The full form of English is relative to the abbreviated form, for example the full form of can't is can not.
you've=you have
he's=he has
haven't=have not
wanna=want to?
< p>gonna=going toAn acronym can be shortened in any number of ways that will draw it together through a number of letter parts.
But acronyms can also be troublesome because they may mean different things in different industries, so writing out the exact form can avoid misunderstandings.
Expanded Information:
Commonly used:
AD,A.DAnno Domini(=in the year of the Lord;since Christ was born AD
A.M.,a.m.ante meridiem (before noon) a.m., before noon
Apr. April
Aug. August
Ave. avenue avenue, street
BABachelor of Arts bachelor of arts
BC , B.C. BC , B.C. before Christ
BS , BScBachelor of Science
Btw By the way by the way
C °, Centigrade degrees Celsius
cccubic centimeter cubic centimeter
CDcompact disk optical disk, laser record
cf.confer(=compare) to try to compare; cf.
cmcentimeter centimeter company
c/ocare of c/o of by... compare
Dec.December December
dept.,Dept.department department, division, bureau, department doctor; physician
e.g.exempli gratia(=for example) for example
esp. especially
et al. et alia(=and others) other
etc. et cetera(=and the rest) etc.
FFahrenheit Fahrenheit
Feb. Feb. February