Russia has been under sanctions from the US side in recent years, where do they get the computer type chips they now use?

I have to say that Russia is still very smart in this regard and does not practice reckless policies. The US sanctions against Russia have not been lifted until today, so the same goes for chips and such. So Russia's civilian chips rely on imports, but military chips are all produced by Russia itself. The reason for this is that the needs between civilian and military chips are very different.

First of all, the demand for civilian and military chips is very different, the civilian chip is the pursuit of high performance, low cost and low energy consumption of the three main attributes of the powerful. Because civilian chips handle a lot of tasks. But military chips are different. Military chips require extreme reliability and stability, but they don't seek any particularly high processing speeds because the tasks they handle aren't that many. But the working environment of military chips is really full of a lot of uncertainty, so they should be able to be used in any environment to work.

Thesecond is that all of Russia's chips in the civilian field are dependent on imports, for the simple reason that Russia's industry in the field of civilian chips can be described as weak, or even 0. So Russia has had to either import chips from our country, or use natural gas as a threat to guarantee the supply of civilian chips. But in the military aspect of the chip, all the Russian chips are independent production and research and development. So for all kinds of military chips, especially for missiles.

The above is the supply of Russian chips, I have to say that this use is still very powerful. After all, the civilian field does not involve any secrets, so Russia boldly used civilian chips. As military secrets must be used in a variety of weapons, Russia is in the need for secrecy or to use their own.