How to ****enjoy a dongle

How to ****Helper with a dongle

(a)The more common ones on the market are usb-over-network, usb server, which can be bought on all major e-commerce companies. They all can realize the following function:You can run the server-side on a machine with a USB dongle, and then the client can be N, after connecting, you can use the server-side dongle on the client.?

(ii)Not destroy the dongle data, and can't copy the dongle, all are just a port **** enjoy the technologyIn the end which product is better?

1,From the point of view of ease of use, these two products are not very different, both have to set up the server side, the installation of the appropriate client;


2,from the product type to distinguish, usb-over-network is pure software, usb server is a combination of hardware and software;

3. From the consideration of resource cost, usb-over-network in the use, to build a server as usb-over-network server, use 24 hours a day to raise electricity; usb server provides a small box of USB Server, to do as the server


5,From the product on the usb plus compatibility considerations of the choice of usb-over-network, although the usb server on the usb dongle has been very good compatibility, but usb-over-network on the u-disk compatibility, but the usb-over-network on the u-disk compatibility, but the usb-over-network on the u-disk compatibility.

6,Price distinction, usb-over-network is charged by the number of USB ports, a dongle single The single authorization for one dongle is $149, the single authorization for two dongles is $229, the single authorization for four usb dongles is $329, and the single authorization for eight usb dongles is $599, where the single authorization is the cost of a single computer client use. And usb server minimum product is seven usb ports at the same time, the authorization is unlimited, the price of 2680RMB;from the user's economic considerations, the analysis of the cash outlay, if you use 1 dongle need to *** enjoy the use of the computer if *** enjoy the use of the 2 computers, so 149 * 6.3(US$and RMB ratio)*2 units= 1877.4RMB , 3 units 2816.1RMB, so using 1 dongle is less than 3 *** enjoy, you can consider usb-over-network,If it is more than one dongle, *** enjoy users more than If you have more than one dongle, and more than 2 ****enjoyment users, it is recommended that you use a usb server.