Pharmacy hosting business model for the government, medical units, medical distribution enterprises and consumers and other different subjects have certain benefits, at this stage has
Pharmacy hosting model as a kind of medical and health system reform and development of the exploration of the new things, pharmacy hosting model of the specific practice of some of the problems.
Currently China's pharmaceutical and health care industry, the pharmacy trust, is a non-profit medical institutions, that is, public hospitals to try, so the government should assume some of the risks of public hospitals, and by the government, the community, and the market **** the same body to form a two-tiered compensation mechanism of the government and the market.
The successful experience of the pharmacy trusteeship model in some regions shows that the pharmaceutical branch system is suitable for China's medical and health system reform and development of ideas and guidelines, but must be innovated and improved. Continue to explore ways and means of realizing the pharmacy trust model, such as transforming the government-led pharmacy trust model into a market-led, government-regulated model; further stabilizing and consolidating the effectiveness of the pharmacy trust model, so that the general public can actively participate in the construction and supervision of society; evaluating the performance of the pharmacy trust model, and transforming the artificial perceptual evaluation method into a quantitative indicator system, etc. These are conducive to the pharmaceutical branching system. All of these are conducive to the healthy development of the pharmaceutical branch system.