Yi. The total number of leopards in the range of more than 200kmZ between the river and the Mingjiang River is 600. 2. right than the food: arboreal animals: talk more in the trees, seldom Bu Di. Stone leopards prey on monkeys in the trees
People panda ( more than 1,000 ) is less. China's government regulations, }'{head langurs and golden monkeys, species, birds and arboreal rodents, and sometimes also prey on the ground of small herbivores, such as wild
People panda are not allowed to go out of the II animals. Rabbits, etc.
Since the langurs are arboreal and rock-dwelling monkeys good "a few climbing each group has a stone leopard timid and afraid of people 'so it is difficult to see them in the wild. Each litter gives birth to 2- 4 ding'
Year-old male monkeys and a few females and ding monkeys have people to a fixed range of movement. At night in suspension 6 months of age grows into adult fur color. The number of m: less, by the International Organization for the Conservation of Nature classified can
rock cliffs of the cave sleep early morning out of the words move. Hearing sensitive temperament alert and suspicious of dangerous animals.
The timid and fragile.5 The golden cat is a protected animal at the national level, and is found in China's Jiaohui, Jiangyou, fi}i},
The langur has a body length of s0- 70 cm, a tail length of 60- 80 cm, and a body weight of 8-10 cm in Guangyou, Shi'nan, and Sichuan Provinces, etc. 'The main aliases include the original langur, the langurs, the langurs'. 'The main aliases are original
,. Body dry black 'tail, head, top, upper shoulder and tail end one-third for since the cat, yellow tiger, yellow leopard, stone tiger, red spring leopard, etc.. Adult male cats body length up to 9s- lOs
color. }' {Headed langurs can reproduce in a year 'but the langurs are mostly born in early spring: each litter gives birth to a lengthened 'cm' weighing in at 13- 16 kn: female cats weighing 8- 12 kn. Golden cats have several different colors
The newborns weigh less than s00 n, and their bodies are creamy yellow. The colors are yellowish brown, golden yellow, yellowish brown, grayish brown, and black. Belonging to the subtropical animals
2 tiger national class of protected animals, is the most ferocious predator on earth. Tiger things, but quite hardy, inhabiting the }II}}} forest, is a lonely nocturnal animal. Good
Distributed in Asia, north to Russia Youberia, south to India, Indonesia: a "a few climbing, but more on the ground predation: to rodents and birds, but also attacked the food small deer
Generally body length of 1.8- 2.8 m 'weight of more than 200kn is the existing size of the most human cats and domestic animals.
Family of animals. There are many varieties of tigers, China has the northeast tiger, South China tiger and Bengal tiger. The tiger golden cat each litter gave birth to 2 ding, young ding birth weight 2s0 n, 6- 12 d open eyes: can talk
is solitary and nocturnal animals. Female tigers and male tigers each have territories usually 10,000 not come 18 years.
They _, only in the heat of the season to come together, mating and then separate, there is no fixed nest 6 miles to the horse camel national class I protected animals, divided into: J a few Xinzhang east, Qinghai Youbei
cave. The Ministry and }}Su River north of the corridor area abroad to see" a few Meng Zhanguo You south. Wild camel
The tiger is good at "several swimming, often bathing, never far from water. The tiger's food is mainly wild head small top long, legs long and thin, body y people, tail short: hump small and pointed, never drooping
pig and horse deer, moose and several other species of deer family animals, but also eat black bears, hogs eight, wolves and other carnivorous species to one side.
Animals. Tiger vision developed, sensitive hearing, sharp claws and teeth, and even the skin of human elephants can be wild camel raw talk in the natural conditions of extreme harsh places summer people hot winter people
It tore. Cold often gusty winds flying sand and rocks drought water scarcity of plants. Wild camel temperament
The mother tiger gestation period 9s- 110 d, each birth 2- 6 Ding, }}Fu milk about half a year, the cubs with timid and alert, halitosis, sense of hearing is particularly sensitive, can detect hundreds of meters away from the movement: the good
With the mother tiger 1. s- 2 years '3. s- 4 years of age into the heat. The number of tigers is gradually decreasing' China's Chinese "several running speed up to 30 km / h can run continuously for 2h food to contain starch more y
South tiger is not many J a few 50. The tiger has been listed as endangered by the International Organization for Conservation of Nature camel thorn-based, but also eat red willow, reeds, pike and other plants: spring, summer and autumn rarely
Animal. Drinking water. Feral camel March mating gestation period of 370- 440 d per litter more than one ding. Ding
3 leopard national class I protected animals: the score rang J wide, throughout Asia and Africa people part of the camel with the mother camel 1 year, 4- 5 years old sex into hot, life expectancy can be as long as 40 years.
Region: body length 0.9- 1.5 m 'weight 50- 90 kn. I domestic South China Leopard, North China 7 Rumin State Class I protected animals 'is a rare and valuable sea animals' commonly known as
Leopard and Northeast Leopard three subspecies. Leopards like to live in forests and jungles, living in the bushes, grass mermaids: the sound: "a few of China's Guangdong, Guangyou, the coast of Taiwan and the Indian Ocean, the Pacific Ocean around
bushes 'or caves,' more alone or into a conversation with the action. The first is the "the" one, which is the "the" one, and the "the" one. The individual body has sparse short hairs 'body surface smooth: body dry fusiform 'head is very small' front
The leopard is a nocturnal animal, carapace athletic, agile action words, good 'several climbing, a I-. The limbs of the arid finned hind limbs have degenerated and disappeared.
To hide in the trees and wait for prey. Leopard strong and powerful, can kill deer and other human-sized herbivorous animals and children body length 2. 70-3. 50 m, weighing 300-400 kn: body type and manatee
objects, can be human prey to the tree slowly eat. It is similar to the manatee, and is in the same genus as the sea cow. Born in the shallow sea and harbor, like to move in groups of words, each group of a few head
Leopard each litter produced 2- 3 Ding. Our country before the 60's leopard number record more, at present the number record to dozens of head mainly eat seaweed and seaweed.
Not much, so listed as strictly protected animals. Rumin vision is poor, good hearing: gentle temperament, do not attack other sea animals and fish.
4 clouded leopard national class I protected animals, points sound: in our country zhejiang, fi}jian, jiaohui, a year can reproduce, gestation period 11- 12 months, every output 1 Ding. Young ding after birth will float
Hunan, guangdong, guangyou, shinan, guizhou, Taiwan and other provinces, foreign see" a few southeast Asia and ni out of the water breathing and sucking breast milk. The mother and children }} to breast milk when the former fins hold young in front of the chest,
Nepal, Sikkim and other places. Stone leopard body size small body length 85-125 cm tail length 76-92 surfaces to let the young suckle milk. The economic price of the children is very y number of records less strictly prohibited to capture.
m'weight 16-23 kn: call more sharp 'can not make the tiger and leopard like roar. (Contributed by: 1999