What are the seven characteristics of military high-tech?

Seven characteristics of military high-tech: high intelligence, high investment, high competition, high risk, high efficiency, high penetration, high speed

1, high intelligence.

High-tech is a knowledge-intensive technology, its development must rely on creative intellectual labor, relying on innovative awareness, innovation, high-quality talent, reflecting the characteristics of high intelligence. For example, semiconductor integrated circuits, in terms of cost, raw materials and energy accounts for only 2% of its total cost, while the remaining 98% are its intellectual content.

2, high investment.

High-tech research and development requires expensive equipment and longer development cycle, and thus the development process requires a huge amount of money. According to statistics, at present, the general high-tech enterprises for research and development funds accounted for the proportion of its product sales as high as 10-30%, and the industrialization of scientific research results of investment than the research and development of investment is higher than 5-20 times, the formation of high-tech industries after the renewal of investment in equipment will be more and more large

3, high competition.

The timeliness of high technology determines who first masters the technology, who first develops products and put them on the market first or use them on the battlefield, who will be able to gain the advantage and take the initiative. For this reason, the world's military powers and big countries have formulated high-tech development programs, trying to occupy a place in the competition of the world's high-tech development.

4, high risk.

The failure of high-tech competition means the failure of investment for enterprises; for the country, it means that national interests will be damaged. In addition, high-tech research itself also contains huge risks, and even to life as the price. Take the development of aerospace technology as an example, over the past 40 years, aerospace technology has made fabulous achievements, but its risk is also incredibly high.

5, high efficiency.

High-tech products are high value-added products, the form of which is the physical form of knowledge, so its value far exceeds the value of raw materials and energy consumed. Practice has proved that once the high-tech achievements are transformed into marketable products, they can obtain huge economic gains, and once they are practically applied, they can produce wide-ranging social impacts.

6, high penetration.

High technology itself has a strong comprehensive and technological radiation or permeability, implies a huge technological potential, not only can be used for the creation of new industries, but also can be used for the transformation of traditional industries, and become the driving force for development and change in various fields such as economy, national defense, science, technology, politics, diplomacy and social life.

7, high speed.

High-tech industry is the most active and fastest-growing economic sector in developed countries. The U.S. economy before the "9.11" event has been more than 10 years of high growth, low inflation trend, and the U.S. GNP accounted for the proportion of the world's total value increased from 24.2% in the early 1990s to 30% in 2000. These are the results of the high-tech industry led by information technology.

Baidu Encyclopedia - Military High Technology