Pate CT included in Shaanxi medical insurance?

Hello did not check Shaanxi has Pate CT medical insurance


The current Pate CT examination of the medical insurance situation is mainly the following:

1, most of the country Pate CT examination belongs to the out-of-pocket expenses, medical insurance can not be reimbursed for the time being. Only Beijing and Shenzhen regions have part of the drug costs can be reimbursed.

2, Parker CT examination can be reimbursed in Beijing and Shenzhen. Beijing Parker CT examination of the medical insurance situation, can be partially reimbursed, certain hospitals can report about two thousand medicine

Shenzhen, reimbursement of the conditions is necessary to be diagnosed through the examination of the tumor, and have a comprehensive medical insurance in order to be reimbursed, a hospital in Shenzhen has been included in the medical insurance.

In Hunan Province, Parker CT examination can also be reimbursed. In addition, in Liaoning and Xinjiang, the cost of medicine for Pike CT examination can also be reimbursed.