(1) Ensure that evacuation routes are clear. In the ward evacuation aisle shall not pile up combustible items and other debris, shall not be added to the bed. For the division of fire and smoke partition on the aisle fire doors, such as the usual need to maintain a normally open state, in the event of a fire must be automatically closed. Closed stairwells, smoke-proof stairwells and front rooms of fire elevators set up in accordance with relevant regulations shall not be stacked with sundries, and the fire doors shall be kept normally closed. The evacuation door should be a flat door that opens in the direction of evacuation, and should not be a sliding door, a hanging door, a rolling shutter door or a turnstile door. Except for the special requirements of medical treatment, the evacuation door shall not be locked; the evacuation channel shall be equipped with accident lighting, evacuation signs and fire accident broadcasting in accordance with the regulations and kept intact.
(2) The correct use of oxygen. Whether the use of medical center oxygen system oxygen or oxygen cylinder oxygen supply, should follow the relevant operating procedures. Oxygen should be given to the patient by the medical staff operation. When oxygen cylinders are used to supply oxygen, they should meet the requirements of avoiding heat, prohibiting oil and preventing collision, etc. Oxygen cylinders should be fixed vertically and kept away from the heat source, and should be gently moved and put down when used to prevent collision. The switch, meter and pipeline of the oxygen cylinder should not leak, and the medical staff should check the cylinder frequently to keep it clean and safe for oxygen delivery. At the same time, patients, their escorts and visitors should be reminded not to touch the oxygen cylinders and oxygen equipment with oily hands and rags. After oxygen delivery, the valve should be closed and the oxygen cylinders should be withdrawn from the ward and stored in a special warehouse. If a centralized oxygen delivery system is used, the inspection should check whether the main control valve and the branch valves are flexible and tight, and the whole oxygen delivery system should be tight without air leakage. Carbon tetrachloride should be used to erase the oxygen cylinder oil, oxygen pipeline disinfection should not use alcohol and other organic solvents, you can choose 0.1% cleaner disinfectant water solution.
(3) It is strictly prohibited to connect wires indiscriminately, unauthorized use of electrical equipment. Medical staff should always check the safety of electricity and fire in the ward. Electrical equipment and wiring in the ward shall not be altered without authorization, prohibit the use of electric stoves, liquefied petroleum gas stoves, gas stoves, electric kettles, alcohol stoves and other non-medical electric heating appliances, shall not be overloaded with electricity. It is strictly prohibited to use open fire to bake clothes and smoke in the ward, and it is prohibited for patients and family members to bring kerosene stoves and electric stoves to heat food. Should be set up in a special place outside the ward area to heat food stoves and managed by a person.