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What is the fault of Sanyo washing machine E1 is what fault

Sanyo washing machine downtown after-sales repair


Sanyo washing machine fault code:

F1: water level sensor contact


E1: drainage overtime, check the drain pipe is blocked <

E2:The top cover is not properly covered

E3:Dehydration is not even

Balance, re-shake the clothes and dehydrate again

E4:Water inlet timeout, check the water pressure, whether the water inlet valve is dirty and blocked

E5:The temperature of the water is more than 50 degrees

E6 Insufficient time for reservation, press the reservation key to increase the time for reservation

E7 Weighing Non-empty bucket state during calibration Restore empty bucket state

E8 Damaged or poor contact of water level sensor Check whether the water level sensor and its circuit are well connected

E9 Automatic weighing malfunction Check the assembly of the signal transmission line system, if there is no abnormality, then replace the computer board

E10 No setting of the current time Set the present time first, and then set the appointment time

E11 The interval between the present time and the reservation time is too short The interval between the top present time and the reservation time is more than the washing time

F0 Failure of the power switch Cannot be discharged, replace the power switch

F2 EPROM self-test error Cannot be discharged, replace the computer board

F4 Failure of the over-zero detection line Cannot be discharged, replace the computer board

F8 Damaged or poor contact with the water level sensor Cannot be discharged, replace the computer board

F8 Damage to the water level sensor or contact failure F8 Water level sensor damaged or poor contact Cannot be discharged, check the water level sensor

L5/LU Low-voltage protection Automatically resume operation when the grid voltage rises

HU High-voltage protection Immediately cut off the power supply, check the power supply voltage

FF Unknown fault Unplug the power supply, carry out fault checking and repair

F5/LU Low-voltage protection Unplug the power supply, carry out fault checking and repair