Love donation records can be accessed through the Wing Pay mobile client?

Wing Pay business. The donation records and details of the donation category can be inquired through the Wings Pay mobile client. "Wings Pay" is China Telecom's mobile payment product. After opening a Wings Pay account with China Telecom and storing the value, users can use the account to pay remotely at China Telecom's affiliate merchants and cooperative merchants through website, SMS, voice, etc. After applying for the Wings Pay card (RFID-UIM card), they can also pay on-site through cell phone swiping and POS machine. After applying for the Wings Payment Card (RFID-UIM card), you can also make on-site payment by swiping the mobile phone with a POS. Applicable to China Telecom's Tianyi cell phone customers and other network cell phone users (Note: except for the telecom number segment beginning with 1700, the rest of the number segments beginning with 170 are not supported to open Wings Payment for the time being). Wings Pay business application channels: 1. Telecom cell phone users: can be handled through Wings Pay website, Wings Pay client, SMS channels, business halls and account managers. 2. Other network cell phone users: can be handled through Wings Pay website, Wings Pay client. 3. Wing Pay agent: can be handled through business halls and Wing Pay website. To learn more about the service offers click on the "official website" below, customer service 220 for you to answer.