One of the most common faults is the 155 fault, which is usually found on HPAPEX20 and AGFADrystar5302 film printers. It occurs when the printer encounters an obstruction while reading film causing the printer to stop working automatically and display the 155 error code.
155 fault repair steps:
1. Check the film: first check whether the film is clean, no stains, dust and so on. This failure often occurs because there are impurities on the film, causing obstruction to the print head. Therefore, cleaning the film can solve this problem.
2. Check the film path: check the printer film path is unobstructed. If the path is not clear, the path can be cleaned by reinstalling or removing any obstacles in the film path.
3. Check the film clips: Check to see if the film clips are damaged or jammed. If the film clamp is damaged or jammed, you will need to replace or repair it to fix the 155 failure.
4. Check the sensors: See if the sensors on the film printer are working properly. If the sensor is faulty or loose, you will need to reinstall or repair it.
5. Check the print head: If none of the above steps solve the problem, you need to check if the print head is properly installed or attached. If the print head is improperly installed or damaged, it will not work properly and cause the 155 to malfunction.
In short, film printer 155 failure can be fixed by the above steps. The best way to keep your printer clean and in proper working order is to perform regular maintenance on it. This will ensure the longevity of the device and image quality. If none of the above methods solve the problem, you need to contact a professional technician to fix it.