Xi'an cancer aizheng treatment center

Xi'an Cancer aizheng Treatment Center - Xi'an Jingxi Hospital Chinese Medicine Tumor Treatment Center

Location in Xi'an, Shaanxi Province, Changle West Road, No. 207 to the Anrenfang (Huadong Clothing City) station, north of the road that is).

The Chinese Medicine Tumor Treatment Center is unique in its approach, unique in its efficacy, and remarkable in its anti-cancer achievements, which is quite influential in the medical field and the majority of patients. The new treatment method of "Chinese medicine powerfully help to eliminate tumor" created by the research, using eight sets of basic programs of tumor treatment, internal service "help to eliminate tumor" series of combination of formulas, and external patch of high-energy magnetic medicine "disease Ning "It is effective in treating all kinds of malignant tumors (cancer) and benign tumors. It overcomes the defect of slow effect of traditional Chinese medicine treatment, and avoids the risk of surgery of western medicine and the larger toxic side effects of chemotherapy. It is fast, high efficacy, safe and reliable, no toxic side effects, for many patients to relieve the pain.

How to determine the early stage of cancer

It is based on the pathology to determine whether the tumor has infiltrated and reached the body of the location is limited to the mucous membrane or reached the muscle layer, as well as the presence of distant metastases to determine the stage of each type of cancer has a special judgment criteria, there are clinical and pathological criteria. Generally take pathology as the basis General professional doctors in accordance with the international TNM staging (T refers to the size of the mass N lymph node situation M refers to the presence of organ metastases), to determine the stage.

Talk about the general situation

The early ten signals of common cancers

(1) Hard choking sensation when swallowing food, pain, tightness and discomfort at the back of the sternum, foreign body sensation in the esophagus, or pain in the epigastric region, are the first signals of esophageal cancer.

(2) Upper abdominal pain. If you are usually well, but gradually find discomfort or pain in the stomach (equivalent to the upper abdomen), and can't be relieved by pain-relieving and acid-relieving medicines, and continue to have bad digestion, you should be alert to the occurrence of gastric cancer at this time.

(3) Irritating cough with prolonged cough or bloody sputum. Lung cancer mostly grows in the wall of bronchial tubes. Due to the growth of cancer cells, it destroys normal tissue structure and strongly stimulates bronchial tubes, causing cough. It cannot be relieved well by antibiotics and cough suppressants and worsens gradually, with occasional bloody sputum and chest pain. This kind of cough is often regarded as an early signal of lung cancer.

(4) Breast lump. Normal female breast is soft in texture. If the lump is touched and the age is over 40 years old, the possibility of breast cancer should be considered.

(5) Abnormal vaginal bleeding. Normal women menstruate once a month and usually do not experience vaginal bleeding. If bleeding occurs after sexual intercourse, it may be a sign of cervical cancer. The amount of bleeding after sexual intercourse is usually small, and if attention can be drawn to it, it is possible to detect early cervical cancer.

(6) Nose with blood. Nasal discharge with blood is mainly manifested as a small amount of blood in nasal discharge, especially in the morning, which is often an important signal of nasopharyngeal cancer. Nasopharyngeal cancer, besides bloody nasal discharge, often has nasal congestion, which is due to the compression of nasopharyngeal cancer mass. This is due to the compression of nasopharyngeal cancer mass. If the cancer presses the Eustachian tube, tinnitus will also appear, therefore, bloody nasal discharge, nasal congestion, tinnitus, headache, especially one-sided migraine, are all dangerous signals of nasopharyngeal cancer.

(7) Abdominal pain, falling and blood in stool. Whenever people over 30 years old experience abdominal discomfort, vague pain, abdominal distension, change of bowel habit, falling sensation and blood in stool, followed by anemia, fatigue, and feeling lump in abdomen, they should consider the possibility of colorectal cancer. The limited and intermittent pain along the colon is the first alarm signal of colorectal cancer. The obvious falling sensation accompanied by blood in stool is often a signal of rectal cancer.

(8) Right subcostal pain. Right subcostal pain is often called liver pain, which is common in hepatitis, cholecystitis, cirrhosis and liver cancer. Hepatocellular carcinoma starts insidiously and develops rapidly, and some patients are diagnosed with hepatocellular carcinoma only after the right subcostal pain lasts for several months. Therefore, right subcostal pain should be regarded as a signal of liver cancer.

(9) Headache and vomiting. Headache occurs in the morning or at night, and is often obvious in the forehead, occiput and both sides. Vomiting is not related to eating and often occurs with the aggravation of headache. Headache and vomiting are common clinical symptoms of brain tumors and should be considered as danger signals of intracranial tumors.

(10) Long-term unexplained fever. Cancers of hematopoietic system, such as malignant lymphoma and leukemia, often have fever. The clinical manifestation of malignant lymphoma is painless progressive lymph node enlargement, and along with the lymph node enlargement, patients may have fever, emaciation, anemia and other symptoms. Therefore, long-term unexplained fever should be suspected as a signal of hematopoietic malignancy.

More serious, it is the middle stage.

Twenty early symptoms of cancer

One, unexplained emaciation, weakness, irregular pain in the epigastrium. Appetite under the day, especially anorexia meat food.

Two, non-pregnant and breastfeeding women, there is nipple water or can squeeze out fluid.

III. Gradually increasing lumps in any part of the body such as breast, neck or abdomen.

Four, dry cough, blood in sputum, chest tightness and chest carbuncle, which is not cured for a long time.

Fifth, women above middle age, there is a small amount of vaginal bleeding after intercourse, or usually have irregular vaginal bleeding, or menstruation after several years after menopause and then menstruation. There is a marked increase in leukorrhea.

VI. Gradually deepening xanthogranuloma and epigastric masses not accompanied by abdominal pain.

VII. Mild and rapid enlargement of the liver, well accompanied by pain in the liver region.

VIII. Painless hematuria of unknown origin.

IX. Skin ulceration that fails to heal for a long time.

X. Sudden increase in size of a nevus accompanied by itching, rupture, painful bleeding or loss of hair on the nevus.

Xi. Recurrent fever and persistent bleeding from teeth, subcutaneous bleeding and progressive anemia.

XII. Recurrent unexplained high fever.

Thirteen, oral mucosa, or female vulva or male penis glans white spots, and rapid expansion and burning discomfort.

XIV. Progressive weakness of both lower limbs with abnormal sensation. Movement disorder or with incontinence of urine and feces sometimes.

XV. Fractures of the femur and humerus and other large bones without apparent external action.

XVI, when eating and swallowing, there is a sense of foreign body obstruction behind the sternum, tingling sensation or self-consciousness of the slow passage of food.

XVII, nasal congestion, often a small amount of bleeding or nasal discharge often with blood, accompanied by migraine. Dizziness, tinnitus and upper neck below the earlobe before and after the part of the neck felt swollen lymph nodes.

Eighteen, change in bowel habits. Or diarrhea and constipation often alternate. Or stools often carry pus and blood, or stools become thin and flat.

XIX, gradually increasing headache with sudden and transient visual disturbances and vomiting.

Twenty, severe pain and swelling of the elbow or knee joints in adolescents. Treatment with antirheumatic or antimicrobial agents is ineffective.

Common symptoms of advanced cancer patients

(1) Infection: after undergoing various treatments, the defense function of the body of advanced cancer patients has been damaged to a certain extent, especially after radiotherapy and chemotherapy, they are very susceptible to infections caused by pathogenic bacteria and lead to death, so the prevention and treatment of infections is crucial for advanced patients.

Antibiotics are routinely used to control infections, and the combination of carbenicillin and gentamicin is routinely used to treat bacterial infections until bacterial cultures and drug sensitivity tests are performed, and dicentromycin B is the most commonly used drug to treat fungi. For patients with advanced cancer, the use of antibiotics is mainly to reduce pain and improve the quality of life. Treatment of urinary tract infections can get rid of the annoying brain of frequent, urgent and painful urination; treatment of bronchitis and pneumonia can reduce cough and respiratory secretions, and relieve breathing difficulties.

(2) Gastrointestinal Symptoms

Nausea and vomiting: a common symptom in advanced cancer patients, often more distressing than cancer pain. Nausea and vomiting can be a side effect of treatment; it can also be caused by the cancer invading the digestive or nervous system; it can also be a psychological effect such as anxiety. Patients should generally be treated symptomatically for the different causes.

Loss of appetite: it may be related to general discomfort or emotional depression, tension and worry as well as gastrointestinal candidiasis, constipation, etc. It may also be caused by the tumor itself, in which the patient lacks interest in food or even experiences nausea at the mention of food. Family members and health care workers should help patients to find ways to stimulate appetite, such as paying attention to the color, aroma, taste and shape of food, having small amount of meals, drinking a small amount of aperitifs or drinks before meals, and having someone to accompany meals, etc. The most effective drug is corticosteroid. The most effective drugs are corticosteroids.

Constipation: it is a common side effect of morphine painkillers: advanced cancer patients with reduced activity, eating less and too fine and lack of fiber is also the cause of constipation formation; mental tension will aggravate constipation. Treatment is to eat more fiber-rich fruits, vegetables and other foods, and more importantly, to prevent constipation from occurring, in the use of morphine analgesics should be used at the same time as laxatives, commonly used laxatives, stool softeners and stimulation of intestinal peristalsis medications are: senna, magnesium hydroxide, liquid paraffin, magnesium sulfate, and fructose lactate, etc.; use of dosage gradually increased; when the patient's rectum is full of feces and laxative drugs are ineffective, available Keseru Suppositories, enemas, or using a finger to pull out the stool.

Diarrhea: chemotherapy, lower abdominal radiotherapy or intestinal surgery caused by malabsorption can cause diarrhea, bacterial infections, fat absorption difficulties, allergies to special foods, mental and psychological factors may be the cause of diarrhea. Mild diarrhea to be dietary adjustments can be relieved; prolonged diarrhea can be used secret agents or other intestinal sedatives; rectal cancer caused by diarrhea, feasible colostomy or radiotherapy or laser treatment; for serious cases can be used to contain morphine-type of narcotic drug complex treatment; long-term diarrhea patients need to be supplemented with nutrients and potassium.

Urrrigation: often caused by tumors of the stomach, lower esophagus or liver that irritate the diaphragm. Inhalation of carbon dioxide can temporarily control the symptoms; chlorpromazine, valium, meprobamate can relieve the symptoms; corticosteroids can help to reduce the pressure on the diaphragm, furosemide is also sometimes effective. Phrenic neurectomy is feasible for recalcitrant eruptions.

(3) Respiratory symptoms

Dyspnea: it is one of the more difficult symptoms to deal with in patients with advanced cancer, and it should be dealt with according to different causes: for example, bronchodilators can treat dyspnea caused by bronchial spasm; dyspnea due to lung infections can be controlled by using sensitive antibiotics; dyspnea caused by poor cardiac function can be controlled by applying diuretics to prevent the occurrence of pulmonary edema to control heart failure, and by preventing the occurrence of pulmonary edema. Prevent the occurrence of pulmonary edema to control; upper vena cava obstruction caused by dyspnea can be used dexamethasone 12?/FONT>16 mg per day, and do emergency radiotherapy. Instructing patients to maintain normal respiratory movements is more important than any treatment; severe dyspnea tends to cause fear, which itself exacerbates dyspnea; patients should be allowed to express their fears and be given appropriate de-escalation and sedative medications. ,

Some patients have dyspnea due to extensive lung invasion, secondary metastases, or carcinomatous lymphangitis. In this case, the main cause of dyspnea is excessive respiratory movements rather than changes in blood gas levels; therefore, oxygen inhalation does not improve the symptoms, but rather aggravates anxiety, and small doses of morphine preparations such as morphine solution 2.5?/FONT>5 mg per hour or morphine sulfate tablets 10 mg each time twice a day should be given in order to reduce the center's sensitivity to the abnormal blood gas levels and to reduce unnecessary respiratory movements and also to relieve anxiety. Small doses of phenothiazine or steroids are also sometimes effective when given.

Dyspnea due to pulmonary sclerosis (e.g., lymphatic metastases) may be treated with 0.25%? /FONT>0.5% ciprofloxacin solution nebulized inhalation is more effective and can improve ventilation. Electric nebulizer is generally used to facilitate the drug solution to be deposited in the alveoli. Should also provide patients with a quiet environment, maintain a sitting or semi-recumbent position is also conducive to improve the patient's respiratory status.

Respiratory infections: the main cause of respiratory sensory beams in advanced cancer patients is respiratory obstruction, coupled with low immune function, bedridden, excessive use of sedatives and aspiration (secondary to dysfunction or obstruction of the pharynx and esophagus). The causative organisms are often from the oral flora, such as streptococci, anaerobes and gram-negative bacteria. Treatment is controlled with the use of sensitive antibiotics. However, in advanced cancer patients, due to the initial use of a large number of antibiotics, coupled with the patient's body defense function is low, antibiotics are often difficult to work.

Methoxybenzoylmethane clamor (TMP)? /FONT>SMZ is effective against Gram-positive aerobic bacteria (e.g., pneumococcus), Gram-negative aerobic bacteria (e.g., Haemophilus), and pneumocystis carinii pneumonia. Fungal infections (e.g., Candida, Cryptococcus, Aspergillus, Coccidioides, and Algae) are more common in patients with advanced disease, but blood cultures tend to be negative, and dictyostelium B remains the drug of choice, with ketoconazole also having some effect. There is no specific drug treatment for viral infections, and high-dose interferon and immunoglobulin may be tried. Accompanied by cough, can take narcotic cough medication such as codeine 30?/FONT>60 mg, 4 times a day, if still can not control, can be changed to morphine 5?/FONT>10 mg, every 4 hours.

Respiratory secretions: terminal patients often have a large amount of secretions in the lungs, auscultation can be heard "death sound". Anticholinergic drugs such as scopolamine 0.4?/FONT>0.6 mg, intramuscular injection, once every four hours can reduce respiratory secretion, or a small amount of diacetyl morphine is also effective. When there is too much sputum to be coughed up it can be sucked out by changing position or using a suction device.

(4) Urinary symptoms

Urinary tract infections: Urinary tract infections are common in patients with obstruction in any part of the urinary tract or in patients who require long-term indwelling catheters. All patients with Foley's catheters eventually develop asymptomatic bacteriuria. Asymptomatic bacteriuria usually does not require antibiotic treatment, but those with urinary tract irritation or systemic symptoms should be treated with a sensitive antibiotic, preferring compounded SMZ and ampicillin.

Frequent urination and incontinence: patients with urinary tract infections, pelvic surgery, or extreme weakness should be treated with targeted therapy. If incontinence occurs at night, the patient may be awakened at night, or diuretic only in the morning, or a penile condom may be used. The use of some medications in the evening may improve the symptoms of frequency. Patients with severe urinary frequency and incontinence should retain a catheter and have regular bladder irrigation to prevent urinary tract infections.

(5) Neuropsychiatric Symptoms

Insomnia: Insomnia is usually caused by pain, depression, anxiety, night sweats, or side effects of treatment. Before treatment, patients must be asked about their sleep to clarify the cause of insomnia. Commonly used hypnotics are: Valium 5?/FONT>10 mg or nitro valium 5?/FONT>10 mg, amitriptyline 25?/FONT>125 mg, taken at once, or with other sedative antidepressants. Chlorpromazine 25?/FONT>50 mg at night enhances the effects of other hypnotics. For patients who have difficulty falling asleep, traditional sleeping medications such as Valium work better, while those who wake up repeatedly at night need to be managed with a depressant, such as amitriptyline.

Delirium: often causes further distress to the patient's family and is a problem for healthcare professionals dealing with dying patients. Common causes are drug-induced: such as acid acridine and other sedative drugs often cause hallucinations; opiate painkillers can cause paranoia; glucocorticoids can cause mild mania. Some other reasons come from the disease itself, brain metastasis patients can appear without other neurological symptoms of insanity; in addition, uremia, hypercalcemia, hypoglycemia, etc. can cause insanity. Drug-induced, the symptoms can subside after stopping the drug, emergency can be given haloperidol 10?/FONT>20 mg, intramuscular injection, and then each time to give 5?/FONT>10 mg. If enhanced sedation is needed, chlorpromazine 50?/FONT>100 mg may be added immediately, followed by 25?/FONT>50 mg in divided doses.

Paralysis (hemiplegia or paraplegia): it is a common complication in patients with advanced cancer and is routinely treated symptomatically. Healthcare workers and family members can encourage patients to take the initiative to move through psychological suggestion and help patients to passively move and turn over to prevent the occurrence of limb contracture and decubitus ulcers.

Organic cerebral syndrome: should provide such patients with a stable, quiet environment, arrange daily life, to avoid the emergence of mental confusion and disorientation. For patients with severe restlessness, paranoia or irritability can be treated with sedative medication. Health care workers and family members should often remind and imply patients to avoid noise interference, and it is better to have light at night.

(6) Systemic complications

Skin symptoms: itching and decubitus ulcers are the two main complications in terminal patients. If itching originates from dry skin, moisture increasing agents and skin creams can be used to reduce the symptoms; if local infection exists (e.g., scabies), the infection should be treated; drug-induced, the drug should be discontinued; 1% hydrocortisone can be applied topically to severe patients; itching caused by allergy should be treated with antihistamine drugs.

Keep the skin clean and dry, and change the position frequently to avoid long-term pressure on the local skin. Bedridden patients use half water-filled air mattress can prevent the occurrence of bedsores, can also be used 5% safflower alcohol massage parts prone to bedsores, once a day. Once bedsores occur, they should be kept clean and the medication changed regularly.

Herpes zoster: herpes zoster usually occurs in the chest or back, the trigeminal nerve is also often involved, most of the pain for a few days after the birth of, which is characterized by the composition of the unilateral vesicular rash in a band-like distribution. Herpes zoster is most commonly seen in patients with lymphomas or Hohenheim's disease, but can also occur in patients with other immunocompromised cancers, and internal organs are often invaded. Postherpetic neuralgia is particularly common in elderly patients, 25%? /FONT>Neuralgia occurs in 50% of patients over the age of 50 and in 3/4 of patients over the age of 70; in 50% of these patients, the pain persists for more than a year. Corticosteroids reduce the incidence of postherpetic neuralgia. Antidepressants and other adjunctive medications provide symptomatic relief and can be used with morphine-based pain relievers when necessary.

Pathologic fracture: advanced cancer patients with bone metastases are prone to pathological fractures. It is necessary to be gentle when moving and turning this kind of patients, and sometimes it is necessary to be immobilized with splints.

(7) Sexual dysfunction

For advanced cancer patients, sexual life is not taboo, due to the consequences of treatment (such as colostomy, genital stenosis, pelvic or perineal and breast surgery, etc.), pain and other late symptoms, physical weakness and lack of knowledge of sexuality, etc., which all affect the sexual function to varying degrees. Healthcare professionals should provide medical counseling to patients and families in a proactive, enthusiastic and measured manner. Patients can adjust their expression to meet sexual requirements by exchanging views with their spouses. The spouse should also actively cooperate, sympathize and take care of the patient so that he or she can happily go through the last stage of life.

Cancer is not untreatable, and the key lies in early detection. One preventive medicine expert believes that if cancer can be detected early, then it can be regarded as one of the most curable chronic diseases. Because after proper treatment, half of them can survive for more than five years. This survival time is longer than that of patients with cirrhosis of the liver or severe heart disease.

How can cancer be detected early?

Modern medical advances have made it possible to look for signs of cancer through a variety of tests. For example, liver cancer can be diagnosed by detecting the presence of a substance called alpha-fetoprotein in the blood, and nasopharyngeal cancer can be detected early by checking for antibodies to the EBV virus in the blood. The chest X-ray, which is most familiar to all of us, can be performed on a regular basis to detect lung cancer at an early stage. And computed tomography (CT) provides an accurate and effective means for early detection of cancer. Because of these effective methods, once you find some abnormalities on your body, you should go to the medical department in time to make some necessary examinations, so that it is possible to detect cancer at an early stage.

Experts have summarized seven kinds of situations called "alarm signs of cancer" after observing and summarizing a large number of cases. They are:

1, change of bowel habit. This may be an early sign of colorectal cancer or malignant tumor in the urinary system.

2, unusual bleeding or discharge. For example, nasopharyngeal cancer has blood in nasal mucus, and cervical cancer has bloody vaginal secretion.

3, lumps in the breast or other parts of the body. It is worthwhile to emphasize, especially should pay attention to those painless lumps.

4, indigestion or difficulty in swallowing. At this time, we should be especially alert to stomach cancer and esophageal cancer.

5, annoying cough or hoarseness. If there is blood in sputum when coughing, it is necessary to pay attention to the possibility of lung cancer, besides lung cancer, laryngeal cancer can also present hoarseness.

6, warts or moles have obvious changes. This suggests the possibility of malignant changes.

7, pain.

Watch out for women's cancer

She Mingde

The author found in the clinic, non-nursing women in the sex life if the following situations, should cause enough alarm, immediately go to the hospital for examination.

One, breast pressure and pain:

When embracing or caressing, it is found that there is pressure and pain at a certain point on one side of the breast, and if you feel the painful point with the palm of your hand, you can find a small hard lump with tenderness, you should be alert to breast tumor.

Second, nipple milk overflow:

If there is milk overflow when caressing and squeezing the breast or sucking the nipple, one should be alert to the possibility of pituitary microadenoma.

Three, nipple blood spillage:

When squeezing the breast or sucking the nipple, there is bloody discharge, which may be the precursor of early breast cancer. Or there is light yellow liquid overflow when squeezing the breast, you should also be alert.

Fourth, bulging lower abdomen:

Women should pay attention to the bulging lower abdomen, especially when lying on the back, the lower abdomen is still bulging, and there is firmness when touching with the palm of the hand, which may be the clinical manifestation of ovarian tumor.

V. Vaginal bleeding:

The mucus discharged after intercourse contains fresh blood, which is often the early signal of cervical cancer, even if it is a very small amount, it should be alert. Because this kind of "red light" signal will not appear in every sexual intercourse, maybe it will appear again after four to six months, but the cancer may be in the late stage by that time, and it will lose the good opportunity of early surgical treatment. Therefore, once the vagina bleeds, it should be taken seriously.

Frequency and Urgency of Urination:

Women who suffer from frequency, urgency and pain of urination have acute urinary tract infection. However, shortly after intercourse, feel frequent urination, urinary urgency, urinary pain, and with leukorrhea increase, may suffer from trichomonas vaginitis, mycosis vaginitis, or from the male side contracted gonorrhea.

Seven, fishy odor:

The vagina emits a fishy odor during or after intercourse, accompanied by vulvar itching, vaginal burning pain, may be suffering from venereal gartner's vaginitis. In recent years, several cases of this disease have been found in the clinic.

Eight, dome tenderness:

The dome is located in the deepest part of the vagina. If the wife feels tenderness in this area during sexual intercourse, it means that she suffers from pelvic inflammatory disease; if it is accompanied by a history of secondary dysmenorrhea, it suggests that she suffers from endometriosis, and the latter can lead to infertility.

Nine, lower abdominal cramps:

Soon after intercourse, there is abdominal cramps, accompanied by nausea and vomiting, may be the original ovarian tumor acute torsion. Sometimes with the change of body position may be relieved, or even the pain completely disappeared, but should not give up vigilance.

The above mentioned diseases must be taken seriously enough to be examined and diagnosed in time for early treatment and early recovery.

Experts put forward 10 cancer prevention recommendations:

1. within the normal weight range as thin as possible;

2. 30 minutes to 60 minutes a day to the appropriate intensity of physical activity;

3. avoid sugary drinks, limit the intake of high-calorie foods;

4. mothers of infants breastfeeding for at least six months;

5. Consume no more than 0.5 kilograms of red meat per week and avoid processed meat products;

6. Drink no more than 30 grams of alcohol per day for men and 15 grams per day for women;

7. Eat a wide variety of vegetables and fruits;

8. Eat no more than 6 grams of salt per day and eat fewer pickles;

9. Avoid taking Nutritional supplements, but can take folic acid during pregnancy;

10. Cancer patients should strictly follow the nutritional recommendations made by experts after treatment, do more physical exercise and maintain a proper weight.