Ceramic teeth have no effect on CT and NMR*** vibration.
Doing a CT or MRI*** vibration will not affect your body because of porcelain teeth. If the patient's mouth is filled with all-ceramic teeth, then there will be no effect on the MR*** vibration of this aspect of the medical examination. Therefore, if the patient's mouth is filled with all-ceramic teeth, then it is entirely possible to do nuclear magnetic **** vibration.
Magnetic **** vibration is almost applicable to the whole body system of different diseases, the scope of application greatly exceeds the CT examination, the diagnostic value is significantly better than the CT. magnetic **** vibration of the image obtained by a clear, fine, high-resolution, good contrast, large amount of information, and can be directly made cross-sectional, sagittal, coronal and a variety of oblique body layer imaging.
Expanded Information:
CT and NMR***Vibration are introduced as follows:
More objective and specific display of anatomical tissues and adjacent relationships within the body, and the lesions can be better Localization and characterization. Although magnetic **** vibration examination has a powerful effect, but not for everyone, magnetic **** vibration system of strong magnetic and radiofrequency field may make the pacemaker malfunction, but also easy to make all kinds of metal implants in the body displacement.
So MRIs are not for everyone. Patients with pacemakers, neurostimulators, insulin pumps, artificial heart valves, cochlear implants, metal prostheses, metal joints, and metal foreign bodies (intraocular metal foreign bodies, metal shrapnel, etc.).
People's Daily Online - do porcelain to pay attention to three things, two types of people are not suitable for porcelain teeth
Xinhua - new nuclear magnetic **** vibration device can "see" the brain molecular changes