Mill how to reduce vibration and reduce noise analysis
Overview: milling equipment vibration and noise has always been a mill manufacturers need to solve the problem, and vibration is the main reason for the noise, we produce strong vibration for milling equipment as well as the reasons for the noise more than analyzed, and for the reasons to make a solution. Zhengzhou Raymond Mill Professional Manufacturer The vibration of grinding equipment and noise has always been a grinding machine manufacturers need to solve the problem, and vibration is the main reason for noise, we have analyzed the reasons for strong vibration and noise of the grinding machine equipment, and made a solution to the reasons. Zhengzhou Raymond mill professional manufacturer Shuguang Heavy Industry analysis is as follows: 1. Most of the vibration of the mill is due to wheel imbalance, processing errors. In addition the tension of the belt is too large, which produces a huge vibration when starting. Between the fast and slow rollers if the diameter of the grinding spring is small, the strength and stiffness is not enough. When loaded, the operation is not smooth and produces noise. Mill noise is not only related to the material, manufacture and assembly of parts, but also has a close relationship with the rationality of the structural design, the mill roller bearing step positioning accuracy is not high, bearing selection and improper adjustment, and bearing with the parts and structure of the irrational design, will make the bearing rotary accuracy is not high, the life is not long, the noise rises under the load. We analyze the reasons from the structural design of the grinding roller processing error and the selected material is not uniform, the operation is not stable to produce vibration; grinding roller manufacturing error caused by radial runout, the grinding roller is not balanced so as to produce vibration; body structure design is not reasonable and processing precision is not high, resulting in noise; if the grinding roller is not calibrated, the grinding operation is not stable will also produce noise. 2. Products are only static strength checking, and some are even designed by experience, and the dynamic performance of the structure is often ignored. Therefore, it is necessary to optimize the dynamic performance of the structure. So we analyze the vibration test signal, from which we extract the mill vibration signs and sensitive parameters. Optimize the dynamic performance of the structure. According to the weight of the mill, the load condition, through the calculation of vibration isolation performance, suitable dampers are installed at suitable positions between the mill and the ground. Install elastic damping bushings between the outer ring of the bearing connected to the drum and the bearing seat; reinforce the seat wall at the bearing seat to reduce the thin-wall vibration. Damping treatment for the cover shell of the mill. Through the dynamic performance analysis, in the cover shell inside the appropriate position laying constraint damping material, used to reduce vibration and noise.3. Understand the noise of the milling equipment and the causes of vibration, we can one by one targeted improvement, first of all, to reduce the noise it is necessary to strictly control the assembly precision, in full accordance with the tolerance requirements for the assembly of the components. Ensure good lubrication, play a good damping effect, and to improve the design of the grinding roller bearing steps, grinding roller bearing and the end of the grinding roller shaft with a taper coupling, improve the rotary accuracy of the grinding roller, so as to gradually reduce the noise. 4. To reduce vibration, we propose to improve the stiffness of the grinding roller, the strength and the damping method, to avoid *** vibration phenomenon, in addition to improve the feeding mechanism, to improve the grinding spring as well as the machine body of the vibration, such as installing the body on the damping pad to play a vibration isolation role.