? Compared with the traditional laser surgery, fractional laser has more powerful power, this kind of cosmetic surgery can directly enter into the deep dermis of human skin, make the dermal tissue in the damaged area of human body stimulate the repair function, guide the dermis to regenerate a large number of collagen, make the scar become shallow, or even completely disappear, so as to achieve excellent skin beauty effect.
The fractional laser system used in the fractional laser cosmetic surgery in the elimination of human skin scars, can make the skin tissue to produce great ablation effect, in the human skin to play a very small tiny holes, and these micro-holes in the fractional laser surgery can be closed within 24 hours, through the naked eye is unable to see. Therefore, the whole treatment process of fractional laser scar removal rarely occurs oozing, or bleeding and infection.
? When removing scars through fractional laser cosmetic surgery, the laser will directly penetrate the scar site, forming a lot of tiny matrix-like white spots, these small white spots near the skin can immediately open the repair mechanism, only a short period of 8 hours, the skin will be able to completely heal, and the person who has undergone the surgery can wash his face and take a shower normally. After 3 to 6 days, the scabs in the area of the small white spots will fall off, and the skin will return to its normal appearance.