China's emergency medical team received the highest level of WHO accreditation to award the flag?

The World Health Organization (WHO) reportedly held a brief accreditation flag-raising ceremony for the China International Emergency Medical Response Team (Sichuan) at the United Nations headquarters in Geneva on the 25th. This is the first Chinese team to be accredited at the highest level of the WHO's Emergency Medical Response Team (EMT) program, and makes China the country with the largest number of WHO-accredited EMTs.

The report said, China's international emergency medical team (Sichuan) to Sichuan University Huaxi Hospital to build the national health emergency mobile disposal center as the main body of the formation, with a core team members 166 people, the team's standard configuration under the covers an area of about 9,000 square meters, the full layout of the situation is equipped with tents **** 95, the total number of equipment 1,827 pieces of equipment, and can be independently completed 28 days of clinical medical work.

The team has participated in the Wenchuan earthquake, the Yushu earthquake, the Yiliang earthquake, the Lushan earthquake, the Maoxian mudslide, the Kunshan explosion, the Maoxian collapse and other disasters and accidents, as well as the Nepal earthquake emergency medical rescue work, and has a wealth of combat experience.

The China International Emergency Medical Response Team (Sichuan) has passed the WHO International Emergency Medical Response Team (IEMRT) Category III formal assessment and certification, which is also the world's first non-military IEMRT to pass the Category III certification. Currently, China has the largest number of WHO-accredited emergency medical teams, with three of the 15 teams coming from China.

Article source: CCTV