Personal defense equipment engineering is the defense against enemy air attack, effectively sheltering personnel and materials, preserving the war potential of the important facilities, is to adhere to the city of air raid prevention struggle of engineering security.?
1, confinement facilities - mainly composed of protective doors, confinement doors and anti-virus channels. Their role is to prevent the poisonous air from entering the inside of the project. Protective confinement doors and anti-confinement doors can also be formed by nuclear explosions, missiles, bombs and other explosions of the shock wave has a certain anti-resistance.?
2, human defense ventilation equipment -- automatic overpressure exhaust valve, oil net duster, electric pedal dual-use fan, explosion-proof overpressure exhaust valve, etc..
3, decontamination facilities - including decontamination room, disinfection drugs, decontamination materials. Used to enter the personnel for local or whole body decontamination, so as to avoid the personnel will bring poison into the internal human defense project, to protect the internal personnel safety.
4, filtration and ventilation facilities - mainly from this filter, filter and fan, piping and other equipment. Dust filter and poison filter respectively play the role of filtering out smoke, poisonous fog and adsorption of toxic vapors, filtered air through the pipeline into the interior of the civil defense project.
5, human defense control equipment -- human defense closed box, human defense explosion-proof call/call button, ventilation mode signal control box, ventilation mode signal light box, etc.;