabilitation treatment.

Rehabilitation projects for autistic children mainly include the following forms:

1. Behavioral intervention: through positive reinforcement, interactive games and other methods, increase the social skills of autistic children and change their autism , ostracizing behavior.

2. Language and communication training: Use social skills training, language and communication skills and other methods to promote the improvement of social adaptability and language communication skills of autistic children.

3. Cognitive training: Through cognitive behavioral intervention and other methods, we can help children with autism improve their cognitive impairment and improve their learning, cognition and adaptability.

4. Family support: Families of autistic children play an important role in rehabilitation projects and need to provide spiritual and material support and cooperate with medical professionals in treatment.

5. Comprehensive intervention: Comprehensive intervention for various problems of autistic children, including medical, educational, psychological and other aspects, to achieve the best therapeutic effect.

In general, rehabilitation projects for autistic children mainly improve the condition of children through comprehensive rehabilitation treatment, including training in behavior, language, cognition, etc., and also need to strengthen family support, comprehensive intervention, etc. work in order to improve the quality of life of autistic children.


Also known as autism or autism disorder, it is a representative disease of pervasive developmental disorder (PDD) .

"DSM-IV-TR" divides PDD into 5 types: autistic disorder, Retts syndrome, childhood disintegrative disorder, Asperger syndrome and unspecified PDD. Among them, autistic disorder and Asperger's syndrome are more common. Reports on the prevalence of autism vary, but it is generally believed to be about 2 to 5 per 10,000 children. The male to female ratio is about 3 to 4:1, with boys being 3 to 4 times more common than girls.