*CPU AMD Sleeker II X2 240 1 ¥ 415
*Motherboard Onda A785G+ 1 ¥ 499
*Memory ADATA 2G DDR2 800 (10,000 Red) 1234 ¥ 185
*Disk Drive Seagate 320G 7200.11 16M(Serial)/3 year box 1234 ¥ 350
Video Card Onda HD4830 512MB Shenggo 1234 ¥ 599
This is the first time that I have ever seen a hard disk in a computer. /3 year box) 1234 ¥ 350
Graphics card Onda HD4830 512MB Shenggo 1234 ¥ 599
LCD AOC 931sw 1 ¥ 840
*Machine chassis Power train Jedi Man 616 1 ¥ 168
Power supply Power supply AcBel IP 430 1 ¥ 299
Total amount: 3,355 yuan
To cope with the current mainstream game is no problem
Total amount: 3,455 yuan