Jiangxi Jinxian Economic Development Zone Wenzun Industrial Park belongs to which district

Enterprises know the data show that Jiangxi Jinxian Economic Development Zone Wenshen Industrial Park is located in Jinxian County, Nanchang City, Jiangxi Province (Nanchang City, Jinxian County, 50 meters east of National Highway 316), as of now in the park **** there are 8 enterprises, including Jiangxi Strong Xin Science and Technology Development Company Limited, Jiangxi Orange Ya Supply Chain Management Company Limited, Jiangxi Keweide Pipe Industry Company Limited.

Jiangxi Jinxian Economic Development Zone, Wenzhen Industrial Park enterprises have 12.5% distribution in the housing construction industry, 12.5% distribution in education. Among them, the enterprises with registered capital of more than 10 million are Jiangxi Qiangxin Science and Technology Development Co.

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