How to do whole blood quality control chart

2 Methods

2.1 Comparative calibration of SE-9500 blood cell analyzer: WBC-RBC was calibrated strictly according to the manual counting method recommended by ICSH, HCB was determined by the cyanated methemoglobin method recommended by WHO, and HCT was determined by the micro red blood cell specific volume method recommended by NC-CLS. The instrument was calibrated and qualified for use.

2.2 Comparison of SE-9500 blood cell analyzer with constant value whole blood QCs provided by Sysmex; high, medium, and low constant value whole blood QCs were used to perform measurements on SE-9500 blood cell analyzer twice a week, and Levey-Jennings and MONICA QC charts were drawn.

2.3 Comparison between SE-9500 blood cell analyzer and other 6 blood cell analyzers: two fresh whole bloods of patients were selected every day and measured on SE-9500, NE-1500, CD-1600, KX-21 blood cell analyzers in strict accordance with the operating instructions, and each specimen was repeated twice to record the HGB, RBC, MCV, WBCS hair. PLT results and calculate the mean value. The experimental measurement was completed within 2 hours after blood collection.

2.4 The SE-9500 blood cell analyzer was used as the participating standard instrument, and the measured values of the parameters of the SE-9500 were the correct values, and the percent of variation was calculated according to the formula.

Percentage of variation %=determined value-correct value/correct value × 100

Adopting HGB ± 3%, RBC ± 4%, MCV ± 4%, WBC ± 7%, PLT ± 10% control line to determine the control limits of fresh whole blood quality control chart, with the date of measurement as the horizontal coordinate, and the percentage of variation results as the vertical coordinate to draw the sound and color system of quality control chart.