What is the understanding of the measures taken by the country to combat the epidemic?

1, when faced with a time of national crisis, we must be united as one and follow the Party's command.

2, the fight against the epidemic must be selfless, regardless of personal gains and losses, and courageous dedication.

On February 11, 2020, World Health Organization Director General Tandace announced in Geneva, Switzerland, the new coronavirus infection of pneumonia named "COVID-19". 2/21/2020, the National Health Commission issued a notice on the revision of the English naming of new coronavirus pneumonia. On February 21, 2020, the NHSC issued a notice on the revision of the English naming of the new coronavirus pneumonia, deciding to revise the English name of the new coronavirus pneumonia to "COVID-19", which is consistent with the naming of the World Health Organization, and the Chinese name will remain unchanged.

New coronavirus pneumonia is at an early and rapidly changing stage.

China has released the full genome sequence of the new coronavirus that causes novel coronavirus pneumonia, which will help scientists and public **** health organizations around the world to join in the research and development of diagnostic reagents, as well as viral pathogenicity studies.

The National Health Commission has issued Announcement No. 1, which includes pneumonia infected by the novel coronavirus as a Category B infectious disease under the Infectious Disease Prevention and Control Law, but adopts the preventive and control measures for Category A infectious diseases, as well as includes it in the management of quarantine infectious diseases.