5G signal is a network signal that can be detected, relative to the 4G network speed and other aspects are improved. When it comes to 5G signals, it's time to talk about 5G, the fifth generation of mobile communication technology, which can be traced back to the first generation of communication technology.
In the 1G time, that is, the big brother period, only able to realize the voice call; in the 2G era came, on the basis of the original increase in the text messaging function, but also improve the call function, make it more stable; in the 3G, the realization of the cell phone to access the Internet; 4G time is in the stabilization of the original function on the basis of the increase in high-quality video calls; 5G is more intelligent, with the VR is realized, unmanned driving, virtual reality, network robots are no longer a dream.
Some people may ask, it looks as if there are just a few more features, so what changes can it actually bring to our lives? The most important thing is the speed of the Internet. 3G network is 130 times faster than 2G network; in the 4G era, it is 3.3 times faster than 3G; but in 5G, it is a qualitative leap, it is 825 times faster than 4G. Maybe this description is still difficult to grasp the real speed, as if we download the movie, in the original may take several minutes, in the 5G era only need a few seconds, a few milliseconds of speed, such speed is simply unimaginable.