Rocket Encyclopedia Business Card A rocket (rocket) is a jet propulsion device that is ejected backward at high speed by a stream of hot air, and moves forward using the resulting reaction force. It carries its own incendiary and oxidizing agents, does not rely on oxygen in the air to fuel its combustion, and can fly both in the atmosphere and in outer space. Modern rockets can be used as fast and long-distance transportation tools, such as as space probes, launching artificial satellites, manned spacecraft, the space station's means of delivery, as well as other vehicles, such as boosters. If they are used to deliver combat parts (warheads) for operational use, they constitute rocket weapons. Those that can be guided are called missiles, and those that are unguided are called rockets. There is a basketball team of the same name, named after its city, Houston, which is the center of space technology in the United States. Table of Contents[hide] Basic introduction History Origin of rockets Home of rockets in China Regulations Classification and composition Status and development Simulated rockets Launch records of the world Glossary Launch vehicles Cosmic rockets Weather rockets Modern rockets Milestones Rocket artillery Multi-stage rockets NBA teams Snooker players Basic introduction History Origin of rockets Home of rockets in China Regulations Classification and composition Status and development Simulated rockets Launch records of the world Glossary Carrier rockets Cosmic rockets Weather rockets Modern rockets Milestones Rocket artillery Multi-stage rockets NBA teams Snooker players [编辑本段]基本简介 Rockets are the only means of transportation currently available that can enable an object to reach cosmic velocity, overcome or escape the Earth's gravity, and enter cosmic space. The speed of the rocket is obtained by the work of the rocket engine. As early as 1903 Tsiolkovsky derived the formula for the ideal velocity of a single-stage rocket: V = ωLnMo/Mk, which is known as Tsiolkovsky's formula. ω is the jet velocity of the engine, and Mo and Mk, respectively, are the initial mass of the rocket and the mass of the rocket when the engine is turned off (when the propellant is used up). Mo/Mk is known as the mass ratio of the rocket. From this formula, it can be seen that the velocity of the rocket is directly proportional to the jet velocity of the engine, and at the same time increases as the mass ratio of the rocket increases. Even with the best performance liquid hydrogen-liquid oxygen propellant, the jet velocity of the engine can only reach 4.3~4.4 kilometers/second. Therefore, it is impossible for a single-stage rocket to send an object into space orbit, and a multi-stage rocket must be used to relay a spacecraft into space orbit. Rockets used to carry spacecraft are called space launch vehicles, and those used to carry military bombs are called rocket weapons (uncontrolled) or missiles (controlled). Space launch vehicles are generally composed of a power system, a control system and a structural system, some with telemetry, safety self-destruction and other additional systems. Multi-stage rockets are connected in series, parallel and series-parallel connections. Tandem is a few single-stage rockets connected in a straight line; parallel is a larger single-stage rocket in the middle, called the core stage, in its surrounding bundled with a number of smaller rockets, generally called booster rockets or boosters, that is, the booster stage; tandem-parallel multi-stage rocket core stage is also a multi-stage rockets. Multi-stage rockets between levels, rockets and payloads and fairings, through the connection of a separation mechanism (often referred to as the separation mechanism) to realize the connection and separation. The separation mechanism consists of an explosive bolt (or explosive cable) and an ejection device (or small rocket). Normally, they are connected by explosive bolts or explosive cable into a whole; separation, explosive bolts or explosive cable explosion, so that the connection is unlocked, and then by the ejection device or small rockets will be the two parts of the separation, but also with the help of the front of the first level of the rocket engine after the start of a powerful jet separation. Rocket technology is a very complex and comprehensive technology, including rocket propulsion technology, overall design technology, rocket structure technology, control and guidance technology, program management technology, reliability and quality control technology, test technology, for missiles there are warhead guidance and control, surprise defense, re-entry anti-heat, nuclear reinforcement and miniaturization of warhead technology.
2. Aerospace Trivia
Oh, I'm going to participate in this contest too.
I checked it out, so.
Not telling you! Never mind, I'll tell you anyway.1. Physical Fitness Get intense physical activity every day, running at least two miles (about 3.2 kilometers), biking for 15 minutes, swimming five round trips in a 50-meter lane, and lifting weights for 15 minutes without stopping. 2.Teamwork Learn to get along with others.
Spacecraft space is small, you must know how to live with other crew members. 3. Foreign language proficiency Know basic Russian.
But it's not that simple. Mark Shuttleworth, a wealthy South African who spent a fortune on space tourism aboard a Russian spacecraft in '02, once said that four hours of Russian lessons a day was like operating on your brain without ***.
4. Physical examination Good health is a must. Heart patients are absolutely not allowed to go up, but minor asthma etc. will not be affected.
5. Mental examination Mental health is also very important, especially the quality of being able to remain calm no matter what the situation. An astronaut can be exposed to a wide range of dangers, and there is no place to escape to in space.
6. Overweight endurance training Overweight endurance training requires astronauts to maintain normal breathing and thinking abilities while undergoing gravity conditions that are eight times their own body weight. This training is usually done in a high-speed rotation of the centrifugal chamber or rotating seat, the biggest pressure in the training is to withstand the acceleration, the astronauts of the training requires overload to reach the human body weight eight times the acceleration of gravity, the duration of 40 to 50 seconds.
In manned space flight training, overweight endurance training is the biggest challenge to the astronauts' self-limit, which is famous for the devil's training, and many people are discouraged. 7. First aid training Basic first aid knowledge is the astronauts' common sense, such as splinting the leg after a fracture, as well as giving medicine to the wound, etc.
The first aid training is the most important part of the astronauts' training.
8. Land survival training Simulated space shuttle accidentally crashed in the Russian wild, trainees must accept how to make a fire, how to build a temporary shelter, how to call for help and other basic survival training. 9. sea survival training In case of accident, astronauts should also be prepared for emergency landing in the Black Sea.
One of the training is that astronauts wearing space suits jumped into the water, in the water should learn to inflate their own lifeboats. 10. Weightlessness training In weightlessness, all daily tasks such as eating, drinking, going to the toilet, vomiting, etc. need to be re-learned, otherwise it may cause a lot of trouble for you and others.
NASA's medical experts deliberately studied a large instrument called "vomit comet machine", astronauts as long as the space before, in this instrument "live" on the 100 hours, then, he went into space, it will not happen again. The phenomenon of vomiting will not happen again after he goes into space. And in this constantly rotating machine, astronauts have to learn to put on the space suit in 30 seconds.
11. Learning to fly the space shuttle Anything can happen when traveling in space, so if the automatic control system malfunctions and causes an accident, or if the rest of the crew is killed, someone must be able to fly the shuttle back to Earth. 12. Money Last but not least, you should have at least 20 million dollars.
1. On November 24, 2007, China's first satellite to explore the moon was launched successfully, and the name of this satellite is Chang'e 1. 2. On November 24, 2007, the launch vehicle carrying China's first satellite to explore the moon was ignited and launched at the Xichang Launch Center.
3. At present, there are three satellite launch bases in China, and a fourth one will be built in Wenchang, which is expected to be put into use in 2010. 4. On April 14, 2007, China successfully launched a Beidou satellite into space by a Changsanjia carrier rocket, which is the first satellite of the "Beidou Program" in China. 5. The satellite is one of the satellites in China's "Beidou program", the main purpose of the "Beidou program" is to locate and navigate.
5 In honor of Galileo's first telescopic observation of the stars 400 years ago, this feat, in March 2007, the International Astronomical Union (IAU) identified 2009 as the International Year of Astronomy, the theme is: "The Universe - yours to discover! ". 6. The following statement about the planets is wrong is Jupiter in our country in ancient times known as 'Changgeng', it is the solar system of all the planets in the largest mass.
7. So far, mankind has launched a large number of probes to examine other planets in the solar system, the following probes and the planets being detected corresponds to the correct Galileo Jupiter 8. The following about the solar system's largest mass of the first five large planets, according to the quality of the largest to the smallest in the order of the correct Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune, Uranus, the Earth 9. The Messier of the Great Nebula in Orion is No. M4210. The following description of the meaning of each festival is incorrect is the winter solstice day the sun's declination is 0 degrees, the sun almost directly to the Tropic of Capricorn, is the northern hemisphere in the shortest day of the year. 11. Humans have named many places on the moon, the following names do not belong to the moon is Mount Olympus 12. Most of the moon's craters are named after astronomers, among them there are also China's ancient Astronomers, the following characters in that person's name is not used to name is Song Yingxing 13. about the telescope is expressed correctly compared to the terrestrial telescope, equatorial telescopes have the advantage of easy to track the celestial body's perihelion motion 14. the moon rotates around the earth's orbital plane and the lunar equator between the size of the angle between the 6 degrees 41 minutes, which makes us able to see some of the back of the moon in the north and south poles of the earth.
15. The following statements about comets are incorrect: comets are heated when they are close to the Sun, and the light of comets is mainly emitted by incandescent gases.16. The discovery of asteroids is closely related to the formulation of the Tidus-Bode rule, according to which there should be a planet at a distance of 2.8 astronomical units from the Sun, and then Piacci was really in the place. The first asteroid Ceres was discovered there 17. There are planets in our solar system that radiate more energy outward than they receive from the sun, and so far such planets are known to be Jupiter and Saturn 18. There is a dark gap in the middle of Saturn's outer halo that divides the halo into inner and outer parts, and this gap, named after the discoverer of it, is known as Cassini's ring gap 19. Observation of the phases of the moon we can roughly know the day in the month, such as when the phase of the moon for the first quarter moon, probably for the first eight or so of each month of the lunar calendar 20. In the solar system of the eight planets, there is a planet's rotation in a very unique way, its equatorial plane and the orbital plane of the rotation of the angle between the 97 degrees and 55 minutes, is almost 'lying' on its side. orbit plane, which planet is this? Uranus 21.Which of the following celestial bodies.
3. Interesting Trivia about Spaceflight
1. nbsp; Is it difficult for astronauts to go to sleep in weightlessness?nbsp; This is a question worth discussing because there are a number of reasons that affect sleep.
First, it is important to distinguish whether astronauts work in space on one or two shifts. On the ISS and most shuttles, all astronauts sleep at the same time, and they hang their sleeping bags wherever they like to sleep, such as on the wall, in the corner, on the ceiling, and so on.
When astronauts worked in shifts, as on some shuttles including Spacelab, astronauts slept in a small bunk that, when closed, insulated them from the noise coming from the studio. At first, astronauts have a somewhat uneasy feeling that they are lying in a cramped shoebox, and most astronauts experience the illusion that their backs feel comfortable for 10-15 seconds.
nbsp; However, when you intend to sleep, you need to get used to the fact that you don't feel your back and sides, and that you are in fact floating in a sleeping bag, just hanging upside down with a rope, so that the feeling of gravity, which makes you sleepy, is not there, and there are some astronauts who aren't quite used to it yet. Some of the astronauts are not used to it. They are so sleepless and nervous that they have to take sleeping pills to fall asleep.
Others can sleep well even in this special environment. nbsp; It should be added that if you sleep with your head in an unventilated place, the carbon dioxide you exhale will gather near your nose, and when the carbon dioxide in your blood reaches a certain level, an alarm system at the back of your brain will warn you and wake you up, and you'll feel short of breath.
At this point, you take a few steps or change places, and you can drift off to sleep again. nbsp;2. nbsp;Do astronauts have any special feelings when they wear clothes in space?nbsp;The astronauts' space suits are usually not much different from the ones we wear on Earth, except for the special requirements on comfort and safety.
For example, the suit must be made of fireproof material. When wearing a space suit in weightlessness, the astronaut is literally floating inside the suit, and only feels clothed when the suit touches his or her skin.
nbsp;3. nbsp;Is it fun to float in space?nbsp;Astronauts agree that it is very fun to float in space once they have adapted to the microgravity environment. By the way, scientists don't like to refer to microgravity as zero gravity, this is because unless you happen to be standing in the center of a spacecraft in free-fall motion around the Earth, in addition to your inevitable impact from the tiny acceleration and tides, even if their role is very small, only one millionth of the Earth's gravitational pull, we can't consider it to be no gravity or 0 gravity.
That's why we call it weightlessness. nbsp; Living in microgravity is interesting and feels different to different people.
About 30-40% of first-time astronauts experience "space adaptation syndrome" (a form of motion sickness) during the first two to three days in space, while others don't. The blood flows to the upper body, causing the nose and throat to become numb. Blood flows to the upper body, congesting the sinuses and tongue and affecting one's senses, and within a week or so, the astronaut's body responds by adapting to weightlessness.
nbsp; In weightlessness, the spine lengthens due to the absence of gravity, making the person taller (1-2 inches taller). In weightlessness, when all the muscles are relaxed, there is a gentle lifting of the thighs upwards, the arms are stretched out in front, and the body is slightly bowed as if in water.
Since there is no sense of "up" or "down" and you need to rely on other markers to determine "up" and "down", the space shuttle's interior has been designed to be a very comfortable place to be.
When astronauts tell their brain which direction is "up", it immediately assumes it is an illusion. As a result, orientation, transfer, or movement in space does not feel the same as on the ground.
Walking in space is very easy, and astronauts quickly become accustomed to walking around and anchoring themselves to the station with fixed feet. Walking in space in a space suit becomes much more difficult due to the large size of the overalls, which are like putting on a balloon, with limited vision and tactile senses.
nbsp;4. nbsp;How long can you wear a space suit?nbsp;Generally you can wear it for 5-7 hours. Of course it also depends on the expendable materials in the suit, such as oxygen, electricity, cooling water, etc.
nbsp; How long can you wear a space suit?
The spacesuit is simply a small spaceship, and it is very hard to work in a spacesuit. The amount of time spent wearing them is also related to the wearer's requirements for comfort and abrasion resistance.
nbsp;5. How to deal with a broken bone or serious illness if encountered in space?nbsp;Fortunately, NASA's 120 astronauts in the sky have never encountered such a situation. In the early days there were problems with Apollo 13 astronaut Fred urinary infections and minor flu problems.
The spacecraft always had enough medicine on board to cover these emergencies. In the event of an accident during flight around the Earth, whether on the shuttle or on the ISS, it is important to return the astronauts to Earth as quickly as possible.
NASA has also developed a large, seven-passenger return capsule for the ISS, which is designed to be used as a "space ambulance" in special circumstances. nbsp; In the event of a fracture, the spacecraft is also equipped to immobilize bones.
When mankind set off into outer space, such as in the expedition to Mars, the spacecraft will carry medical equipment, there are one or more astronauts are well trained in medical knowledge, they can rescue and treatment. Because in this case, return to Earth in the short term is not possible.
Possibly, the spacecraft will be equipped with experienced doctors. nbsp;6. nbsp; How many people can the space station hold? nbsp; The ISS can hold up to seven.
4. Little knowledge about space, introduction to space
Cosmic space beyond the Earth's atmosphere, the entire space beyond the atmospheric space. Space
Physicists divide the atmosphere into five layers: the troposphere (sea level to 10 kilometers), the stratosphere (10-40 kilometers), the mesosphere (40-80 kilometers), the thermosphere (ionosphere, 80-370 kilometers), and the exosphere (ionosphere, 370 kilometers or more). About 3/4 of the atmosphere over the Earth is in the troposphere and 97% is below the stratosphere, the outer edge of which is the maximum limit for aircraft to fly on air support. Certain high-altitude rockets can enter the mesosphere. The lowest orbits for artificial satellites are within the thermosphere, where the air density is 1% of the Earth's surface. Air continues to exist at an altitude of 16,000 kilometers, and there are still air particles even at an altitude of 100,000 kilometers. From a strictly scientific point of view, there is no clear boundary between airspace and outer space, but rather a gradual convergence. The Scientific and Technical Subcommittee of the United Nations Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space has pointed out that it is not yet possible to propose precise and lasting scientific criteria for the delimitation of outer space and airspace. In recent years, there has been a tendency to use the minimum altitude of artificial satellites above the ground (100-110) kilometers as the lowest boundary of outer space.
5. Aerospace Science and Technology Trivia
A. Electronic equipment on aerospace vehicles is characterized by:
① Requirements for small size, light weight and low power consumption; ② able to work in harsh environmental conditions; ③ high efficiency, high reliability and long life. In high-performance aircraft and spacecraft, these requirements are particularly stringent. The cabin volume, load and power supply of aircraft and spacecraft are strictly limited. For every 1 kg increase in the weight of equipment on a satellite, the launch weight of the launch vehicle has to increase by several hundred kilograms or more. Missiles and spacecraft are subjected to severe shock overloads, strong vibrations and particle radiation. The working time of some spacecraft is very long, such as 7 to 10 years for geostationary orbit communication satellites, and the working time of deep space probes is even longer. Therefore, the electronic components used in aerospace should be subject to extremely strict quality control and screening, while the design of electronic systems needs to fully utilize reliability theory and redundancy technology.
Second, the main development direction of aerospace electronics technology is:
① Make full use of electronic computers and large-scale integrated circuits to improve the aerospace electronic systems, automation and intelligence level; ② Improve the ability of real-time signal processing and data processing and data transmission rate; ③ Development of high-speed and ultra-high-speed rate of large-scale integrated circuits; ④ Development of higher frequency band (millimeter wave, infrared, optical frequency) of electronic technology; ⑤ the development of higher reliability and longer life of a variety of electronic components.
6. Knowledge of aerospace, short
Aerospace technology A series of advanced and complex construction procedures created for the smooth running of aerospace activities. It involves the allocation of human resources, equipment and instruments with the installation and use of difficult academic work. It is the high pursuit of the country, the nation, and even the whole human development.
In modern aviation and aerospace engineering, the electronic system is one of the important systems.
It is divided into communication, navigation, radar, target identification, telemetry, remote control, remote sensing, fire control, guidance, electronic countermeasures and other systems according to function. Various systems generally include electronic systems on the aircraft and the corresponding ground electronic systems in two parts, these two parts of the electromagnetic wave transmission signal synthesized into a system. The electronic theory and technology related to these electronic systems include communication theory, electromagnetic field theory, wave propagation, antenna, detection theory and technology, coding theory and technology, signal processing technology, etc., while microelectronics technology and electronic computer technology are the basis for improving the performance of various electronic systems. Their development makes the electronic system on the aircraft further miniaturization and has the ability to process a larger amount of data in real time, which in turn makes the performance of the aircraft (maneuverability, fire control capabilities, all-weather flight, automatic landing, etc.) greatly improved, the function of the spacecraft (scientific exploration, resource surveys, communication and broadcasting, reconnaissance and early warning, etc.) is increasingly expanding.
First, the characteristics of electronic equipment on aerospace vehicles are:
① Requirements for small size, light weight and low power consumption; ② can work in harsh environmental conditions; ③ high efficiency, high reliability and long life. In high-performance aircraft and spacecraft, these requirements are particularly stringent. The cabin volume, load and power supply of aircraft and spacecraft are strictly limited. For every 1 kg increase in the weight of equipment on a satellite, the launch weight of the launch vehicle has to increase by several hundred kilograms or more. Missiles and spacecraft are subjected to severe shock overloads, strong vibrations and particle radiation. The working time of some spacecraft is very long, such as 7 to 10 years for geostationary orbit communication satellites, and the working time of deep space probes is even longer. Therefore, the electronic components for aerospace should be subject to extremely strict quality control and screening, while the design of electronic systems needs to fully utilize reliability theory and redundancy technology.
Second, the main development direction of aerospace electronics technology is:
① Make full use of electronic computers and large-scale integrated circuits to improve the aerospace electronic systems, automation and intelligence level; ② Improve the ability of real-time signal processing and data processing and data transmission rate; ③ Development of high-speed and ultra-high-speed rate of large-scale integrated circuits; ④ Development of higher frequency band (millimeter wave, infrared, optical frequency) of electronic technology; ⑤ the development of higher reliability and longer life of a variety of electronic components.
7. Trivia about Shenzhou VII
Shenzhou VII
Shenzhou VII is an important stage in China's aerospace industry, and the development of Shenzhou VII launch vehicle has already begun, and according to the plan, it will be launched in 2008. At that time, Shenzhou VII will focus on the breakthrough of astronauts out of the cabin activities (spacewalk) technology.
The launch was originally scheduled for 2007, but was delayed for half a year due to technical problems with the components, and the launch is planned for 2008.
The launch vehicle for Shenzhou 7 will still be the Long March 2F carrier rocket, which has already successfully sent six Shenzhou spacecraft into space and has a mature technology base. The procurement and production of components for the new launch vehicle has already begun. Jing Muchun, chief designer of the launch vehicle system for the manned space program, said they will use higher quality components this time. In response to the flights of previous rockets, researchers will also make local improvements to the rocket to further improve its reliability. In addition, they are also considering adding some cameras to the rocket to make its working status more intuitive.
Starting from Shenzhou VII, China has entered the second phase of the manned space program. In this phase, will successively realize the astronauts out of the cabin walking, space rendezvous docking and other scientific objectives. The entire second phase of the project, all the launch tasks by the Long March II F-type rockets. Jing Muchun said that during the 11th Five-Year Plan period, they want to manned spaceflight phase II work basically complete, and finally complete the manned rendezvous and docking work, is expected to have five or six rockets launch tasks.
Unlike Shenzhou V and Shenzhou VI, the key point in the development of Shenzhou VII rocket is the spacesuit and the valve gate. Because "Shenzhou" seven will realize the space walk, the astronauts from the cabin air pressure suddenly adapted to the vacuum environment, the valve gate and spacesuit plays an important role.
"At present, 'Shenzhou' VII other components are almost the same, only the spacesuit still need to attack, the spacesuit research progress determines the Shenzhou VII progress." Huang Chunping added, "However, China is fully capable of solving it."
In order to adapt to the vacuum environment, the Shenzhou VII spacesuit from the airtight, communication, drainage, communication, power supply, movable joints and other aspects, than the Shenzhou VI have to be greatly improved.
"Shenzhou" No. 7 will have three astronauts, one to walk out of the cabin, one in the orbital module to meet, the return module to stay. Out of the cabin activities will be walking, operation, screws and other installation equipment and other projects, for the future establishment of space space station in space to prepare
According to the four major scientific objectives of China's lunar exploration satellite project, Chang'e 1 selected payload has 6 sets of 24 pieces, including CCD stereo camera, laser altimeter, imaging spectrometer, gamma / X-ray spectrometer, microwave detector and solar wind particle detector, etc.. Among them, the CCD stereo camera is a special camera for shooting three-dimensional images of the whole lunar surface, which is the first time to be used in China; the imaging spectrometer is used to obtain the light wave spectrum of the lunar surface; the gamma/X-ray spectrometer is used to detect the elements on the lunar surface; and the microwave detector, in addition to being used to obtain the thickness of the lunar soil, can also give the brightness and temperature map of the backside of the Moon and information about the ground of the Moon's two poles.
China will implement the "Shenzhou VII" manned space mission in the second half of this year, at present, the preparatory work is being carried out according to plan. It is reported that the "Shenzhou 7" will realize a number of technological breakthroughs, one is the number of astronauts will be increased to 3; the second is the realization of China's first spacewalk astronauts; the third is the spacecraft into the intended orbit will be released after the release of a companion satellite (hereinafter referred to as "companion satellite"), and so on. "), and so on.