Grids are installed in the grating wells to remove soft fibers and large particles of impurities from the sewage, prevent clogging of pumps, valves and pipelines, and ensure proper operation of the treatment equipment. The grill is a stainless steel rotating mechanical grill and residue requires manual cleaning, usually on a regular weekly basis. Sewage passes through the grill before entering the regulating tank.
2. Adjustment Tank
The effluent coefficients in the hospital are subject to large deviations, and an integrated tank was designed to store the effluent to maintain uniformity of the water quality to ensure uniformity of the water quality in the treatment facility as well as continuous operation of subsequent facilities. The design of the adjustment tank has a hydraulic holding time of 6 hours. The adjustment tank features three effluent lift pumps (two for one and one for automatic switching), two sets of level controllers in the tank, and basic support equipment (e.g., maintenance ladders). The effluent pumps in the regulating tank pump the effluent to the sewage biochemical treatment system.
3 Hydrolysis Acidification Tank
The main function of hydrolysis acidification tank: to decompose the insoluble organic matter in the sewage into dissolved organic matter, and to decompose the high molecular organic matter into small molecular organic matter. In this process, the hydrolysis tank uses an advanced sludge bed area with an upward water flow that allows the use of bottom sludge. The bed captures and adsorbs particles, colloids and organics. To enhance the functionality of the hydrolysis tank, ZH suspended packing is attached to the hydrolysis tank. The filler easily hangs onto the membrane and the surface is enriched with hydrolyzing acidifying bacteria that break down some of the COD and convert complex organics into degradable BOD. at the same time, the organic nitrogen in the effluent breaks down into ammonia nitrogen. ZH Suspended Fill. Hard, soft and semi-soft fillers have many advantages. Large pore changes, no clogging or sticky connecting groups, large specific surface area and rapid suspension of the membrane.
4. Contact Oxidation Tank
This process uses biocatalytic oxidation as the primary process for removing organic matter. Compared with the traditional process, the biofilm method of treating hospital wastewater has the following characteristics:
(1) High organic load, biochemical method of removing organic matter per unit volume of energy is higher. Therefore, the volume loading can be as high as 2-3KgBOD / m2.
(2) Since there is no return flow of sludge, there is no risk of sludge expansion, sludge overgrowth, anoxia in the reactor tanks and deterioration of wastewater quality.
(3) Good impact resistance, microbial cells in contact with oxidation grow on the packaging material and can be quickly recovered when subjected to high load impacts.
(4) Simple management allows simple unmanned control without affecting water quality, thus reducing the number of operators and operating costs.
5. Secondary Sedimentation Tank
Secondary sedimentation is set up to remove microbial films that fall into the water after oxidation. A vertical flow gradient tube settling tank is used. The design surface load is 2m / m2h and the rise rate is 0.54m / s. The upper part of the settling tank is the catchment area. The center is the settling zone and the lower part is the sludge hopper. The retention time of the second settling tank is 2 hours and a deflector weir is installed in the catchment area of the second settling tank to prevent water from carrying away the surface flocs. The sludge hopper is inclined at an angle of 45 degrees, and the settled sludge is discharged by air lifting.
6. Disinfection tank
The standard disinfection time for hospital wastewater is 60 minutes. Chlorine dioxide disinfection and folding plate mixed reaction disinfection method. Disinfection device can change the amount of chemical input according to the amount of treated water, disinfection of treated water can meet the discharge requirements.