Can there be a competition between social health insurance and commercial health insurance compensation

Business insurance and social insurance have a complementary relationship with each other, so social security can not replace commercial insurance. For commercial insurance and social insurance between the specific what is different, you want to know are in this article social security health insurance how to use? An article to teach you to apply for the reimbursement process!

Generally speaking, medical expenses we are reimbursed with social health insurance and then reimbursed with commercial health insurance. This can be reimbursed most of the money. We can specifically understand the difference between the two.

Next, let's take a look at the difference between social security and Medicare through medical insurance.

1, the difference in the content of insurance responsibility

Commercial medical insurance has more insurance responsibility than social medical insurance. For example, for the registration fee, out-of-hospital consultation fees and other services, and the application of positron emission tomography (PET), electron beam CT and other large-scale medical equipment for the examination, treatment program of the medical cost of the expenditure, are not within the scope of coverage of social health insurance. However, commercial insurance can cover them.

The types of drugs that social security can reimburse, as shown in the chart below, are also very limited. Like the treatment of cancer nowadays, in fact, has been researched a lot of targeted cancer drugs with targeted and little side effects, only the cost is more expensive. For example, the average monthly cost of Koraida for lung cancer is more than 50,000 yuan. However, such effective drugs are not included in the social security drugs, there is no commercial insurance, many cancer patients with family savings and can not support such high costs in the long term.

2. Different reimbursement rates

Social health insurance, which is a national welfare program, does not offer as high a reimbursement rate as commercial insurance because it takes into account the entire nation's insured population. If you are not treated in the place where you bought the insurance, but in a different place, the reimbursement will be even lower. Thus, without commercial health insurance, social health insurance does not play a significant role in the case of more serious illnesses. As shown in the chart, more than half of the medical expenses are reimbursed at less than 50 percent by social security.

If you want to know more about the content of social security and commercial insurance, you can take another look at this article social security health insurance how to use? An article that teaches you the process of applying for reimbursement!