Econometrics topic, come to my rescue!!!!

(1), at the significance level a=0.05, the p-value of the test for some of the regression coefficients is greater than 0.05, indicating that the regression coefficients are not significant. r^2=0.991, which is close to 1, indicating that the regression equation as a whole is significant.

(2), according to the sample regression equation can be seen: in the case of tax revenue is unchanged, administrative expenditure costs every 1% increase in the cost of social consumption increased by an average of 0.2863% of units; in the case of administrative expenditure costs remain unchanged, tax revenue every 1% increase in the cost of social consumption, an average of 0.1737% increase in the cost of social consumption;

(I'm a student of the major of this) I'm a student of this field, and I guarantee that I'm providing the correct answer)