
The most authoritative radiation evaluation report

The implementation of the five-point system, where the five points are rated, are serious exceeding the standard, can cause you to pay attention to; three stars or more also belong to

in the range of exceeding the standard, but also to cause your attention; a star, is safe, you can rest assured that the use of.

Electromagnetic radiation is divided into two levels, of which the unit of industrial frequency band is μT, if the radiation in the 0.4 μT above belongs to the stronger radiation, the human body has a certain degree of harm, long-term exposure to leukemia. If the radiation is below 0.4μT, it is relatively safe. The unit of radio frequency electromagnetic

wave is μW/㎝2.

The traditional tube TV CRT is the first to be tested. We first tested it in close proximity, within half a meter of the front, the radiation value it produced was 0.12μT at the moment of normal power-on, 0.30μT during normal viewing, 0.27μT when changing channels, 0.11μT in standby, and 0.28μT on the side in the case of normal viewing, which overall seems to be close to the warning value. Because most people watch TV is at a distance of about 3 meters, so we also did a test in the front 3 meters, and found that there is a great degree of radiation attenuation: switching on and off, normal viewing, change the channel, standby state are 0.12μT, the test results show that the traditional tube TV will not be harmful to normal viewing. But to our surprise, it is in the back of the greater intensity of radiation, power on within half a meter of the radiation value of 4.8 μT, and across the glass, wood, radiation has not been reduced, and even across the 10-centimeter-thick wall radiation value of 0.9 μT. If your TV behind the head of the bedroom bed can be careful. But people usually rest and watch TV at different times, so it's not a big problem.

Then look at the plasma TV, front half a meter, power on, watch, change the channel are 0.11μT, standby 0.12μT, side 0.11μT; in the front 3 meters, power on 0.12μT, normal viewing is 0.14μT, change the channel, standby 0.11μT, from the results of the test compared to the traditional TV, the intensity of radiation of the plasma to be a little smaller.

And rear-projection TV, normal viewing, close to the front of the body 0.12μT, side 0.19μT, behind 0.14μT; front half a meter at 0.11μT; front 3 meters at 0.1μT.

In the TV series the most reassuring is the LCD TV, whether it is the front of the front half a meter or the front of the 3-meter range, the moment of the power on, normal viewing, change the station, The test results for the standby state were all 0.1μT, while the side was only 0.11μT, essentially no change in radiation intensity.

Test results: after the comparison of three kinds of TV, we can easily find that LCD TV, rear projection TV radiation is the smallest, plasma TV radiation is slightly stronger, CRT TV is larger, but mainly in the back of the TV, suggesting that it is best to keep a certain distance when watching, especially children.

DVD player and home theater, the popularity of home theater in the past few years, that is, the DVD player plus sound system, close to the results of the test, DVD 1.2μT, OK machine 1.2μT, amplifier 1.24μT, small speakers 1.5μT, large speakers 0.49μT, if the same time to open, the radiation can be not small.

Tips: We recommend that you use your home theater as little as possible, and if you want to sing, it's best to go to a KTV.

CRT monitors, LCD monitors, desktop computers, small speakers, laptops

People have always thought that CRT monitors are more radioactive, in the end, is it what we think it is? We first tested it, the front of the display is close to 1.00μT, the side of the display is close to 0.55μT, which is not small ah! In the look at the center of the display, the distance of 0.03 meters, the radiation is still 0.55μT, is this CRT display is really as big as we think the radiation? In order to further confirm, we began to look for its safe distance, the results found that the distance of 0.2 meters, in front of the display of radiation attenuation to 0.18μT, it seems that CRT monitors as long as to maintain a distance of 0.2 meters can be used without fear. Some viewers asked if it is the same as CRT TV behind the larger radiation, the test found that it is not large. Some people like to use anti-radiation ###### screen saver, so it works? We also made a special test of it, plus the screen protector radiation only 10% reduction, it seems that the role of the screen protector is not big.

CRT monitor radiation index: ★★★★★☆☆

Today's LCD monitors are replacing traditional monitors, and we also tested it. 0.11μT at 0.5 meters in front of the display, 0.12μT at the moment of power-on, 0.11μT at power-off, 0.12μT at 0.5 meters to the side of the display, it seems that LCD monitors are quite reassuring.

LCD radiation index: ★ ☆☆☆☆

Let's take another look at the host of the desktop computer, the front 0.17μT, but the host of the central operating panel radiation is slightly stronger, the distance of 0.03 meters, 0.26μT; the host side of the 0.29μT, the left side of the chassis face the center of the distance of 0.03 meters, 0.23μT. 0.46μT behind, but we generally There is a certain distance from the back of the mainframe, so the impact is not significant. There is a moment of power on, standby state are 0.17μT. Another thing to say is that the desktop computer power wiring if then connected to the state of radiation is 0.47μT, so then use desktop computers should also keep the distance.

Desktop computer host radiation index: ★★★★★☆☆

But the next test is not very optimistic, the subwoofer speakers, the center of the operating panel, the distance of 0.03 meters, 0.63 μT; speakers right side of the face of the center, the distance of 0.03 meters, 5.68 μT; radiation is not small, it's a safe distance is how much? After careful testing found that when the distance of 0.4 meters, its radiation is reduced to 0.17μT. So the subwoofer speaker radiation is serious, use at least half a meter distance.

Radiation index of subwoofer speakers: ★★★★☆

The last thing to say is that the laptop, 0.1 meters in front of the display 0.13 μT, 0.3 meters in front of the display 0.10 μT, the display side of 0.3 meters 0.13 μT, 0.19 μT above the keyboard, the power adapter 0.22 μT. The test results show that the laptop keyboard radiation is slightly stronger, the power adapter is the largest. The power adapter is the largest.

Notebook radiation index: ★ ☆☆☆☆

Tips: LCD radiation is very small, CRT monitors are slightly larger, but they are in the safe range; behind the host, the side of the radiation is larger, it is strongly recommended that you do not in order to dissipate heat for convenience, open chassis to use; subwoofer speakers radiation is serious, the use of at least keep half a meter away; laptop radiation is concentrated in the upper part of the keyboard, the use of notebook radiation should be with the power adapter, the power adapter, the power adapter, the power adapter. When using a laptop, you should keep a distance from the power adapter.

Hey, by the way, the light said that this computer and laptop radiation is not big, but that photoelectric mouse a moment of red a moment of blue is quite scary, there is radiation? That wireless mouse, wireless keyboard is not radiation is smaller than ordinary? There are also wireless LAN transmitters!

There are also digital devices, such as digital cameras, MP3s, and MP4s.

Tell you what, this kind of battery-operated DC appliances are the safest.

Ordinary Mouse Ordinary Keyboard Wireless Mouse Wireless Keyboard Wireless Gateway Printer Power Adapter for Digital Camera and MP4

Ordinary Mouse 0.1μT

Ordinary Keyboard 0.11μT

Wireless Mouse Above Mouse 0.53μT

Wireless Keyboard Above Keyboard 0.96μT

Wireless Gateway Above the gateway 0.15μT

And the printer 0.11μT

Digital camera power adapter 0.11μT

MP4 power adapter 0.16μT

Radiation index of the power adapters for normal mouse, normal keyboard, wireless gateway, printer, digital camera and MP4: ★☆☆☆☆;

Wireless mouse and wireless keyboard radiation index: ★★★★★☆☆

Tips: ordinary keyboards, mice, as well as wireless gateways, printers, digital cameras and MP4 power supply radiation is not big, you can rest assured that the use. But the wireless keyboard, wireless mouse radiation.

Cooling and heating appliances, electric blankets

Air conditioning is the longest used in the bedroom, the largest power, it is gratifying to switch on and off instantly, normal use of its radiation is only 0.1μT, in the mute, sleep, and other modes of radiation value change is not large.

In winter, some families like to use small electric heaters, heaters and other heating appliances, but their radiation is not small, first look at the infrared heater, the results of the test at a distance of 1mm: above the radiation is 1.8μT, side 5.4μT, radiation intensity is very large, we did another 1m away from the test, the radiation was cut to 0.14μT. heater close to the test results are 9.3μT, the radiation value in various modes, including silent, sleep, etc. also changes little.

When the electric blanket is used in high grade, it is 0.71μT near the power supply, 1.15μT on the left side of the power supply, 0.71μT on the right side of the power supply, and 0.55μT in the center part of the blanket.

The other big source of radiation in the bedroom is the electric fan, 2.6μT in low wind, 0.9μT in high wind; however, 2m away, the radiation is attenuated to 0.11μT.

Tips: air-conditioning radiation is relatively small, you can rest assured that you can use it, but infrared tube heater, heater, fan radiation is greater, it is recommended that you use at least keep a meter away from the use of electric blankets. Electric blanket radiation is also larger, it is recommended to use less.

Humidifiers, air purifiers

We found that this fan humidifier has the highest level of radiation in our tests, with a result of 49 μT when tested close to it, 15 μT when used in a low gear, and 32 μT when used in a high gear, though it was cut to 0.52 μT when used at a distance of 1m. The ultrasonic spray humidifier tested close to it was 9μT, and 1m away was 0.22μT. The air purifier tested close to it was 0.35μT, and 0.5m away was cut to 0.12μT.

Tip: Humidifiers and air purifiers shouldn't be placed too close to the human body.

Humidifier radiation index: ★★★★★

Air purifier radiation index: ★★★★☆☆

Induction cooker electric hot pot microwave

Like to use the induction cooker to eat hot pot people can pay attention to it, it's radiation is not small, look at the results of the test, induction cooker above the 0.1 meters 2.80μT, induction cooker above the 0.3 meters 1.40μT

After that, we first tested the microwave oven which we are most concerned about, and found that the radiation in the doorway of the microwave oven is the biggest, so we did a detailed test:

Mid-range fire: 0.03 meters in front of the doorway, 17.32μW/㎝2,

0.3 meters in front of the doorway, 2.01μW/㎝2

1 meter in front of the doorway, 0.41μW/㎝2

The center of the doorway of the microwave oven is the biggest.

Center of microwave oven door: 0.05m from the door 30.14μW/㎝2

The test result shows that the radiation is the highest when the microwave oven is activated (the value is around 18 to 22μW/㎝2,).

Tips: Induction cookers emit a lot of radiation, and electric hot pots are relatively small, so it is recommended that you do not use induction cookers and electric hot pots for too long, and that you keep a certain distance when using them. Microwave ovens start the largest radiation, it is recommended that you do not get too close when cooking with a microwave oven.

Radiation index: ★★★★★★★

Refrigerator Range Hood Ozone Sterilizer Ozone Machine Rice Cooker Electric Cake Pan Electric Kettle Juice Extractor Soybean Milk Maker

Refrigerator Outside the Door 0.13 μT Inside the Door (Door Opened) 0.16 μT

Refrigerator Range Hood 0.1 meters in front of you 0.38 μT in the on state, 0.1 meters in front of you in the moment of power off 0.11 μT

Ozone sterilizer Open door 0.14μT

Ozone machine Open lid 0.55μT

Rice cooker Front 0.16μT

Electric pancake pan Above tightly 3.60μT

Electric kettle Tightly 1.20μT 0.1m 0.30μT

Juice extractor 10.00μT

Soybean milk machine Close 0.86μT 0.1m 0.30μT

Tips: refrigerators, ozone sterilizers, rice cookers can be assured that the use of radiation is small; electric pie pan, range hood radiation is slightly larger, belonging to the warning range, pay attention to the use of do not stick too close to; ozone machine, soybean milk machine, juicer radiation is larger, it is best not to let the children use.

Vacuum cleaners, irons, hair dryers, power terminals

We tested this big vacuum cleaner before, the radiation under normal use is 15μT, but it's not small; now it's also popular to use this small hand-held vacuum cleaner, how much radiation is it? We also did a test, the handle at a distance of 0.03 meters, 6.64 μT; the left side of the face of the center, 4.22 μT; however, if you use this, its radiation can be attenuated to the safe range, the back of the 0.2 meters, 0.15 μT.

Large vacuum cleaner radiation index: ★★★★★

Smaller vacuum cleaner radiation index: ★★★★☆

Iron is also quite a bit of radiation, but it's not the only thing that can cause a lot of problems.

Iron radiation is also quite large, we did a detailed test, found that the iron heating radiation will increase, in the heating state, the handle, 1.22μT; however, it is in the constant temperature state, the radiation attenuation to 0.12μT. So if you are ironing clothes it is best to heat the temperature in place at a time, and then continue to use a moment to continue to heat, and do not heat up while ironing clothes.

Iron radiation index: ★★★★☆

Hairdryer is also a big source of radiation we found, before the test, low-grade 4.20 μT, high-grade 10.00 μT; and after the hot air gear, the hair dryer in different parts of the detailed test, the handle at 0.03 meters, 10.95 μT; outlet, 7.16 μT, it seems that the hair dryer also really It seems that the hair dryer really should be used less.

The radiation index of the hair dryer: ★★★★★

There is another point to remind you is that the power supply terminal board, if there is no electrical equipment connected to the distance of 0.03 meters, its radiation is only 0.11 μT, it is not big; but in the high-power electrical equipment connected to the distance of 0.03 meters, its radiation can be 1.25 μT. This can cause you to pay attention to it.

The radiation index of the power terminal board (in use): ★★★★☆

Tips: Vacuum cleaners and hairdryers have a high radiation level, and irons also have a high radiation level, so they should be used far away from children, and the radiation of the power terminal board should also be noticed, so don't put it at the head of your bed.

Electric footbath, treadmill, fat exercise machine which is now popular electric footbath, let's see how much radiation it is? 0.03 meters from the power line, 2.20μT.

The radiation index of the electric footbath: ★★★★★☆☆

There are also people who like to exercise at home, how much radiation does this treadmill emit? Under the working condition of treadmill, 0.15μT at the panel, 3.90μT at the front of the conveyor belt, and 0.11μT at the end of the conveyor belt.

Radiation index of treadmill: ★★★★☆☆☆☆

Ladies love to be beautiful and always like to slim down, so let's see how much radiation is there in the fat exercising machine? Fat Exercise Machine, Side, High Speed Gear, 5.48μT at 0.03m

Radiation Index of Fat Exercise Machine: ★★★★★

Tips: Electric Footbath Radiation, Fat Exercise Machine Radiation are all greater, and the front of the treadmill conveyor belt is more radioactive.

What spectrum meter and so on is not radiation is not small ah?

In fact, as long as the infrared are no longer in the scope of our test, and it produces is not electromagnetic radiation. So ah, you can rest assured that you do not have to worry about using.


First from the lamp, this is the master bedroom lamp, its radiation value is 0.17 μT, this is the children's use of energy-saving eye lamps, its radiation value is also 0.11 μT, the study is the use of old-fashioned lamps, its radiation is 0.1 μT.

The fluorescent lamps are tested: the master bedroom is 0.12 μT, the living room 0.18 μT, the study is 0.11 μT, the lamp is 0.12 μT, the lamp is 0.12 μT, the lamp is 0.18 μT, and the lamp is 0.11 μT, and the lamp is 0.11 μT.

The test results for fluorescent lamps were: 0.12μT in the master bedroom, 0.18μT in the living room, 0.11μT in the study, and 0.11μT in the cartoon wall lamps, which are popular with children.

Hint: The radiation from all kinds of lamps and lanterns is qualified, so you can use them without worrying about it.

No need to spend any money to avoid it. One of the most effective ways is to keep a distance, and it must be a safe distance of more than 3 meters.

That if the home should be rationalized, because experts recommend that it is best not to wear protective clothing, the human body itself is a large conductor, wearing it can only be shielded from radiation into the human body, and now there is no clear standard for the material of the protective clothing, the price is also uneven, so it is recommended that you do not gullibly protect the role of protective clothing


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