Why Pharaoh was so ugly but not plastic surgery

Pharaoh so ugly but not plastic surgery reasons: the aesthetic concept of the ancient Egyptian culture does not pursue artificial transformation of appearance, the Egyptian period of the lack of medical equipment and technology needed for plastic surgery, the pharaohs are more concerned about their own ability to rule rather than appearance.

1, the aesthetic concept of ancient Egyptian culture does not pursue the artificial transformation of appearance

In ancient Egypt, people worship the beauty of nature, and do not pursue the artificial transformation of appearance. They believed that every person was created by the great gods, and therefore every person's appearance was unique. Pharaohs did not need to change their appearance through plastic surgery because they believed that appearance was not important and were more concerned with the inner qualities of a king.

2. Lack of medical equipment and technology for cosmetic surgery in Egypt

The medical level in ancient Egypt was relatively low, and they did not have modern medical equipment and technology, let alone cosmetic surgery. Doctors at the time lacked the knowledge and technology to perform high-risk surgeries. In addition, cosmetic surgery itself requires medical support and theoretical foundations, which did not exist in ancient Egypt.

3. Pharaohs were more concerned about their ability to rule than their appearance

The social system in ancient Egypt was very complex, and the ruling power of the pharaohs was passed down through the sacred lineage, not through appearance. The legitimacy of the pharaohs came from their connection to the gods, and they went through sacred rituals in order to inherit the throne; physical appearance did not matter. Pharaohs needed to demonstrate their ability to rule and leadership charisma, which were far more important than physical appearance.

Famous Pharaohs

1. Ramses II

He was a great ruler during the New Kingdom period, and is considered one of the most powerful and influential pharaohs in the history of ancient Egypt. Reigning for 66 years, Ramses II built up a large and powerful army and succeeded in conquering many territories and expanding Egypt's sphere of influence.

2. Tutankhamun

He was a young pharaoh during the New Kingdom whose mysterious and magical tomb caused a global sensation when it was discovered. Discovered in 1922, Tutankhamun's tomb is complete with preserved riches and artifacts that provide important clues to the study of ancient Egyptian art and culture.

3. Cleopatra VII

She was the last independent pharaoh of Egypt and the only female pharaoh to leave many written records and works of art. Cleopatra VII was an intelligent, ambitious ruler who skillfully used diplomacy to protect Egypt's interests and became one of the most important political enemies of the Roman **** and state.

Refer to Baidu Encyclopedia-Pharaoh for the above