Jib length is 55 meters, 55 meters at the maximum lifting capacity of 1.3 tons, independent of the height of 45 meters, the maximum lifting capacity of 8 tons, the rated power of 800KN.M.
Tower cranes are the most commonly used lifting equipment on the construction site, also known as the "tower crane" to a section of a section of the long, used to lift the construction of the construction of the raw materials such as reinforcing bars, corrugated wood, concrete, steel pipe construction. The tower crane is an essential piece of equipment at construction sites.
The function of the tower crane tip is to bear the upper load transmitted by the jib pull rope and balance arm pull rope, and through the structural components of the slewing tower, turntable, bearing seat, etc., directly through the turntable to the tower structure, the top of the jack-up tower has a truncated conical column, forward or backward truncated conical column, the herringbone frame and diagonal bracing frame type.